Friday, February 18, 2011

Why Would You Have Inflamation In Bloodwork

be sisters ...

Being sisters is singing putting the room together ... and laugh out loud for a wrong word ...
Being sisters is going to the cinema to see Harry Potter after months of counting down ...
Being sisters is a Drawer Albums and photos of trips, excursions and special days ... is a box of tickets for concerts and shows ...
Being sisters is always walk hand in hand ...
Being sisters is the Jacuzzi, after an hour of free swimming ...
Being sisters is always understand everything without words ...
Being sisters is to wake up and jump into bed next to your ...
Being sisters is to keep a towel bar, with writing on a special date ...
Being sisters is to "meet" in the house and suddenly hug ...
Being sisters is to open the closet and choose what to put between our clothes ...
Being sisters answer is "boh" the question "What time is your sister came back tonight?"
Being sisters burst out laughing in unison ripensado at that time ...
Being sisters is a little discussion ended with a sweet kiss ...
Being sisters is to sing in the car songs of our compilation ..
Being sisters is chatting in the middle of the night, sipping herbal tea under the covers ...
Being sisters is just wonderful!


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