Friday, December 24, 2010

Tech Deck Starter Set

a Merry Christmas ...

Four candles burning, we ate slowly.
The first said: "I am the PACE , but men do not want me. I really think I just have other things to do than to fade."
So, little by little, the candle is left to fade away ...

The second said: "I am the FAITH , but unfortunately it is useless, and men do not want to know me, it makes no sense that I stay lit."
sooner had he finished speaking a light breeze blew over her and extinguished it.

Sad sad the third candle, in turn, said: "I am the ' LOVE, but I do not have the strength to continue to remain on the men do not regard me and do not understand my importance . Too often prefer to hate. "
And waiting no longer be left off.

A child at that moment entered the room and saw the three unlit candles.
"But what do! You have to stay on, I'm afraid of the dark !"... and so saying, she burst into tears.
Then the fourth candle, impietositasi said: "Do not be afraid, do not cry! As long as I am on, we could always turn the other three candles, I am the HOPE. "
With tears in his eyes swollen with tears and the child took the candle and lit the other ... *

I wish you all a Merry Christmas to spend with your families, full of serenity, joy and above all so much hope !
Merry Christmas!

"And the star they had seen break,
before them, till it came and stood
where the child was "
;                                     (Mt 1,9)

* Stories from the animated Christmas Eve of my village scout group!


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