Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can Cat Seizures Shorten Life


As we said a few weeks ago, on a different level there are true volunteers, the backbone of the NGO "You can play those less fortunate than you."
silent heroes belonging to the universe of solidarity, goodness, charity and selflessness, are those who, without any obligation, to exercise their activities for everyone, not just wives, sons or stragnocche.
kind and patient, instead of devoting themselves to the many leisure and recreational activities practiced on the beach, such as turkey girls, school spritz compulsive shopping or go to the market on the foreshore Taking care of people neglected, console desperate cases and always have a smile (sometimes a bit 'stupid) for all.

They are the true missionaries of beach tennis.

Here we show a gallery of honest men, saints and benefactors who by their shining example have inspired and continue to support the mission of the volunteers of the NGO.

Coppi and Bartali, characters symbol of how small gestures of help and solidarity towards the opponents can make the world better.

Mother Teresa, or service to the weaker, again from the bottom up as mixed doubles in .

Albert Schweitzer, benefactor, physician and missionary, or the attention and respect for all life, even if the racket seems to crush the tsetse flies that plagued the subtropics Africa.

Mahatma Gandhi, that pacifism and nonviolence: never impallinato anyone with a smash.
Papa Roncalli. Celebre il suo discorso che ancora ispira i volontari ONLUS: 
“Tornando a casa, troverete i bambini. Date una racchettata ai vostri bambini e dite: questa è la racchettata del Papa. E l’anno prossimo, mi raccomando, fate i vostri tornei under 12, 14 e 16 in un altro bagno, non più al bagno Spina, altrimenti ve ne arriverà un’altra!”


In attesa della prevedibile scomunica, vi anticipo che a breve sarà pubblicata la quarta ed ultima parte di questo tributo alla bontà beachtennistica, which reveals the terrible risks that the activity of volunteering involves.

- 3. continues -


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