Monday, January 10, 2011

Do I Get A W2 For My Disability?

2011 to go ...

Ci siamo, l'anno nuovo è iniziato, tra brindisi, divertimenti e tanti buoni propositi! 
In questo periodo non riesco ad essere presente sui vostri, e sui miei, blog come vorrei! Un pochettino di tempo riuscirei anche a trovarlo.. il problema è che dopo aver passato la giornata davanti allo schermo del pc a scribacchiare, leggere articoli e lavorare alla tesi... nei momenti di pausa i miei occhi sentono l'urgente bisogno di riposarsi lontani dai pixel, e così va a finire che preferisco dedicarmi ad altro, and my head gets busy million ideas for posts that will probably never write!

I am not among those who, over a year, reckoning and throw down a budget ... But sometimes I even do it during the year, to make a stock.
Yesterday was one of those days. Mamy yesterday and I had to go out for shopping. Mamy yesterday came into the bathroom while I finished getting ready to see if I was ready. Mamy yesterday and I have joked in the bathroom before she came down. Yesterday, only a few moments later, I heard a thud and screams, I left the room, I looked out the steps and Mamy I saw lying on the ground with blood on his face.
Yesterday Mamy slipped while descending the stairs and fell with his face against the dining room table ...

Last night, after returning from the emergency department, after learning that after all has gone well and Mamy got away with a swollen knee, a black eye and a dozen points on the front, while I was alone in the room in my bed, I pulled my money ... January 9, 2011 ... 1 year, 9 months and 3 days after the earthquake of April 6, 2009 ... and with a scar which I'll probably have to learn to live with.
Why things are looking better, they are definitely more quiet since I came back to the village. I think less often about what was and what could be, to people that there are more, not what I said and that I wanted to say ... I have not kept constantly in mind the results of those cursed few moments .. But there is something inside me that keeps me tied to those moments ... Now I realize what I was calm and carefree before the earthquake, and how little I can now be ... and not to mention the panic attacks that I had in months, which are now a distant memory. I'm talking about a more subtle fear, constantly following me, making me think the worst for any silly ... because for a year, 9 months and three days in this part I have the fear of losing what I have ... I was terrified that something could happen to people I love, first and foremost my parents and my sister ... jump up at the slightest noise, almost waiting to happen at any moment the unpredictable ...
Then I will repeat that, that over time the scar will stop hurting ... I do not know if I believe the way down. The truth is that that night I stole a little piece of heart, the same that I sometimes still hurts.

said that the new year has begun, and this my dear will be a year of great designs! :)


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