Monday, December 27, 2010

Thomson Dti 6300 User Guide

a bit 'late ...

I admit, I'm late.

had to go under the Christmas tree, but never mind.

I had to do, then I had to come get me ideas, then I came too, then I am attached to all those that came and I could not discard them, then my memory has not betrayed and could no longer do certain things but I did twelve months ago, then my wife (strano. ..) was pissed because I was always with his head in the clouds, then my therapist asked me if by chance I had not eaten anything overdue, because certain molds can cause disturbing hallucinations of food, then why would sedarmi everything is fine, but there is a limit and according to him certain - as properly defined in strictly clinical terms - "crap" show a bit of trouble he would know well how to solve ...

But in the end, we are almost ready.

And here, for all the friends of the blog, the delicious preview of the 2011 calendar of "The Wretched of beach tennis, dedicated this year - as you will see - art, mostly contemporary ( and what else is the beach tennis, played to our level, if not a contemporary art ...)

Just enough time to do a test print and understand how to publish a decent, to facilitate those who want to download it, and so on.

tomorrow night.


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