Monday, February 21, 2011

A Simple Gigahertz Collinear

Speravo di prendere 26, ma è andata buca, il responso finale degli esami è 25.
Alcuni diranno che è comunque un’ampia sufficienza, ma come paventavo nell’ultimo post, ci sono quei maledetti valori che ballano sul limite, come acrobati su un cavo teso sopra ad un precipizio.
Borderline è un termine che rivela il suo particolare fascino solo se viene associato ad una personalità tormentata, che si muove al limite della società, delle convenzioni, delle relazioni, a cavallo tra il disagio e il disadattamento, sulla soglia tra l’ambiguità e l‘oscura capacità seduttiva delle personalità complesse.
Se invece è associato ai valori delle analisi cliniche, è una merda.
E i miei valori borderline sono svariati: il colesterolo è un po’ alto, la glicemia è un po’ alta, e in più ci sono alcune altre cosette caratterizzate da varie lettere dell’alfabeto greco che sono lì lì.
Aggiungiamoci pure che anche la pressione è altina, e il quadro (nefasto) è completo.
Altro che beach tennis e altre fantasie visionarie di vita spensierata, ormai sono pronto per la rottamazione, e per di più senza la minima ombra di incentivi all’orizzonte.

 La cosa singolare di questi valori bastardi è che non sono abbastanza bassi per poter far finta di niente e non sono abbastanza alti per giustificare una terapia.
Per cui devi cambiare tu: alimentazione, stile di vita, abitudini ecc. ecc., non puoi più fare questo e quello, tutto ciò che ti piace è proibito e tutto quello che ti fa schifo è consigliato.
Niente pastiglie, arrangiati e buona fortuna.

Il cardiologo che mi ha visto per la pressione ha sentenziato:
“Devi fare più movimento!”
e io: “Gioco a beach tennis un paio d’ore a settimana…”
“E’ deleterious, and no use for you! "
" Then I go running. "
" Racing is very bad joints! "
" So what? "
" So you have to take long walks, even for 4 or 5 hours a week. "
And this was the first shot.
Then he added: "Yes, long walks, perhaps with your wife , it also found time for yourself, to stay together, a moment to speak, the opportunity to discuss and compare ..."
And this was the final blow.
I left rough, I had all the symptoms of pressure through the roof. I stopped by a tire that has proven to me briefly and I was like a Fiat Punto: 1.9 front and 2.2 rear.
sin, my nose looked like it would have been better otherwise.

But the cardiologist I do not care if I have to make the move I'm going to run, because - given that the race is that walking are activities that make me sick - at least if I run it takes less time.
But there are other problems: running outdoors in winter is a depressing prospect, do it on a treadmill inside a gym is something else that makes me stracagare for which I have to find a solution. I think that ride on a hamster wheel on the wall of the bedroom, so we trot inside, maybe fill up before the cheeks of sunflower seeds like those idiotic animals.

for blood sugar, my doctor ordered peremptorily:
"No cake!" And advised me to do an additional check to agree with the nurse at the medical center for the taking, to do the following Monday . Of course the nurse was the star of cartoons last post, I saw that when I announced ominously, with a reassuring smile a little - and even incited by perfidious secretary of the Centre, including the allocation of authoritative candidate Badile d'Oro 2010 - I would have taken the blood taunt each other, rather than the tip of a finger, that of the nose. Why do so - he said - there would be a more precise characterization of the test.
Well, of course I just ordered a Tenerina right to be presented at a dinner on Saturday evening, and as usual I was slightly overestimated the size compared to the reasonable needs friendly, so that the pastry chef, with nice irony, had drawn with icing sugar in the middle of a huge cake H, like the one that is platforms of heliports ... And more small, written along the edge, he highlighted the heat value of the cake, but not expressed in kilocalories as usual, but in GW, as the latest generation of nuclear power stations.

Bottom line: after dinner we divided the remaining part, each of the guests if they have taken home an exaggerated amount and myself, not being able to program the consumer in a reasonably short time, I contacted some NGOs that matter to be fed for several months, some tribes in Central Africa, provided do not get tired first.

But despite the dinner, despite the Tenerina, despite the withdrawal from the tip of the nose (for me those two have not told me the right, but how the hell could I refute the surveyor ... I do!), And placed 110 in value limit, in your opinion what was the outcome of fucking?
The answer in a few days when I will continue to bore you on these phase shifts, but also giving you some good news, such as for example the dosage indicator of the prostate.
further addition of course essential that data on the analysis of urine, feeling a palpable tension between your minds and hearts, I can tell you immediately:
"appearance: clear" .


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