Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mira Peliculas Gratis

The state within a state

hate the indifferent!

The Mafia, also known as Cosa Nostra, is one of the most popular and powerful criminal organizations nationally and internationally.
This is a phenomenon that was born in Sicily in the second half of 1800 and is still very rooted to this day.
According to historian Giuseppe Pitre of folk traditions, this term was used in the parlance of a popular neighborhood of Palermo and was synonymous with beauty and boldness.
It shall be devoted many books and not only the cinema as a message of general knowledge against the conspiracy of silence.
In 1863, the drama of the Vicariate of the mafiusi Rizzotto Giuseppe and Gaetano Mosca, was a great success and for this reason it was translated into Italian, Milanese napoletanoe, thus spreading the word mafia all over the country.
There is another great work "The Mafia" is the "guappo," the man of honor that shows off courage, the individual who adheres to an organization that is opposed to the institutions, a sort of state within a state, which aims to "DO THE VOICES" of a state often lacking.
Over time this phenomenon has become increasingly widespread and established, the Mafia has adopted systems based su un modello di economia statale,ma è parallela e sotteranea ad essi e trae profitti da numerosi tipi di attività criminali.
La mafia non è una semplice organizzazione criminale,ma è anche simbolo di un PARA-POTERE gestito da una gerarchia di capi influenti che rispettano e fanno rispettare un insieme di regole precise,un vero e proprio codice.
Il cinema ha rappresentato questo fenomeno sotto molteplici punti di vista e sfaccettature.Ha fotografato le vite dei più potenti mafiosi della storia,il panorama storico-culturale dell'epoca,i valori di cui si faceva portatrice e soprattutto i crimini orribili di cui la mafia è stata autrice spietata.
Un famoso film sulla mafia è dedicato ad un Giudice che nessuno mai rammenta,ancora Falcone and Borsellino before a court uncomfortable, the story of a young magistrate Francesco Di Nardo, a court in respect of Valter Toschi published in 2002.
The story of a young magistrate who arrives in a village in the province of Brindisi, where he soon learns to his cost what they mean organized crime and corruption, making his courage the only viable way to enforce the judge is a story legge.Questo true of Sicilian origin, he resigned from the magistracy in 1981 and he never heard from again.
fought with courage, indicted many of the sacred crown of the Mafia in Sicily and Puglia, fighting political corruption in the First Republic, suffered attempts on his life, despite everything non si fermò mai un istante in quello che credeva.Lui era Francesco Di Nardo.
Monica Riccioni


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