Thursday, February 10, 2011

Monopod For Nikon D60

FERRARA AND Ostellino: What do you think "aristocratic THOUGHT"

analysis Two particularly struck me today for their lucidity.
The first was the interview with Piero Ostellino to Radio24.
Ostellino, himself, attacked for his editorial on the affair Ruby, claimed the liberal thinking against what he calls "the aristocracy of thought."
This "social disease" can be identified in those who claim to intellectual superiority, and believes that the democratic vote that led to the victory of center-right in 2008, is the result of Italian guilty of stupidity or, worse, criminal sympathies, have voted for Berlusconi (and why not for the center-right?) Those who think - as Ostellino - that the center-right voters are the ones that Parking in double rows or ran a red light. the journalist who asked whether it would defend Berlusconi, Ostellino stated that his is the defense of democracy against those who believe to be invested by the divine role to demolish other way and said that "the servants of the people speak, people speak principles. "
I would add that, the temptation to "elitist" has always been a feature of the far left. The changes in the organization of leftist subversive, always occurred by internal rifts between wing wing elitist, busy. The fringes extremes have always believed, namely, that the subversion of democratic order should be made by an elite, without the involvement of the masses, if not the final stage.
I see a disturbing similarity of thought in who thinks it can move as an "elite" underground car able to move the hatred of the masses towards the political enemy - and tell your enemy - conducting both an asymmetrical war, which in the past called violent terrorism, now uses sophisticated techniques to record the media type.
The second operation was to the TG1 Giuliano Ferrara, who, taking the interview of the Prosecutor of Naples, has confirmed with great clarity, explaining why, as there is actually a lieason (but not new to us) between journalism that makes media processes and magistrates who make self-referenced journalists, without fail to mention anti-government positions.
Then I wonder why this state of things should we become indignant, or at least surprised to Berlusconi, who openly attacked the judiciary, or rather, some judicial resources?
BERLUSCONI, man and politician, for his conduct morally reprehensible and politically ineffective, should be strictly judged by the voters in the natural end of the mandate. I want to have the freedom not to vote for the term of office, after having considered the government action and, as I'm concerned, even per come poco "Istituzionale" sia stato il suo contegno pubblico e privato.
Ma non voglio che la la magistratura ed i giornali mi portino via questo sacrosanto diritto, con una sorta di richiamo alle armi, o di assalto alla Bastiglia, invocato da Di Pietro. Chiaro?


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