Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wilson Antennas Canada

disdain BATTISTA our contradictions. THOUGHT OF THE DAY

President Lula will leave a bad memory to the Italians with the case of former militant of the Pac (Armed Proletarians for Communism) Cesare Battisti. Unless
not want to believe that this is a mistaken identity and that the old Lula has confused with the eponymous hero of Italian irredentism, Lt. gold medal, Cesare Battisti and are looking for a little late in history to save his life. Then remind him that that would be worth Battisti has already been sentenced to death by the Austrians on July 12, 1916 and are dedicated to him many Italian streets and squares. But his
Cesare Battisti is something else.
Lula's decision must still be ratified by the Supreme Federal Tribunal (STF), whose 10 members are called to add their votes to those of the former President of Brazil.
But there is no question that the refusal of extradition, if finalized would be considered unlawful because the status of political refugee can not be granted to those who, beyond the ideological purposes of the armed struggle, was found guilty by a final court of crimes against the person.
And who is still the result of these crimes and we remember them every day is my friend Alberto Torregiani, forced for years on a wheelchair, from that February 16, 1979, when the CAP - the second judgments - for a robbery flow, the father killed under the eyes and wounded him seriously. The ITER

the story
Cesare Battisti, who was sentenced to life in prison for 4 murders, in 1988, once arrested in Brazil in 2007, where he had fled after the amendment of legislation on political refugees in France in 2004 , obtained from the Minister della Giustizia Tarso Gero, lo status di rifugiato politico e rimane detenuto nel carcere Papuda di Brasilia.
Il motivo del beneficio troverebbe fondamento nel Decreto 863/93 di ratifica del trattato bilaterale Italia-Brasile, che esclude all'art.3 l'estradizione quando si ha motivo di ritenere che l'estradato possa essere sottoposto a persecuzioni per motivi politici, razziali, religiosi. No comment.
Sul provvedimento del Ministro, la parola è passata a Lula ed al Supremo Tribunale Federale, il cui presidente è cambiato in questi giorni: a Mendez, favorevole all'estradizione, è succeduto Cesar Peluso. Normale avvicendamento biennale.
Il voto di Lula si potrebbe aggiungere ai 5 giudici su 10, favorevoli ad ospitare Battisti Brazilian prisons.
may be thus explained the inference that the second choice, also illegal, has fallen on the power to decide on the Supreme Federal Court.

On the real reasons that have led Lula to make a decision so unpopular in Italy and the Italians (about 6 million only in Sao Paulo), and so challenging for relations between our countries, it is By all accounts the most.
But I do not trust to the definition of the rumors. And therefore I do not think and do not want to believe that a person with a thickness of Lula from falling so much for friendship or low corruptions.
So why? The real reasons
are, in my opinion, the bad image that the justice of our country in the world.
In Italy it screams at the end of the rule of law and democracy. And
to protest, as well as Alberto Torregiani, who more than any other has the sacred duty, many ordinary citizens, students, intellectuals and politicians. A cross-complaint.
Especially the political majority.
That same majority that has often emphasized a Justice that does not work in Italy as elsewhere, can now claim that those who do not believe there is a sentence in Italian?
Those same opposition that helped to spread the image of Italy, such as Banana Republic, how can today expect someone overseas do not believe those who speak of summary trials?
remember that it was in Milan, on the basis of rumors, but never found those considered slander, judges have supported the view of entire corrupt Brazilian institutions. So, I wonder - what surprised us today?


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