Monday, January 17, 2011

Whats Good With Wearing Light Blue Swaets?


In attesa di leggere gli atti del caso Ruby, che i magistrati milanesi hanno ritenuto contenere “prove talmente evidenti” da richiedere il giudizio immediato, il mio punto di vista sul caso.
E’ un caso politico? Si. Lo ripeto da tempo. Un presidente del consiglio, uno statista non può non contestualizzare il suo stile di vita alle aspettative degli italiani. And the Italians, in general, are expected to be a statesman a sober lifestyle. Point.
And a court case? Ridiculous. I find the charges ridiculous and specious. Ridiculous and offensive to the taxpayers the wasted resources for the investigation. Let me explain. An Anti-Mafia Prosecutor Added
the Bocassini, working on the case. But not only. Delegate to the investigation by the mobile team of Milan and the SCO (Central Operational Service of the State Police), an organization founded in 1992 with ROS to investigate the phenomena of organized crime.
forgetful to remember that in 1998 the circular Napolitano (then Minister of Interior) prohibited the central institutions of the judicial police to investigate. And the bodies distrettuali (ROS, GICO, e sezioni criminalità organizzata della polizia di stato) ritornavano a dipendere dalle singole Procura. Il casus belli furono le indagini su Pacini Battaglia a Perugia e a Brescia, sul SISDE a Roma (in cui fu sfiorato l’allora Presidente della Repubblica Scalfaro).
Ma se il risultato di questa operazione è il loro impiego per un indagine su qualche mignottella di lusso, credo che come contribuente si possa avere da ridire.
L’accusa: concussione? Solo un comodo escamotage per intercettare. E’ infatti fuori discussione che non possa essere ritenuta concussiva un’intervento – certamente deprecabile sul piano politico – rivolto al Questore di Milano.
Allora perché not investigate the Quaestor of Milan and all the police officers who have joined in this request? For the graft would be ridiculous "injured parties". But as public officials were required to report the crime to the judiciary. This is undisputed.
Exploitation of prostitution? Let us assume that there is evidence (from what you do not know then) that there was sex.
Since when does the "customer" commits the crime of pimping?
But what proves that?
I stress: I do not defend Berlusconi. Indeed. That there was a show of force unjustified and, in some respects, illegitimate, compared to the hypothetical facts. So
is offered once again next to the speaker - and rightly so - of instrumental use of the justice due to political prejudice on the part of some judges. To offer to the international media another reason to "honor" and press for the resignation of Prime Minister. At the expense of other magistrates with sacrifice and personal exposure dealing with serious matters.


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