Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Images Of What Chlamydia Would Do To Body

E 'ever possible?

Ieri sono stata in ospedale a L'Aquila a fare la mia solita visita mensile di controllo, in quanto portatrice abbastanza sana (At least at this time!) Of a chronic debilitating disease .. but that's another story that maybe one day I will tell you ...

I told you that yesterday morning I was in hospital and I was sitting in the waiting room ... pending, of course, would come down to begin the visits Prof.
... As I read my book, I sat near a girl. He must have been about 14-15 years old, she sat down and began to rock back and forth in his chair. His mother came running, they have been sitting in front and began to pat her on the shoulder to compel it to keep still. After a few
minute the girl started talking out loud "I'm in a bad ... "Now they are happy at school" ... "What's that?" turning to the mother who was reading a book and pointing to another young girl sitting in front of us ... The girl was clearly autistic, although in mild form ... but clearly this is not the problem.
In the room, apart from some embarrassed looks, none showed the slightest interest in the situation, no one has bothered her for invasion of privacy, none showed the slightest irritation for what he said or did that little girl .. . no one except his mother.
I was shocked by the behavior of the woman ... was clearly shocked and embarrassed by the behavior of her daughter, which I repeat, with a few remarks in a loud voice was not doing anything.
That woman was ashamed explicitly and clearly the conditions of his daughter.
E 'was all the time to look around sheepishly and nervous when the girl began to speak, warned with a stern "shut up" ...

It 's a thing that has left him an immense sadness ... how can a mother be ashamed of your daughter? I have no children yet I can not conceive such a thing.
F acendo volunteer at a home for disadvantaged children, I saw many children worse off than his, go ahead and improve their own and especially because of the support and love of their parents and people who care for them . .. and then I thought of that little girl. A mother who is ashamed and does not accept the condition of their children, can be a good mother? can help in its growth, it can give you the support you need?
I know I will not say .. I know is that the behavior of the woman is not me like, I have not shared, and judging from the looks, I was not the only one who thinks so little room.


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