Friday, February 4, 2011

Drysol Stained My Shirt


cinephile Another tip ... a film released last week and it deserves to be seen ... if only to get two laughs in the company ... which never hurts!
The title is already a whole program ... Immature!

As usual I will not dwell on the plot, which can be found everywhere ...
A delightful comedy , which is fun and move into a vortex of old memories and nostalgia for that maturity is more or less distant an excellent point in the lives of many!

This film is a bit of everything ... There is friendship, there is' love, there are laughs, there are strong feelings, there are normal people dealing with normal problems and caricatures, dealing with situations on the edge of the improbable ... and above there is a good director, good choice of cast and a beautiful soundtrack! There is a beginning ... unexpected and fully expected the finale!
Yet another example of how, if you wish, you can make some great plays, without necessarily falling into the vernacular-at-all-costs ...

Un plauso particolare alla coppia Memphis - Mattioli... simpatici fino a far male!!
Per quanto riguarda le riflesssioni post-film.. a parte un po' di nostalgia e qualche bel ricordo ... questo film mi ha lasciato anche una profonda certezza... semmai un giorno dovesse arrivarmi la comunicazione dell'annullamento della mia maturità... col cavolo che la rifaccio... piuttosto rinuncio alla laurea e me ne vado a pulire le scale nei condomini...


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