Friday, February 4, 2011

Minute Maid Heartwise Orange Juice Cost

do not know if you've never seen while watching a movie. The light bounces off the screen on the glasses, creating a multi-everything for her. He smiles, jokes anticipates, prepares amazement, it tends to go loud and then leaves him with a dry snap, whip from Argentine gaucho.
do not know if you've watched as he reads a book. She bites her lips, plays with her fingers, she sighs in time, raises his eyes to see, diver returns to the surface too quickly. No embolus, though. Only for understanding emotion il mio gioco di scrittore. Salta le righe, a volte, ma le rilegge poi.
Non so se l’avete osservata quando cammina. È un fotogramma accelerato, un cartone animato, sensuale, anche se non vuole. E i passi che precedono il momento in cui si ferma, quelli, sono più veloci e ravvicinati, come se arrivare un istante prima le concedesse il tempo per tagliare una miccia, fermare un detonatore, baciare un compagno perduto o trovarne uno migliore.
Non so se avete avuto la fortuna di assistere allo spettacolo del suo sonno. Comincia con modalità da svenimento, perché in lei c’è quel meccanismo da bambola: in piedi e seduta, occhi aperti; sdraiata, le palpebre serrate, a garantire un effetto-tenda e una preparazione immediately to REM sleep.
if not if you've never together in a room. He smiles and greets you smoke, hands in his pockets, looks to other fishing looks, whispers and shouts, laughter deductions that lead to smiles, for those who appreciate well dressed and very badly for those whose tastes decided by armanidolce & Gabbana. He has warm boots, pants and bright summer shirts in layers, leather jacket, cap in order, make-up ever. And below, I know, no color door vests, underwear from Grandma, a skin that if the rain is a glove and if you hit the silk.
do not know if you've never seen, I do not know if you will never see. I hope I'll just wish you a beautiful journey, an experience to do once in life, a healing, a hello, a clear night, a figure missing, a life Space Invaders, a penny into a well or a fountain, a dinner with friends, a train that goes from the mountains to the sea, an Italian comedy, meeting with a disc era, a complementary pair of lips to yours, a fish caught and then released into the river, a meeting night, a newborn baby, the smell of bread, sex with love, love in general An invitation to sit at the table of the gods. If you have not understood, it is my fault. None is like her.


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