Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fake Ontario Drivers License

From earthquakes, tsunamis and nuclear risk ..

After almost two years I just hear the word "earthquake" moment by moment to relive those damn 37 seconds that destroyed L'Aquila and crippled its population ... after almost two years I can still see the walls of my house swing, the closet to get a few inches from my face and then come back to beat violently against the wall, the stairs move under my feet as I try to exit the building, furniture crashing to the ground and fly their content from anywhere, such as in a vortex ... after almost two years are still far from forgetting that terrible night and maybe that's why I can not watch the news these days ... I do not want to see the city destroyed, the bill victims of rising constantly hour after hour, the bloody images that are shown on loop all day, all in the news, at all hours ...
am torn between the desire to know, to know what really happened and the terror of plunging back into the vortex of apathy and fear from which I am painfully beginning to come out ... and which, looking at those images can be disastrous, even a little ashamed '.

On the other hand there is the curiosity, to a country that has managed to dominate nature much more than they have done all the others, to a country that can to come out virtually unscathed from shock greater than 7 degrees, when Aquila was destroyed by a shock of just 6.4 ...
to a population that has managed to surprise with a composure and lucidity tragedy of unimaginable proportions ...
Have you tried to think that if it were not for the tsunami, from which, unfortunately, I believe that no country will ever be able to protect themselves, Japan would have been damaged due to minimum a shock of 9 degrees?
I would say that we should learn from these people, but it is pure utopia ... we should imparare innanzitutto ad utilizzare il cervello in modo diverso, a non puntare sempre ad essere più furbi degli altri, a non fregare alla prima opportunità... a noi mancano le basi, l'ABC, è questo il problema... ai nostri costruttori, alla maggior parte almeno, non interessa di portarsi all'avanguardia sui sistemi antisismici.. perchè se si può utilizzare cemento scadente e la metà del ferro necessario, per risparmiare e guadagnare di più, noi lo facciamo e chissenefrega se un giorno un terremoto butta tutto giù..
Questa è la triste realtà. 

Al Terremoto e allo tsunami, poi, si è aggiunto anche il rischio contamination of nuclear ... topic to which I am particularly sensitive ... maybe because I'm part of the generation of Chernobyl, and particularly that segment of the population at a distance of miles and time on your skin has experienced the consequences of the disaster that struck the city in 1986 ... Ukraine
Exactly I was 18 when I started to feel the first symptoms .. I was sick, visibly lost weight, slept little, I passed by moments of acute moments of nervousness semidepressione ... it did not take my order to realize something was wrong and after nearly a year of research, analysis and tests of all kinds, remember how it was today pronounced the final verdict by the time my doctor ... "We can now say for sure, you have the Alzheimer's Stocavolo ( sorry ... I can boast of having a disease unpronounceable name! ) ... is a disease with which you must learn to live, there is a cure, is a chronic disease, but we will try to keep it under control and will get there and your generation, the generation of Chernobyl, has seen an exponential increase of cases of autoimmune diseases like this, you have been hit, your spite, one of the most striking contamination that humanity can remember. "
And so here I am today, at age 27, with the metabolism always made his despite that I take 8 tablets daily, weekly analysis and monthly checks, to reflect on the greatest tragedy that has struck the world in the last few years to think about those people who lost everything and those most likely to have lost much of its health, one of the most precious things we have ...
A reflect the fact that, despite the illness and the earthquake lived on my skin, and I still can not claim to be successful, a privileged, in some way. Because the earthquake can kill, and I was lucky enough to tell ... because rediazioni maim heavily, and I, even addicted to drugs, I am doing life than normal.
must always be ahead in extreme situations to see how effectively we are lucky? I think not, you just learn to appreciate the little things that we face every day, and hope in the future and destiny, or something bigger, for someone like me, believe that love exists.

And so between reflection and the other turn off the TV, turn on the stereo and let myself be carried away by the music ...
Good Sunday!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cover Letter For Culinary Arts

Fotini from the Fair ...

Here I am ... I show you the photino subject to the Fair in Rome ... was a great experience, and a nice day! It 'nice to see the market that slowly comes up in the morning ... tables surrounded by so many hard-working ants that very slowly turn them into a riot of colors and objects created by so much passion and creativity!
The thing I like most of the markets is the contact with people, with those who stop to look and make you the compliments, then embarrass me to death, with the other creative things around you, with those who pass and throw them a look, with those who make odd requests and those that are three thousand questions ...
I was very very happy to have received some requests from people I met on the Internet, which have come on purpose to see me and meet me in person! Thank you very much!

I decorate for my banchettino, this time I chose the lilac, flowers, butterflies ... and two fairies to watch over my creations!
How about the result?

Unfortunately the camera was empty and had not taken the backup batteries, so I was able to photograph only my banquet, and even completely!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Software Exception C 0000005

Nuggets of wisdom ...

"... diamonds that is born from nothing,
the flowers come from manure ..."

(F. De Andrè)

Good start to the week!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Does Costochondritis Cause Shortness Of Breath

Third edition of the Craft Fair in ROME TO WOMEN!

Tomorrow I will find the third edition of the Women's Fair of Rome, in Val di Sangro, quartiere Monte Sacro - Valli!!!

Con me le mie creazioni e tante tante novità!!!
Vi Aspetto!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why Is A 12 On Alabama Helmet

Latitanza cosmic

Saaalve a tutti!!
Vi ricordate ancora di me??
Purtroppo sono entrata in un periodo di latitanza cosmica, vorrei scrivervi tante cose, recensirvi i libri che leggo e i film che ho visto al cinema, parlarvi della bellissima serata passata con family e amici per festeggiare il mio comply, della tesi che avanza, delle mie nuove creazioni, della Fiera dell'artigianato al femminile alla quale parteciperò domenica prossima, delle torte che mi commissioned, the pulcetta that grows and becomes every day more pleasant, the weird people I meet, the deeds and misdeeds of my life ... but unfortunately I can not find the time ... I am writing this semipost with the laptop on the legs, connected to the flight to update the look while Sister ending to prepare for going to the pool ...
Friday I have a major revision to the thesis, and on Sunday a craft fair in Rome ... next week I hope to be a bit more this ... and then I'll have things to tell you!

you soon my friends ... :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bang My Wife онлайн

February 23, 1984

In a full moon night, a Shrove Tuesday in late February of a leap year, under the sign of Pisces, with a premature birth, and hasty breech ... birth I ... and as my mother always says ... Against this backdrop, we could go out??

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Simple Gigahertz Collinear

Speravo di prendere 26, ma è andata buca, il responso finale degli esami è 25.
Alcuni diranno che è comunque un’ampia sufficienza, ma come paventavo nell’ultimo post, ci sono quei maledetti valori che ballano sul limite, come acrobati su un cavo teso sopra ad un precipizio.
Borderline è un termine che rivela il suo particolare fascino solo se viene associato ad una personalità tormentata, che si muove al limite della società, delle convenzioni, delle relazioni, a cavallo tra il disagio e il disadattamento, sulla soglia tra l’ambiguità e l‘oscura capacità seduttiva delle personalità complesse.
Se invece è associato ai valori delle analisi cliniche, è una merda.
E i miei valori borderline sono svariati: il colesterolo è un po’ alto, la glicemia è un po’ alta, e in più ci sono alcune altre cosette caratterizzate da varie lettere dell’alfabeto greco che sono lì lì.
Aggiungiamoci pure che anche la pressione è altina, e il quadro (nefasto) è completo.
Altro che beach tennis e altre fantasie visionarie di vita spensierata, ormai sono pronto per la rottamazione, e per di più senza la minima ombra di incentivi all’orizzonte.

 La cosa singolare di questi valori bastardi è che non sono abbastanza bassi per poter far finta di niente e non sono abbastanza alti per giustificare una terapia.
Per cui devi cambiare tu: alimentazione, stile di vita, abitudini ecc. ecc., non puoi più fare questo e quello, tutto ciò che ti piace è proibito e tutto quello che ti fa schifo è consigliato.
Niente pastiglie, arrangiati e buona fortuna.

Il cardiologo che mi ha visto per la pressione ha sentenziato:
“Devi fare più movimento!”
e io: “Gioco a beach tennis un paio d’ore a settimana…”
“E’ deleterious, and no use for you! "
" Then I go running. "
" Racing is very bad joints! "
" So what? "
" So you have to take long walks, even for 4 or 5 hours a week. "
And this was the first shot.
Then he added: "Yes, long walks, perhaps with your wife , it also found time for yourself, to stay together, a moment to speak, the opportunity to discuss and compare ..."
And this was the final blow.
I left rough, I had all the symptoms of pressure through the roof. I stopped by a tire that has proven to me briefly and I was like a Fiat Punto: 1.9 front and 2.2 rear.
sin, my nose looked like it would have been better otherwise.

But the cardiologist I do not care if I have to make the move I'm going to run, because - given that the race is that walking are activities that make me sick - at least if I run it takes less time.
But there are other problems: running outdoors in winter is a depressing prospect, do it on a treadmill inside a gym is something else that makes me stracagare for which I have to find a solution. I think that ride on a hamster wheel on the wall of the bedroom, so we trot inside, maybe fill up before the cheeks of sunflower seeds like those idiotic animals.

for blood sugar, my doctor ordered peremptorily:
"No cake!" And advised me to do an additional check to agree with the nurse at the medical center for the taking, to do the following Monday . Of course the nurse was the star of cartoons last post, I saw that when I announced ominously, with a reassuring smile a little - and even incited by perfidious secretary of the Centre, including the allocation of authoritative candidate Badile d'Oro 2010 - I would have taken the blood taunt each other, rather than the tip of a finger, that of the nose. Why do so - he said - there would be a more precise characterization of the test.
Well, of course I just ordered a Tenerina right to be presented at a dinner on Saturday evening, and as usual I was slightly overestimated the size compared to the reasonable needs friendly, so that the pastry chef, with nice irony, had drawn with icing sugar in the middle of a huge cake H, like the one that is platforms of heliports ... And more small, written along the edge, he highlighted the heat value of the cake, but not expressed in kilocalories as usual, but in GW, as the latest generation of nuclear power stations.

Bottom line: after dinner we divided the remaining part, each of the guests if they have taken home an exaggerated amount and myself, not being able to program the consumer in a reasonably short time, I contacted some NGOs that matter to be fed for several months, some tribes in Central Africa, provided do not get tired first.

But despite the dinner, despite the Tenerina, despite the withdrawal from the tip of the nose (for me those two have not told me the right, but how the hell could I refute the surveyor ... I do!), And placed 110 in value limit, in your opinion what was the outcome of fucking?
The answer in a few days when I will continue to bore you on these phase shifts, but also giving you some good news, such as for example the dosage indicator of the prostate.
further addition of course essential that data on the analysis of urine, feeling a palpable tension between your minds and hearts, I can tell you immediately:
"appearance: clear" .

Sunday, February 20, 2011

When Is The Right Time To Buy An Etf?

Nuggets of wisdom ...

"Strive always to see what shines
behind the darkest clouds "
(Robert Baden-Powell)


Friday, February 18, 2011

Why Would You Have Inflamation In Bloodwork

be sisters ...

Being sisters is singing putting the room together ... and laugh out loud for a wrong word ...
Being sisters is going to the cinema to see Harry Potter after months of counting down ...
Being sisters is a Drawer Albums and photos of trips, excursions and special days ... is a box of tickets for concerts and shows ...
Being sisters is always walk hand in hand ...
Being sisters is the Jacuzzi, after an hour of free swimming ...
Being sisters is always understand everything without words ...
Being sisters is to wake up and jump into bed next to your ...
Being sisters is to keep a towel bar, with writing on a special date ...
Being sisters is to "meet" in the house and suddenly hug ...
Being sisters is to open the closet and choose what to put between our clothes ...
Being sisters answer is "boh" the question "What time is your sister came back tonight?"
Being sisters burst out laughing in unison ripensado at that time ...
Being sisters is a little discussion ended with a sweet kiss ...
Being sisters is to sing in the car songs of our compilation ..
Being sisters is chatting in the middle of the night, sipping herbal tea under the covers ...
Being sisters is just wonderful!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Images Do You Put On A Wedding Card

My daughter is like her

I saw you clearly for the first time when I was about sixteen.
I had bought an acoustic guitar and I learned to strum a bit '. I still remember that day, the day you were in a sense, born.
I was sitting on the couch with a bad holiday homes for rent in a beach resort in too many miles from the sea, because I and your grandmother could not afford more than that. I started writing a song: G minor, the eldest, a sequence for my daring levels.
I want my daughter has beautiful eyes and reflexes of glaciers in the hair ...
Be ', it was all true. Maybe it was a great song, but it was for you. The most beautiful letter that a man could ever write. Or the second best, I hope so. Then I forgot, too busy to look for a mother. It took me eighteen years to find it, but the song worked in and resisted everything. Each time, the humming to myself, or I could listen to someone. I did not forget that you had a chance to be born.
those eyes I want to clarify the mystery and tell them to truly love, that's true ...
True love. Explodes every time I suspend disbelief, as if facing a perfect film, like a blessed book that teaches you things you already know. You'll love those who love you the same way and you'll be happy anyway, explorer inspired feelings of ill-assorted. You'll cry and cry, you'll enter rooms make it right every wrong and your mistake.
And I want those eyes get wet in the rain, river water, with tears of joy. And I want his image reflected in a pond, does not tremble as now that I'm taking a bath ... I was thinking
checkered life of mill white, but there was a success.
You were born in July 2000, I witnessed the birth. The doctor, after we rinsed them briefly, but has placed you in my arms. I had contested as a kite, too light to belong to mankind, ready to fly away at the first breath of wind. Mi hai piantato gli occhi in faccia, quegli occhi strepitosi. E tutto è cambiato per sempre, dentro me.
Sei bellissima, più di qualunque donna io abbia mai visto e osato sognare.
Voglio che mi dica quando è innamorata, anche se il suo amore sarà la mia vecchiaia…
Ecco fatto. Il solito uomo medio che fa un figlio per sopravviversi e proiettarsi oltre. No. Voglio sapere tutto, di te, senza chiedere niente. Voglio intuire i processi che articoli sotto quella fronte spaziosa, voglio spiare il film che gli occhi proiettano all’indietro, sullo schermo teso della tua immaginazione.
Hai avuto pochi capelli, per il primo anno e mezzo. Testa di mela rotonda e perfetta, lineamenti dolcissimi, large green eyes. But little hair, just like your father. You started talking early, rimavi two years, scribbling three. Your first pee diaper without you made it on my lap while swinging in a garden of another house to rent, this time close to the sea. You went to school, came home from school, you cried for the school, smile at the end of the school. And your father has a memory too large to do the comparison with his experience, which occurred in the same school, which has only changed names: Giuseppe Verdi, first, Gianni Rodari now. A nice change of name, if you think about it.
phones I want, if a bit late 'in the evening. But I want the late evening is not nearly ever, because I have to kiss her, before going to sleep. Why should I kiss her and then sleep ...
Yes it stops there. Like all stories. With one that goes to sleep and another who keeps watch over her sleep. With a who's getting late, maybe in the car at night. And the other one that counts the hours, waiting for that message to close the eyes in turn, in love forever sentinel of a love that can not help but let go. Because these are the love that makes life worth living. These are the loves that are worth crying. The ones that make us grow up without ever really grow. Those secrets that we hide the people who would not understand. Know that your father has loved much in life. And he was loved, also good. And now, in this February night, he feels strongly and clearly that you are not his. But he is yours. I am yours. Forever.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I Want To Make A Mountain Bike Themed Cake

Creations to Asia!

Oggi vi voglio parlare di una bambina.. si chiama Asia e ha bisogno del nostro aiuto. Ho incontrato la sua mamma per caso su fb, e ho deciso di darle una mano per aiutare la sua piccolina!
Per questo ho deciso di organizzare delle piccole iniziative di solidarietà per raccogliere fondi che saranno devoluti a Ylenia e Davide, i genitori della piccola Asia. Cliccando sulla foto potrete leggere la sua storia...

Quello che vi chiedo è di unirvi a noi e dare il vostro piccolo contributo, un piccolo aiuto che permetterà ad Asia di fare grandi passi!!

Innanzitutto sono looking for creative that want to participate by donating one or more of their creations ... sales in some markets Charity organized with the help of various associations between Rome and surroundings!
do not need to be of great artists, it is important to use your hands and imagination and do something with the heart, to Asia!

those interested, creative or not, you can write me allìindirizzo e-mail: @ princesse.lemiecreazioni


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Monopod For Nikon D60

FERRARA AND Ostellino: What do you think "aristocratic THOUGHT"

analysis Two particularly struck me today for their lucidity.
The first was the interview with Piero Ostellino to Radio24.
Ostellino, himself, attacked for his editorial on the affair Ruby, claimed the liberal thinking against what he calls "the aristocracy of thought."
This "social disease" can be identified in those who claim to intellectual superiority, and believes that the democratic vote that led to the victory of center-right in 2008, is the result of Italian guilty of stupidity or, worse, criminal sympathies, have voted for Berlusconi (and why not for the center-right?) Those who think - as Ostellino - that the center-right voters are the ones that Parking in double rows or ran a red light. the journalist who asked whether it would defend Berlusconi, Ostellino stated that his is the defense of democracy against those who believe to be invested by the divine role to demolish other way and said that "the servants of the people speak, people speak principles. "
I would add that, the temptation to "elitist" has always been a feature of the far left. The changes in the organization of leftist subversive, always occurred by internal rifts between wing wing elitist, busy. The fringes extremes have always believed, namely, that the subversion of democratic order should be made by an elite, without the involvement of the masses, if not the final stage.
I see a disturbing similarity of thought in who thinks it can move as an "elite" underground car able to move the hatred of the masses towards the political enemy - and tell your enemy - conducting both an asymmetrical war, which in the past called violent terrorism, now uses sophisticated techniques to record the media type.
The second operation was to the TG1 Giuliano Ferrara, who, taking the interview of the Prosecutor of Naples, has confirmed with great clarity, explaining why, as there is actually a lieason (but not new to us) between journalism that makes media processes and magistrates who make self-referenced journalists, without fail to mention anti-government positions.
Then I wonder why this state of things should we become indignant, or at least surprised to Berlusconi, who openly attacked the judiciary, or rather, some judicial resources?
BERLUSCONI, man and politician, for his conduct morally reprehensible and politically ineffective, should be strictly judged by the voters in the natural end of the mandate. I want to have the freedom not to vote for the term of office, after having considered the government action and, as I'm concerned, even per come poco "Istituzionale" sia stato il suo contegno pubblico e privato.
Ma non voglio che la la magistratura ed i giornali mi portino via questo sacrosanto diritto, con una sorta di richiamo alle armi, o di assalto alla Bastiglia, invocato da Di Pietro. Chiaro?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stanley Pottery England

IN WHICH WE ARE HANDS? "The stolen gun at the shooting range"

oops .. did not know ... there we noticed later .... it seemed all right ... in the meantime and a madman commits a massacre .... here's how tragedies happen: If you manage to stockpile unable to think of it only to pocket the fees ....

here is the article:

the stolen gun at the shooting range

" He mistook a toy Beretta "
leaders of the center could be accused of not being checked

He planned the massacre in detail Marcello Pistone. To complete his mad plan needed a gun and went to take it where it exists in abundance. The old 7.65 caliber Beretta used to kill his family stole it Sunday with disarming ease at the shooting range, making fun of controls and regulations.

was eleven and a half hour before the massacre. A plan designed to fund the party and from a distance. On 28 January the 48 year old Palermo is presented in the Agucchi and has completed the registration forms (declaring false, that is, have no criminal record). Pistone wrote and shot. Locked in the studio prepared where he lived the last act before leaving the scene, a testament to three pages hateful. Meanwhile it was the dress rehearsal at the shooting range.

In early February he went back to shoot. Then on Sunday, after the shooting session replaced the Beretta rented at the shooting range with a sawed-off shotgun, he placed in his briefcase and returned after it came out with the weapon and at least eight bullets in his pocket. Nobody has noticed anything until Monday, when Pistone was the name of the newspapers. At that point the direction of the polygon called police and reported the theft to the squad.

The story opens a chapter that is likely to result in mild trouble makers polygon which could end up being investigated for failure to custody of the weapon. Surprisingly, the ease with which Pistone, who had a criminal record behind him, was able to get the gun. Moreover polygon enough to subscribe to a self, a regulation that has shown objective limits: "Certainly there was a flaw, a lightness. Such a thing had never happened, now we must review the procedures - said Maurizio Calzolari, Chairman of the shooting - had joined us in late January after taking a medical and signed a self-excluded in which to have a criminal record. Usually we ask the original charges pending only casi eccezionali. Sono le regole della federazione, non le stabiliamo noi». Dopo l’iscrizione Pistone ha frequentato un corso per principianti: «Ha fatto due lezioni, come previsto per chi non ha svolto il servizio militare. Domenica è venuto di nuovo — dice Calzolai —. La procedura prevede un doppio controllo. Alla fine della sessione il direttore di tiro verifica che la pistola sia scarica e che venga riposta nella custodia per la consegna alle segretarie che controllano ancora. Sembrava tutto a posto, nessuno si è accorto di niente, forse ha fatto lo scambio tra i due controlli. Lunedì dopo aver letto i giornali il direttore di tiro si è ricordato lui, abbiamo verificato e nella custodia c’era una pistola giocattolo».


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Where Does Blood Moon Start

Nuggets of wisdom ... Wonderfully

"The real voyage of discovery
consists not in seeking new lands,
but in having new eyes "


good trip!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Drysol Stained My Shirt


cinephile Another tip ... a film released last week and it deserves to be seen ... if only to get two laughs in the company ... which never hurts!
The title is already a whole program ... Immature!

As usual I will not dwell on the plot, which can be found everywhere ...
A delightful comedy , which is fun and move into a vortex of old memories and nostalgia for that maturity is more or less distant an excellent point in the lives of many!

This film is a bit of everything ... There is friendship, there is' love, there are laughs, there are strong feelings, there are normal people dealing with normal problems and caricatures, dealing with situations on the edge of the improbable ... and above there is a good director, good choice of cast and a beautiful soundtrack! There is a beginning ... unexpected and fully expected the finale!
Yet another example of how, if you wish, you can make some great plays, without necessarily falling into the vernacular-at-all-costs ...

Un plauso particolare alla coppia Memphis - Mattioli... simpatici fino a far male!!
Per quanto riguarda le riflesssioni post-film.. a parte un po' di nostalgia e qualche bel ricordo ... questo film mi ha lasciato anche una profonda certezza... semmai un giorno dovesse arrivarmi la comunicazione dell'annullamento della mia maturità... col cavolo che la rifaccio... piuttosto rinuncio alla laurea e me ne vado a pulire le scale nei condomini...

Minute Maid Heartwise Orange Juice Cost

do not know if you've never seen while watching a movie. The light bounces off the screen on the glasses, creating a multi-everything for her. He smiles, jokes anticipates, prepares amazement, it tends to go loud and then leaves him with a dry snap, whip from Argentine gaucho.
do not know if you've watched as he reads a book. She bites her lips, plays with her fingers, she sighs in time, raises his eyes to see, diver returns to the surface too quickly. No embolus, though. Only for understanding emotion il mio gioco di scrittore. Salta le righe, a volte, ma le rilegge poi.
Non so se l’avete osservata quando cammina. È un fotogramma accelerato, un cartone animato, sensuale, anche se non vuole. E i passi che precedono il momento in cui si ferma, quelli, sono più veloci e ravvicinati, come se arrivare un istante prima le concedesse il tempo per tagliare una miccia, fermare un detonatore, baciare un compagno perduto o trovarne uno migliore.
Non so se avete avuto la fortuna di assistere allo spettacolo del suo sonno. Comincia con modalità da svenimento, perché in lei c’è quel meccanismo da bambola: in piedi e seduta, occhi aperti; sdraiata, le palpebre serrate, a garantire un effetto-tenda e una preparazione immediately to REM sleep.
if not if you've never together in a room. He smiles and greets you smoke, hands in his pockets, looks to other fishing looks, whispers and shouts, laughter deductions that lead to smiles, for those who appreciate well dressed and very badly for those whose tastes decided by armanidolce & Gabbana. He has warm boots, pants and bright summer shirts in layers, leather jacket, cap in order, make-up ever. And below, I know, no color door vests, underwear from Grandma, a skin that if the rain is a glove and if you hit the silk.
do not know if you've never seen, I do not know if you will never see. I hope I'll just wish you a beautiful journey, an experience to do once in life, a healing, a hello, a clear night, a figure missing, a life Space Invaders, a penny into a well or a fountain, a dinner with friends, a train that goes from the mountains to the sea, an Italian comedy, meeting with a disc era, a complementary pair of lips to yours, a fish caught and then released into the river, a meeting night, a newborn baby, the smell of bread, sex with love, love in general An invitation to sit at the table of the gods. If you have not understood, it is my fault. None is like her.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Images Of What Chlamydia Would Do To Body

E 'ever possible?

Ieri sono stata in ospedale a L'Aquila a fare la mia solita visita mensile di controllo, in quanto portatrice abbastanza sana (At least at this time!) Of a chronic debilitating disease .. but that's another story that maybe one day I will tell you ...

I told you that yesterday morning I was in hospital and I was sitting in the waiting room ... pending, of course, would come down to begin the visits Prof.
... As I read my book, I sat near a girl. He must have been about 14-15 years old, she sat down and began to rock back and forth in his chair. His mother came running, they have been sitting in front and began to pat her on the shoulder to compel it to keep still. After a few
minute the girl started talking out loud "I'm in a bad ... "Now they are happy at school" ... "What's that?" turning to the mother who was reading a book and pointing to another young girl sitting in front of us ... The girl was clearly autistic, although in mild form ... but clearly this is not the problem.
In the room, apart from some embarrassed looks, none showed the slightest interest in the situation, no one has bothered her for invasion of privacy, none showed the slightest irritation for what he said or did that little girl .. . no one except his mother.
I was shocked by the behavior of the woman ... was clearly shocked and embarrassed by the behavior of her daughter, which I repeat, with a few remarks in a loud voice was not doing anything.
That woman was ashamed explicitly and clearly the conditions of his daughter.
E 'was all the time to look around sheepishly and nervous when the girl began to speak, warned with a stern "shut up" ...

It 's a thing that has left him an immense sadness ... how can a mother be ashamed of your daughter? I have no children yet I can not conceive such a thing.
F acendo volunteer at a home for disadvantaged children, I saw many children worse off than his, go ahead and improve their own and especially because of the support and love of their parents and people who care for them . .. and then I thought of that little girl. A mother who is ashamed and does not accept the condition of their children, can be a good mother? can help in its growth, it can give you the support you need?
I know I will not say .. I know is that the behavior of the woman is not me like, I have not shared, and judging from the looks, I was not the only one who thinks so little room.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Is High Bilirubin Levels

Nuggets of wisdom ...

"Life is not a simple linear path along which we can move freely and smoothly, but rather an intricate maze through which we must find our way. Often lost and confused, sometimes locked in a dead end, but always, if we have faith, it will open a door, perhaps not what we expected, but certainly one that will eventually prove to be the best for us. "
(AJ Cronin)

Good Life everyone!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Paddle Boats Sold By Costco

time lags of the examinations

year too, spent Christmas, I had to schedule routine medical examinations .
course driven by force from my wife.
The arguments for pulling out of obligation to do so are always the same:
1) now thou hast age (and thanks, go ahead to turn over the knife ...)
2) you can not go on like to do what you do (eg. play beach tennis for hours and hours) without checking
3) can not continue to bury our head in the sand like ostriches (that is the reason for my passion for the beaches?)
4) not expect to feel good just because you do not control ( but it is not true that I do not control: for example, goes off immediately after this statement testicular self-examination!)
5) if, because of your carelessness, you should be a cuddly, now aspire to leave the pens because otherwise the hell with that I'll be there to assist (eh, it's always nice to know they can count on someone ...) But

is true, I usually always slumbering, I often do the exams and prescribe - ops! - I can get the terms of the end, earning a few months.
But that is not afraid of the withdrawal, for charity, is not: are the outcomes that terrify me. Because if I was feeling just fine and in good shape, certainly on the side of the damn numerini report emerges that this value is high, these others are the limit and that we must understand why you moved, making me fall, at best, by a state of one's attention that what I did I can not do more or worse than I hate to do it I will be a compulsory, and at worst in a swirl of investigations that I suck in a whirl without end, which for someone like me who likes to be away a lot of doctors, medicines and hospitals, it looks like a nightmare.


It 'clear that the manufacturers of containers for the urine sample had to make a painful choice: either help the patients, or facilitate the workshops.
Ed chose the latter. For this
produce and market the tubes.
Usually the night before the exams, Later on, I support the tube on the lid of the toilet to avoid the risk of forgetting. Then the rest of the night is a nightmare. I am fasting from midnight, I fall asleep very late and at three, when I feel the first stimulus, beginning a grueling half-sleep. Every fifteen minutes the alarm clock and more peep peep the alarm is growing over the stimulus, and every quarter of an hour the bladder is inflated significantly, as an hourglass water.
This usually I do not ever, but that morning there, yes. I have a feeling that he never had an urge so powerful, I turned in bed, I look at the clock, grit my teeth and say oh God no ... I'll never
At five I have the impression to regain control, they are naturally a cold sweat that help drain fluids.
At five and a half made me rush to the bathroom, I open the packaging of the tube, and frantically - because I have not done this before? - I read the instructions: is there to fill the tag. And at five thirty in the morning I feel all the inadequacies of a short-sighted sleepy looking for a pen trial and error, and must write their data on small labels, glossy paper and glued onto a curved surface. Ten minutes, his legs tight and cold sweat.
And then begins the difficult.
Perhaps those who produce the tubes is not never raised the issue of who should fill. Now I do not know the accuracy of women, but for us men, although apparently facilitated by our special pointing device, the fill tube is a drama.
Imagine if the same principle were applied to petrol stations, namely, whether the spray gun does not fit in the fuel tank filler but had to rely on vague mouthpiece three times closer ...
The method that I use is this: dispensing drip with spasmodic abdominal contractions and contortions to avoid flooding. Among other things, is an exercise that, to do so consistently, you sculpt the abs to turtle like a bodybuilder. It works, but it is a punishment, also because we must be careful not to overfill the tube, otherwise when you close the cap is demonstrated experimentally, and so harmful, the law on the incompressibility of liquids.

And we get the cutest thing, the transportation and delivery of the tube to the clinic samples.

that morning you find yourself in the lobby of the surgery, in the midst of a group of individuals that wary look around with the air of conspirators, some of them wrapped in the cloak beneath which hides the Fantomas unclean bundle that includes the tube, ready to pull it out with a flourish.
must say that in these situations, the human imagination indulges itself: wherever it is placed the piece of plastic Sportina LIDL all'astuccio of pencils and son to clutch bag by Louis Vuitton, it is always wrapped and sealed in the most bizarre ways.
I saw tubes wrapped in Domopak, stop the toilet paper with tape, the paper towel secured with rubber bands, in parchment paper tied with string to roast in aluminum foil, paper Christmas gifts sheathed by a residue of socks network, in a plaid, in a Persian carpet in linen bandages soaked with essences resinous, like those of Egyptian mummies ...
And all further enclosed in a sealed freezer bag with intricate sailors knots. I
elegantly counts on the cap and then replace the tube in his cardboard box and stuck it upright in his shirt pocket. And 'dangerous, but when you have to take risks, I do not ever pull back.
And all this to have substantially only one clinically useful information:
"color: yellow" .
If we were to find the sand, does not depend on the kidneys is definitely that inhale weekly on the fields of Stop and Go

To illustrate another defining moment, that the blood sample in the office, I will simply show you some scenes which sum up situations that I witnessed in my many years of attendance at clinics. Those who had already seen, be patient.

Oh, by the way the results would be ready this morning.
But today is my birthday, so the hell with them I'm going to retire.
I'll think about Monday.