Sunday, December 19, 2010

Shooting Pain In Foot

the ONLUS - 2

In fact, volunteers.

It is not clear yet what can push a normogiocatore beach tennis matches to submit to the agony of NPO.
mystical exaltation? Desire to expiate some kind of guilt? Pure masochism?

iconic image of the NPO
"You can play those less fortunate than yourself"

Very few cases are reported in the literature in which a player is aware of the condition necessarily have to deal with a lot ONLUS.

The most typical case NPO is required to provide the game with his wife.
Statistically, the vast majority of normogiocatori beach tennis is equipped with a wife anthropologically unsuitable for the practice of this sport.
E 'a psychodrama, unfortunately morally unavoidable, which has deeply marked the endless rows of players. Psychiatrists and psychotherapists continue to make money on the consequences of these adverse experiences: players haunted by nightmares populated by balls which whiz in bizarre directions, from wandering in the burning sands to recover from a vacuum racket shattered knuckles and phalanges, by constant reproaches that starting on the field, under the umbrella and explode in the home ... hell.

similar case, just more bearable because the little creatures responsible for all this trouble are still the blood of your blood, the game is NPO with little children. A pain but must be lived with apparent delight, a torture to be endured with a smile, a penalty in the penalty. Who has had the good fortune to come out unscathed from a similar experience, claims to have understood the deep roots of the greek myth of Cronus, the god who devoured his children at birth.

the god Kronos (Saturn to the Romans), devouring a child
that just asked to do two dribbles

Another case, but with more subtle and perverse implications that attenuate and even subvert the natural instincts of beach tennis player, is playing with a young woman ONLUS , unable to play but irrefutably stragnocca.

girl, learning the beach tennis with the help
selfless volunteer NGO, will
eventually hope to make some friends on the beach

Here the player's mind is torn by a dramatic inner conflict. On one hand, the instinct of the male predator, the other beachtennista ethic, the dream and the nightmare, the devil and the angel who fought in a mind clouded by charges hormone similar to those of the Hussars on horseback.

player who, with humility and patience, is about to start a
stragnocca the pleasures of beach tennis

Any stragnocca face the brutality, the hypnotic state of confusion in which pour normogiocatore he always brings it to justify it: the stragnocca never wrong, the stragnocca is always right.

For example:

"No, no, you did well to hit the ball back, but between your paddle and the ball was my head ..."

"But I figured, the hand did not you mica shattered completely, you see, I still have three phalanges almost entire ..."

"Well done, great job! SSSI, the one that flew across the network is my ear ... nooo, non ti preoccupare, tanto era quello con cui ci sentivo di meno, e poi me ne rimane un altro!"

"No, non è holpa hua, ma adehho la phallina non riehsco a shputalla, mahari stahera hon halma a hasa hrovo a infilahe un huhhiaio denthro l'esofaho..."

Nell'affrontare un’esperienza del genere, è importante mantenere il sangue freddo e ripetere continuamente il mantra fondamentale del giocatore ONLUS: "Questo non è beach tennis, è un'altra cosa.... questo non è beach tennis, è un'altra cosa....“  
Anche se poi, mentre l’agonia beachtennistica will reveal starkly real, the other thing will always remain unfulfilled dreams sull'etereo plan, adding frustration to frustration.

player after the services of voluntary
beachtennistico held in favor of a stragnocca

Next time we will talk about the other level of volunteering NGO, the most expensive, almost evangelical, who sacrifices spontaneously - without any obligation or pay-off - part of his life in favor of the outcast of beach tennis.

- 2. continues -

ps - It 's been so long since last post, but for technical reasons. You will notice that this was posted in digital, not analog more: something else entirely.


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