Monday, December 13, 2010

Wedding Cake From Store Bought Mix

Christmas time !!!!!

Oooooohhhh ... has finally arrived ... The Christmas spirit has finally invaded the house! This year has become a bit 'desire, came in waves, due to various commitments of the family!
The day of the Immaculate Conception was the birthday of my grandmother's old ... 90 years ... and his comment "I hear them eh mica me ...!"

Among Mass., sales of Charity, lunch, the market and stuff, we have the right to place the tree with two balls and the hut of the crib, just to respect tradition!

Luckily we recovered in the following days ... :) This year
Mamy (which each year must buy at least two or three balls would not sleep peacefully), aided by a butterfly-shaped wedding favors we had at home, decided to bring something to our lilac tree ... and I must say I like the result and how!!

The crib I came so good it deserves a separate post .. :)
Pulcetta Clearly having the house we had to give up the beautiful statues of clay, for the less beautiful but more resistant plastic ...
is awaiting the photos of the crib, I leave you with those of Pulcetta, struggling with his very own nativity scene on the floor!


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