Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dog Only Pooing Mucous

version of Barney

often happens that when you go to the movies there comes a time when, by deleting the cartoons, eliminating the films you've seen, eliminating even the horror that is the only kind that just do not like ... You are organizing a cinemino with a friend and you are forced to choose the last and only film left, you do not know even in outline the plot, and that basically you do not even attract that much ... and understood well that in the end you find yourself to attend the screening of a film Aivoglia pretty interesting ... if it happens!

The last time it happened to me last week when, for the reasons stated above I went to see Barney's version , film from the novel by Richler (which, to be honest, did not even know its existence).

A film about life, the life of unruly crowds and Barney Panofvsky.
After the publication of a book by its number one enemy, Detective O'Hear, who accused him of being responsible for the disappearance of his best friend, Boogie, Barney decides to tell his version ... starting from their youth spent with Boogie between drugs, alcohol and women!
tells of his three marriages ... the first for alleged duty ... economic interest for the second ... and the third, with the one and only love of his life.

he tells of a day spent with Boogie, their quarrel, and his death as if it had never been able to rebuild its fortunes.

A fascinating character ... surly, angry, arrogant and politically incorrect at the earliest scenes in the film, Barney can at the same time to make people smile and move the viewer.
Especially at the end, when it was old and dall'Alzheimer and overwhelmed with guilt, he will find the explanation that he was looking for for years, just getting lost with a look towards the horizon ...

A wonderful love story, though very far from the traditional rules of romantic movies.
To mention the absolutely wonderful interpretation of Dustin Offman in the role of the father, Izzy Panofsky .

short, an unexpectedly good movie!
A questo punto non mi resta che leggere il libro da cui è stato tratto il film... ma questo sarà un altro post!!


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