Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dvd Recorder How It Works

24 hours of fire ... eemh .. Snow!

I'm still alive ... just emerged from 24 hours of fire!
Indeed .. Snow! And that's strange, you say??
's strange that we have not snow, it never snows! The thing I loved most of my piece of life lived in Eagle it was the snow .. expect forward to every year, and put me in a good mood!
I come from the phrase "today it snowed!" stands for "this morning fell from the sky a few flakes of snow, the roads are diventate leggermente biancognole, i pendolari si sono fiondati a prendere il treno per paura di non riuscire a scendere fin sulla Tiburtina per raggiungere Roma, i bambini non sono andati a scuola.. perchè.. perchè.. perchè boh, ha nevicato!... tanti piccoli omini michelin si sono riversati nelle strade imbacuccati nelle tutine da sci, con sciarpe, cappelli e guanti pronti per una battaglia a palle di neve... che non ha mai avuto inizio perchè alle 9 la neve era già sparita del tutto, risucchiata da qualche timido raggio di sole"... Ecco! Questo è quello che ci aspettavamo tutti, quando verso le 11 di venerdì mattina sono cominciati a scendere i primi fiocchi di quella neve annunciata da un paio di giorni... 

Aquila After 7 years I thought I had collected a lot 'of experience on this front .. and actually I was pretty quiet, until I realized how much trouble they can create 20 cm of snow in areas not equipped for this kind of weather events!
at noon the whole village was in turmoil "... that bellooooo nevicaaaa!
All the street to take pictures (the last snowfall was in 2005!) To the snowy village ...

At one village was now completely covered with a white blanket of white on the street but there was already no more .. had officially entered the era "for charity all at home that it's snowing outside" ..
Pulcetta also felt the change, so that the second was strangely awake already after only an hour's nap ...
But that the winter afternoons at home by the fireplace are also more sympathetic with the snow outside the windows to create atmosphere ... were it not that still continued to snow at 3 cm of snow outside and were far too many for the poor ordinary mortals are accustomed to see snow only on TV!
And go with the first signs of impending danger ... Papy leaves the office (20 km from home) at 3 and called home to warn that given the time came out a bit 'before ... at 3:30 called again to inform us that there is a truck across a short distance from his office, which is locked in the car to almost 100 meters from the starting point ...
The snow continues to fall undeterred, heedless of the chaos rampant ...
Fortunately optimistic that we are a family .. and then after all, still excited for the snow day we gather around the fireplace and have a snack with a nice steaming mug hot chocolate ... the Pulcetta runs from window to window to watch the new landscape of whipped cream ... we go out at 4 to pick up a bit 'of snow ... He looks at her with a look somewhere between the question and the "why then you're in so much enthusiasm is eg white robbaccia ???!!??"... touches .. "Tatta is cold .. tries again ... "Tattersall is wet" .. made a last attempt ... "Tatta throw it .."

At 5 continues to snow and enthusiasm gives way to "oh well have snowed, mo 'enough, however," ... Papy at 5.30 is still half way .. the Mother of Pulcetta is locked in Rome, like all commuters who had to return to the village from work ... the highway is closed, the Tiburtina packed with people afraid and unable to deal with the snow-covered road ... The few that manage to reach the junction that leads to the town are forced to leave the car and walk the remaining 3.4 km .. the curvy road that climbs to the village with 20 cm of snow is impractical for those without chains ... that is all!
At 6 called Papy ... 1 to 10 is 12 ... nervous he is not afraid and would walk quietly enough not to do so because there are many abandoned cars in double and triple row on the road .. the owners have decided to continue walk! The few still in the car can no longer handle the situation .. machines that are spun, trucks were across ... is total chaos ...
Meanwhile no one can move from the country ... forced to cancel all appointments for the evening ... the snow has officially become the number one enemy ...
Papy arrives home at 6.40 ...
uncles, cousins, friends and various relatives are still stuck in Rome .. . trains delayed madly ... the buses do not even think about starting ... was done at night and rise from the Tiburtina begins to be a problem even on foot ...
I cellulari sono isolati, funzionano solo i telefoni fissi... anche in tv 3
quarti dei canali non prendono il segnale... metà paese è senza acqua... i tubi sono gelati, le caldaie non partono...
In casa improvvisiamo una danza della pioggia, ma niente... continua a nevicare.. 
Andiamo a dormire afflitti e sconsolati... 
Stamattina alle 7 eravamo già tutti in piedi speranzosi di ritrovare il paesaggio solito... e invece è ancora tutto bianco.. il mio mercatino è saltato... il paese è rimasto isolato fino a metà pomeriggio... niente latte, niente pane, e chiaramente niente schools!
Around 5 o'clock this afternoon the snow began to melt ... Our garden has re-emerged seeds destroyed ... the palm tree with broken branches means .. the planting of my Mamy fat frozen flower beds overflowing with dead plants, mimosa bent 60 degrees towards earth ... someone has started to take to the streets with a tractor to remove a bit 'of snow (and do not laugh .. if the province were expected to plow fresh !)... The first rash began to walk down towards Tiburtina to retrieve the cars ...
Now everything is clear, the roads are freezing .. and it seems another joyous Sunday hermitage home ...
's official, I do not like the snow so much more ...


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