Friday, December 31, 2010

Milena Velba Speed Racer

Happy 2011!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Degrees Of Electrical Protection

Habemus papam

Here, the file is ready, but if I remember how to put it online through the damn file-sharing service called Scribd, a bolt of lightning that incinerates me. Then proceed by trial and error, cursing those updates, changes and upsets applications on the web, thought to favor the users but instead of sucking in a nightmare of uncertainty.

course were included in the calendar (and a bit drawn) pictures of the friends of Zurma Team, the bath plug and winter the group that is found every week at Stop and Go in vain to chase balls from the improbable trajectories. I rely on humor and understanding of who is portrayed: I hope that nobody will take offense and understand the spirit of the publication, as well as understand the spirit of this blog. However right now I name my legal advisor (eminent practitioner, consultant Team as well as authoritative allocation of a second candidate unfortunately aborted "golden shovel 2010" ), which will represent, assist and defend in any dispute, warning however - in view of possible damages to third parties or its far-fetched claims settlement in any parcels - which are absolutely broke.
2011 calendar of "the damned of beach tennis"

Here, it seems to work, though overflowing from the column of the blog and I will spend the rest of life soaking in the torment of trying to figure out how to align it.

E 'late, tomorrow we leave for the mountain , and then leave it there. But the important thing is that you can see it and if you like, download it and print it, to brighten up even during the next year the hostile walls that imprison us.

And Happy New Year to all.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Thomson Dti 6300 User Guide

a bit 'late ...

I admit, I'm late.

had to go under the Christmas tree, but never mind.

I had to do, then I had to come get me ideas, then I came too, then I am attached to all those that came and I could not discard them, then my memory has not betrayed and could no longer do certain things but I did twelve months ago, then my wife (strano. ..) was pissed because I was always with his head in the clouds, then my therapist asked me if by chance I had not eaten anything overdue, because certain molds can cause disturbing hallucinations of food, then why would sedarmi everything is fine, but there is a limit and according to him certain - as properly defined in strictly clinical terms - "crap" show a bit of trouble he would know well how to solve ...

But in the end, we are almost ready.

And here, for all the friends of the blog, the delicious preview of the 2011 calendar of "The Wretched of beach tennis, dedicated this year - as you will see - art, mostly contemporary ( and what else is the beach tennis, played to our level, if not a contemporary art ...)

Just enough time to do a test print and understand how to publish a decent, to facilitate those who want to download it, and so on.

tomorrow night.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Tech Deck Starter Set

a Merry Christmas ...

Four candles burning, we ate slowly.
The first said: "I am the PACE , but men do not want me. I really think I just have other things to do than to fade."
So, little by little, the candle is left to fade away ...

The second said: "I am the FAITH , but unfortunately it is useless, and men do not want to know me, it makes no sense that I stay lit."
sooner had he finished speaking a light breeze blew over her and extinguished it.

Sad sad the third candle, in turn, said: "I am the ' LOVE, but I do not have the strength to continue to remain on the men do not regard me and do not understand my importance . Too often prefer to hate. "
And waiting no longer be left off.

A child at that moment entered the room and saw the three unlit candles.
"But what do! You have to stay on, I'm afraid of the dark !"... and so saying, she burst into tears.
Then the fourth candle, impietositasi said: "Do not be afraid, do not cry! As long as I am on, we could always turn the other three candles, I am the HOPE. "
With tears in his eyes swollen with tears and the child took the candle and lit the other ... *

I wish you all a Merry Christmas to spend with your families, full of serenity, joy and above all so much hope !
Merry Christmas!

"And the star they had seen break,
before them, till it came and stood
where the child was "
;                                     (Mt 1,9)

* Stories from the animated Christmas Eve of my village scout group!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cellular Repsiration Lab 5

the ball comet

After the Winter Solstice, just past the darkest day of the last four years (during which they have carefully avoided to approve the University reform: it would be too easy to do on irony), the sun finally starts to pedal, the day they begin to grow.

good sign!

messenger of hope and joyful beachtennisti darkened by reference to the gray winter, the ball comet leads us verso est, verso la costa, sul mare, in un punto imprecisato della spiaggia tra il Bagno Granchio e il Bagno Las Vegas, dove ci accoglieranno tintinnanti le renne comacchiesi - dalle caratteristiche corna a forma di anguilla marinata - che, volando sopra le nostre teste nel cielo stellato, sganceranno di tutto tranne che doni (ma pazienza, di questi tempi dobbiamo saperci accontentare).

Comunque sia, coraggio!
E tanti auguri, anche di buon Natale.


Monday, December 20, 2010

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"CULTURE OF SUSPICION IS NOT 'the antechamber of Truth', and 'the antechamber of Khomeini"
(Giovanni Falcone)

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I read the news only 2 times in the Corriere della Sera, while the daily, called the story protectively
"Overexposure to the media Massimo Ciancimino.
But all rush to talk about bragging
But what is it?
Ciancimino Maximus, the scion of the late Don Vito, the stock slipped a few days ago he went to Verona by an entrepreneur so close to the families of the Ndrangheta Jonica Reggina, to be subjected to eavesdropping.
and the network of bugging devices planted by the Mobile of Reggio Calabria, he ends: Massimino.
In conversation the "Supertest" of negotiations between the state and the Mafia is called "icon antimafia" "I do what fuck I want in there''boasts Massimuccio, certain to be now become an idol for the modern anti-Mafia and of being able to ensure the millions of euro accumulated by his father. "In game I have much more to investigate tax, so they say (the prosecutor in Palermo, ed) to those (of Caltanissetta, ed) look that is our prosecution witness about what happened in the last twenty 'years, do not discredit him for a crap. "
boasting, are rushing to lay down the newspaper as being attentive. No: a full-blown confession made to the microphones, we say. And how!
Ciancimino perfectly describes his interlocutor of the potential acquisition and verification of confidential information by the information systems of the public prosecutor in Palermo. And the description corresponds to the very system SIDD / SIDN with which comes complete with an Anti-mafia District Attorney is able to access the national data of the National Anti-Mafia prosecutors.
So we must ask ourselves: just bragging?
Recycling in Reggio Calabria, to its relationship with the entrepreneur Jerome Strangi emerged in the interception of Verona is the new charges which Massimo Ciancimino is called to respond. And the prosecutor Antonio Ingroia
appeals to the''media''metamorphosis. And that is the overexposure of a "witness" brought about, for newspapers, TV and book presentations, escorted like a magistrate, and hailed as a star: overexposure that has transformed into anti-mafia myth the youngest son of Don Vito. Too bad that overexposure
your favorite from Year Zero, by the daily, ie the same circuit very close to the PM Palermo, has helped to create the framework of consensus needed to cheer the latest judicial theorems so dear all'Antimafia the millennium.
What is certain is that for much less, many other law-abiding citizens would be jailed. Good Ciancimino not. It 's too precious, it is too precious

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JANNONE ANGELO, Roberto Pennisi (ATTORNEY National Anti-Mafia) and Sabine Zinn Tele Dehon - Information, news, radio and television programs - Andria

Tele Dehon - Information, news, radio and television programs - Andria

Dibattito su "Intelligence, un metodo per la ricerca della verità" ed. Eurilink.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Shooting Pain In Foot

the ONLUS - 2

In fact, volunteers.

It is not clear yet what can push a normogiocatore beach tennis matches to submit to the agony of NPO.
mystical exaltation? Desire to expiate some kind of guilt? Pure masochism?

iconic image of the NPO
"You can play those less fortunate than yourself"

Very few cases are reported in the literature in which a player is aware of the condition necessarily have to deal with a lot ONLUS.

The most typical case NPO is required to provide the game with his wife.
Statistically, the vast majority of normogiocatori beach tennis is equipped with a wife anthropologically unsuitable for the practice of this sport.
E 'a psychodrama, unfortunately morally unavoidable, which has deeply marked the endless rows of players. Psychiatrists and psychotherapists continue to make money on the consequences of these adverse experiences: players haunted by nightmares populated by balls which whiz in bizarre directions, from wandering in the burning sands to recover from a vacuum racket shattered knuckles and phalanges, by constant reproaches that starting on the field, under the umbrella and explode in the home ... hell.

similar case, just more bearable because the little creatures responsible for all this trouble are still the blood of your blood, the game is NPO with little children. A pain but must be lived with apparent delight, a torture to be endured with a smile, a penalty in the penalty. Who has had the good fortune to come out unscathed from a similar experience, claims to have understood the deep roots of the greek myth of Cronus, the god who devoured his children at birth.

the god Kronos (Saturn to the Romans), devouring a child
that just asked to do two dribbles

Another case, but with more subtle and perverse implications that attenuate and even subvert the natural instincts of beach tennis player, is playing with a young woman ONLUS , unable to play but irrefutably stragnocca.

girl, learning the beach tennis with the help
selfless volunteer NGO, will
eventually hope to make some friends on the beach

Here the player's mind is torn by a dramatic inner conflict. On one hand, the instinct of the male predator, the other beachtennista ethic, the dream and the nightmare, the devil and the angel who fought in a mind clouded by charges hormone similar to those of the Hussars on horseback.

player who, with humility and patience, is about to start a
stragnocca the pleasures of beach tennis

Any stragnocca face the brutality, the hypnotic state of confusion in which pour normogiocatore he always brings it to justify it: the stragnocca never wrong, the stragnocca is always right.

For example:

"No, no, you did well to hit the ball back, but between your paddle and the ball was my head ..."

"But I figured, the hand did not you mica shattered completely, you see, I still have three phalanges almost entire ..."

"Well done, great job! SSSI, the one that flew across the network is my ear ... nooo, non ti preoccupare, tanto era quello con cui ci sentivo di meno, e poi me ne rimane un altro!"

"No, non è holpa hua, ma adehho la phallina non riehsco a shputalla, mahari stahera hon halma a hasa hrovo a infilahe un huhhiaio denthro l'esofaho..."

Nell'affrontare un’esperienza del genere, è importante mantenere il sangue freddo e ripetere continuamente il mantra fondamentale del giocatore ONLUS: "Questo non è beach tennis, è un'altra cosa.... questo non è beach tennis, è un'altra cosa....“  
Anche se poi, mentre l’agonia beachtennistica will reveal starkly real, the other thing will always remain unfulfilled dreams sull'etereo plan, adding frustration to frustration.

player after the services of voluntary
beachtennistico held in favor of a stragnocca

Next time we will talk about the other level of volunteering NGO, the most expensive, almost evangelical, who sacrifices spontaneously - without any obligation or pay-off - part of his life in favor of the outcast of beach tennis.

- 2. continues -

ps - It 's been so long since last post, but for technical reasons. You will notice that this was posted in digital, not analog more: something else entirely.



Un regalo di Natale del mio amico Davide Fonte, voce ufficiale di Sky, che legge con la sua splendida voce, IF....un invito ad essere uomini.

Se puoi non perdere la testa quando tutti attorno a te
L' hanno perduta e te ne incolpano,
Se puoi ancora credere in te stesso, quando più nessuno crede in te,
E tuttavia ti chiedi se non abbiano ragione gli altri e torto tu.
Se puoi attendere con calma ciò che ti spetta
o se, perseguitato, non pagare
odio con odio, offesa con vendetta,
senza per questo abbandonarti al gusto di Estimated saint among the saints and the righteous among the righteous.

If you can dream, and yet not lose the dream in networks,
If you think you can give everything without thinking;
If you can lay down face triumph and disgrace, without
And open wide our hearts to either. If
unflinchingly true you can see your lips did lie dell'insincero,
And suddenly collapse as dear to you soon back together with bitter courage. If
in one shot you can risk everything because you've had in life and lose it, then start again without regret
It's your game;

If you recall your courage when you have long since squandered the
And stand firm when you know you more you can not do,
If you do not say "On."

If you can touch the mud without defile
And give a hand to the king without excited.
If friend or foe can never get hurt.
If all men have loved ones too, but none more than the others.
If you know of an instant leap
than the applicant who does not forgive, then
Yours is the Earth and everything that gives,
And-more importantly-you'll be a Man, my son.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dvd Recorder How It Works

24 hours of fire ... eemh .. Snow!

I'm still alive ... just emerged from 24 hours of fire!
Indeed .. Snow! And that's strange, you say??
's strange that we have not snow, it never snows! The thing I loved most of my piece of life lived in Eagle it was the snow .. expect forward to every year, and put me in a good mood!
I come from the phrase "today it snowed!" stands for "this morning fell from the sky a few flakes of snow, the roads are diventate leggermente biancognole, i pendolari si sono fiondati a prendere il treno per paura di non riuscire a scendere fin sulla Tiburtina per raggiungere Roma, i bambini non sono andati a scuola.. perchè.. perchè.. perchè boh, ha nevicato!... tanti piccoli omini michelin si sono riversati nelle strade imbacuccati nelle tutine da sci, con sciarpe, cappelli e guanti pronti per una battaglia a palle di neve... che non ha mai avuto inizio perchè alle 9 la neve era già sparita del tutto, risucchiata da qualche timido raggio di sole"... Ecco! Questo è quello che ci aspettavamo tutti, quando verso le 11 di venerdì mattina sono cominciati a scendere i primi fiocchi di quella neve annunciata da un paio di giorni... 

Aquila After 7 years I thought I had collected a lot 'of experience on this front .. and actually I was pretty quiet, until I realized how much trouble they can create 20 cm of snow in areas not equipped for this kind of weather events!
at noon the whole village was in turmoil "... that bellooooo nevicaaaa!
All the street to take pictures (the last snowfall was in 2005!) To the snowy village ...

At one village was now completely covered with a white blanket of white on the street but there was already no more .. had officially entered the era "for charity all at home that it's snowing outside" ..
Pulcetta also felt the change, so that the second was strangely awake already after only an hour's nap ...
But that the winter afternoons at home by the fireplace are also more sympathetic with the snow outside the windows to create atmosphere ... were it not that still continued to snow at 3 cm of snow outside and were far too many for the poor ordinary mortals are accustomed to see snow only on TV!
And go with the first signs of impending danger ... Papy leaves the office (20 km from home) at 3 and called home to warn that given the time came out a bit 'before ... at 3:30 called again to inform us that there is a truck across a short distance from his office, which is locked in the car to almost 100 meters from the starting point ...
The snow continues to fall undeterred, heedless of the chaos rampant ...
Fortunately optimistic that we are a family .. and then after all, still excited for the snow day we gather around the fireplace and have a snack with a nice steaming mug hot chocolate ... the Pulcetta runs from window to window to watch the new landscape of whipped cream ... we go out at 4 to pick up a bit 'of snow ... He looks at her with a look somewhere between the question and the "why then you're in so much enthusiasm is eg white robbaccia ???!!??"... touches .. "Tatta is cold .. tries again ... "Tattersall is wet" .. made a last attempt ... "Tatta throw it .."

At 5 continues to snow and enthusiasm gives way to "oh well have snowed, mo 'enough, however," ... Papy at 5.30 is still half way .. the Mother of Pulcetta is locked in Rome, like all commuters who had to return to the village from work ... the highway is closed, the Tiburtina packed with people afraid and unable to deal with the snow-covered road ... The few that manage to reach the junction that leads to the town are forced to leave the car and walk the remaining 3.4 km .. the curvy road that climbs to the village with 20 cm of snow is impractical for those without chains ... that is all!
At 6 called Papy ... 1 to 10 is 12 ... nervous he is not afraid and would walk quietly enough not to do so because there are many abandoned cars in double and triple row on the road .. the owners have decided to continue walk! The few still in the car can no longer handle the situation .. machines that are spun, trucks were across ... is total chaos ...
Meanwhile no one can move from the country ... forced to cancel all appointments for the evening ... the snow has officially become the number one enemy ...
Papy arrives home at 6.40 ...
uncles, cousins, friends and various relatives are still stuck in Rome .. . trains delayed madly ... the buses do not even think about starting ... was done at night and rise from the Tiburtina begins to be a problem even on foot ...
I cellulari sono isolati, funzionano solo i telefoni fissi... anche in tv 3
quarti dei canali non prendono il segnale... metà paese è senza acqua... i tubi sono gelati, le caldaie non partono...
In casa improvvisiamo una danza della pioggia, ma niente... continua a nevicare.. 
Andiamo a dormire afflitti e sconsolati... 
Stamattina alle 7 eravamo già tutti in piedi speranzosi di ritrovare il paesaggio solito... e invece è ancora tutto bianco.. il mio mercatino è saltato... il paese è rimasto isolato fino a metà pomeriggio... niente latte, niente pane, e chiaramente niente schools!
Around 5 o'clock this afternoon the snow began to melt ... Our garden has re-emerged seeds destroyed ... the palm tree with broken branches means .. the planting of my Mamy fat frozen flower beds overflowing with dead plants, mimosa bent 60 degrees towards earth ... someone has started to take to the streets with a tractor to remove a bit 'of snow (and do not laugh .. if the province were expected to plow fresh !)... The first rash began to walk down towards Tiburtina to retrieve the cars ...
Now everything is clear, the roads are freezing .. and it seems another joyous Sunday hermitage home ...
's official, I do not like the snow so much more ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hiatal Hernia Surgery Pros And Cons


In the video of Henry Tagliaferro, whom I thank, the first part of my interview with Radio 24, Melog, conducted by Gianlunca Nicoletti.
Themes: "One Life to infiltrate," my book "Intelligence, a method for the search for truth, shorting the information, and Wikileaks, .. all the more.
http://www. / l.php? u = http% 3A% 2F% 2Farchivio.php%%% 3Fdirprog 3DMelog% 25202.0 & h = 9148th

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wedding Cake From Store Bought Mix

Christmas time !!!!!

Oooooohhhh ... has finally arrived ... The Christmas spirit has finally invaded the house! This year has become a bit 'desire, came in waves, due to various commitments of the family!
The day of the Immaculate Conception was the birthday of my grandmother's old ... 90 years ... and his comment "I hear them eh mica me ...!"

Among Mass., sales of Charity, lunch, the market and stuff, we have the right to place the tree with two balls and the hut of the crib, just to respect tradition!

Luckily we recovered in the following days ... :) This year
Mamy (which each year must buy at least two or three balls would not sleep peacefully), aided by a butterfly-shaped wedding favors we had at home, decided to bring something to our lilac tree ... and I must say I like the result and how!!

The crib I came so good it deserves a separate post .. :)
Pulcetta Clearly having the house we had to give up the beautiful statues of clay, for the less beautiful but more resistant plastic ...
is awaiting the photos of the crib, I leave you with those of Pulcetta, struggling with his very own nativity scene on the floor!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Travesti On Line Free

Ingroia, Travaglio, Di Pietro, ALL passionately. BUT IT SEEMS TO YOU NORMAL? Like it or ...... NO BERLUSCONI The Scratch

The dictator of Bunga, Bunga "December 10, 2010 in Bologna, he goes I'm staying"
Recitation so the ad on the Italia dei Valori. Exactly.
The challenge is, I think, necessary in a democracy. Okay. Good taste would be appreciated . But I could also say that the other parte non è che lo insegni molto. Ma qui una cartellonistica con donnine in calze a rete, rasenta il grottesco. E passi. Ma che tra coloro che intervengono, ad una manifestazione politica ci sia un procuratore Aggiunto come Ingroia, sedicente o lor dicenti erede di Borsellino....beh, francamente mi sembra troppo. E mi spaventa. Perchè oramai non c'è più pudore alcuno nell'ostentare la propria simpatia politica o, meglio, l'antagonismo politico. Da parte di un magistrato che a questo punto, nel suo tentativo di dimostrare l'esistenza di una trattativa stato/mafia a favore della nuova entità politica, ossia Forza Italia, non può che essere ritenuto poco credibile, sopratutto quando a farci le spese sono persone come Mori, Obinu ed other servants of the state. If my estimates are wrong ... that means I was born into the wrong world and I expect to be investigated by this sort of neo triumvirate political journalism - the judiciary, just for daring to express them, but I am sure that many share, and the same dott.Ingroia will reconsider its position and with the wisdom that is a must we will reconsider.

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Monica Riccioni: The receipt of the complaint to the Attorney DIA ... The Scratch

Monica Riccioni The Scratch: The receipt of the complaint to the Attorney DIA ... : "This' receipt of the complaint letter hand delivered on 01/04/2010 to the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor's attention ..."

Saturday, December 11, 2010

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Monica Riccioni: Press especially important to parents of Monica Riccioni

The Scratch Monica Riccioni: Press especially important to parents: "Press is especially important to parents, pay attention to the PC of your children, the ogre is not the only problem that arises in network p. .."

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The Scratch: First blood written by Aldo Pecora

The Scratch Monica Riccioni: First blood written by Aldo Pecora : "Start at Milan on national tour of public presentations of 'First Blood', the debut of the young founder of 'Kill All'..."

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The Scratch Monica Riccioni: Ambush mafia victim attended cla ... The Scratch

The Scratch Monica Riccioni: Ambush mafia victim attended cla ... "CATANIA, 11 DIC - Catania A man 'was killed by multiple gunshot wounds near Etna Bar, in the district of St. John Ga ..."

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Monica Riccioni: Going back to the landfill battles Terzigno, injured ... The Scratch

The Scratch Monica Riccioni: Going back to the landfill battles Terzigno, injured ... : "A policeman was wounded in the ankle by a bottle during the tensions that were registered before the landfill at third ..."

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Monica Riccioni: Francesco Carbone and courage Striscia la Notizia ... The Scratch

The Scratch Monica Riccioni: Francesco Carbone and courage Striscia la Notizia ... : "Striscia la Notizia, and the story reported by Francesco Carbone That 's the response of an employee of an envoy of the Strip No. .."

Friday, December 10, 2010

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Monica Riccioni: Behind the "Weapons of mass protection" against the A ... The Scratch

The Scratch Monica Riccioni: Behind the "Weapons of mass protection" against the A ... : "Behind the" Weapons of protection mass "Interviewed Antonella Di Vita, creative and copywriter's Kitchen that has produced a campaign °..."

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Monica Riccioni: Toronto Santa Claus Parade

The Scratch Monica Riccioni: Toronto Santa Claus Parade :" Dedicated to all children admitted to 'Gaslini Hospital for a speedy recovery, and that night in Santa Claus is a shining star ... "

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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The Scratch Monica Riccioni: But do you really think that Cristiano is the Tatarelli ... The Scratch

The Scratch Monica Riccioni: But do you really think that Cristiano is the Tatarelli ..." He He did more in a year that a public prosecutor, a mayor and a prefect. The head of Mobile has a resume is not i. .. "