Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Degrees Of Electrical Protection

Habemus papam

Here, the file is ready, but if I remember how to put it online through the damn file-sharing service called Scribd, a bolt of lightning that incinerates me. Then proceed by trial and error, cursing those updates, changes and upsets applications on the web, thought to favor the users but instead of sucking in a nightmare of uncertainty.

course were included in the calendar (and a bit drawn) pictures of the friends of Zurma Team, the bath plug and winter the group that is found every week at Stop and Go in vain to chase balls from the improbable trajectories. I rely on humor and understanding of who is portrayed: I hope that nobody will take offense and understand the spirit of the publication, as well as understand the spirit of this blog. However right now I name my legal advisor (eminent practitioner, consultant Team as well as authoritative allocation of a second candidate unfortunately aborted "golden shovel 2010" ), which will represent, assist and defend in any dispute, warning however - in view of possible damages to third parties or its far-fetched claims settlement in any parcels - which are absolutely broke.
2011 calendar of "the damned of beach tennis"

Here, it seems to work, though overflowing from the column of the blog and I will spend the rest of life soaking in the torment of trying to figure out how to align it.

E 'late, tomorrow we leave for the mountain , and then leave it there. But the important thing is that you can see it and if you like, download it and print it, to brighten up even during the next year the hostile walls that imprison us.

And Happy New Year to all.


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