Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stanley Pottery England

IN WHICH WE ARE HANDS? "The stolen gun at the shooting range"

oops .. did not know ... there we noticed later .... it seemed all right ... in the meantime and a madman commits a massacre .... here's how tragedies happen: If you manage to stockpile unable to think of it only to pocket the fees ....

here is the article:

the stolen gun at the shooting range

" He mistook a toy Beretta "
leaders of the center could be accused of not being checked

He planned the massacre in detail Marcello Pistone. To complete his mad plan needed a gun and went to take it where it exists in abundance. The old 7.65 caliber Beretta used to kill his family stole it Sunday with disarming ease at the shooting range, making fun of controls and regulations.

was eleven and a half hour before the massacre. A plan designed to fund the party and from a distance. On 28 January the 48 year old Palermo is presented in the Agucchi and has completed the registration forms (declaring false, that is, have no criminal record). Pistone wrote and shot. Locked in the studio prepared where he lived the last act before leaving the scene, a testament to three pages hateful. Meanwhile it was the dress rehearsal at the shooting range.

In early February he went back to shoot. Then on Sunday, after the shooting session replaced the Beretta rented at the shooting range with a sawed-off shotgun, he placed in his briefcase and returned after it came out with the weapon and at least eight bullets in his pocket. Nobody has noticed anything until Monday, when Pistone was the name of the newspapers. At that point the direction of the polygon called police and reported the theft to the squad.

The story opens a chapter that is likely to result in mild trouble makers polygon which could end up being investigated for failure to custody of the weapon. Surprisingly, the ease with which Pistone, who had a criminal record behind him, was able to get the gun. Moreover polygon enough to subscribe to a self, a regulation that has shown objective limits: "Certainly there was a flaw, a lightness. Such a thing had never happened, now we must review the procedures - said Maurizio Calzolari, Chairman of the shooting - had joined us in late January after taking a medical and signed a self-excluded in which to have a criminal record. Usually we ask the original charges pending only casi eccezionali. Sono le regole della federazione, non le stabiliamo noi». Dopo l’iscrizione Pistone ha frequentato un corso per principianti: «Ha fatto due lezioni, come previsto per chi non ha svolto il servizio militare. Domenica è venuto di nuovo — dice Calzolai —. La procedura prevede un doppio controllo. Alla fine della sessione il direttore di tiro verifica che la pistola sia scarica e che venga riposta nella custodia per la consegna alle segretarie che controllano ancora. Sembrava tutto a posto, nessuno si è accorto di niente, forse ha fatto lo scambio tra i due controlli. Lunedì dopo aver letto i giornali il direttore di tiro si è ricordato lui, abbiamo verificato e nella custodia c’era una pistola giocattolo».



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