Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Is High Bilirubin Levels

Nuggets of wisdom ...

"Life is not a simple linear path along which we can move freely and smoothly, but rather an intricate maze through which we must find our way. Often lost and confused, sometimes locked in a dead end, but always, if we have faith, it will open a door, perhaps not what we expected, but certainly one that will eventually prove to be the best for us. "
(AJ Cronin)

Good Life everyone!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Paddle Boats Sold By Costco

time lags of the examinations

year too, spent Christmas, I had to schedule routine medical examinations .
course driven by force from my wife.
The arguments for pulling out of obligation to do so are always the same:
1) now thou hast age (and thanks, go ahead to turn over the knife ...)
2) you can not go on like to do what you do (eg. play beach tennis for hours and hours) without checking
3) can not continue to bury our head in the sand like ostriches (that is the reason for my passion for the beaches?)
4) not expect to feel good just because you do not control ( but it is not true that I do not control: for example, goes off immediately after this statement testicular self-examination!)
5) if, because of your carelessness, you should be a cuddly, now aspire to leave the pens because otherwise the hell with that I'll be there to assist (eh, it's always nice to know they can count on someone ...) But

is true, I usually always slumbering, I often do the exams and prescribe - ops! - I can get the terms of the end, earning a few months.
But that is not afraid of the withdrawal, for charity, is not: are the outcomes that terrify me. Because if I was feeling just fine and in good shape, certainly on the side of the damn numerini report emerges that this value is high, these others are the limit and that we must understand why you moved, making me fall, at best, by a state of one's attention that what I did I can not do more or worse than I hate to do it I will be a compulsory, and at worst in a swirl of investigations that I suck in a whirl without end, which for someone like me who likes to be away a lot of doctors, medicines and hospitals, it looks like a nightmare.


It 'clear that the manufacturers of containers for the urine sample had to make a painful choice: either help the patients, or facilitate the workshops.
Ed chose the latter. For this
produce and market the tubes.
Usually the night before the exams, Later on, I support the tube on the lid of the toilet to avoid the risk of forgetting. Then the rest of the night is a nightmare. I am fasting from midnight, I fall asleep very late and at three, when I feel the first stimulus, beginning a grueling half-sleep. Every fifteen minutes the alarm clock and more peep peep the alarm is growing over the stimulus, and every quarter of an hour the bladder is inflated significantly, as an hourglass water.
This usually I do not ever, but that morning there, yes. I have a feeling that he never had an urge so powerful, I turned in bed, I look at the clock, grit my teeth and say oh God no ... I'll never
At five I have the impression to regain control, they are naturally a cold sweat that help drain fluids.
At five and a half made me rush to the bathroom, I open the packaging of the tube, and frantically - because I have not done this before? - I read the instructions: is there to fill the tag. And at five thirty in the morning I feel all the inadequacies of a short-sighted sleepy looking for a pen trial and error, and must write their data on small labels, glossy paper and glued onto a curved surface. Ten minutes, his legs tight and cold sweat.
And then begins the difficult.
Perhaps those who produce the tubes is not never raised the issue of who should fill. Now I do not know the accuracy of women, but for us men, although apparently facilitated by our special pointing device, the fill tube is a drama.
Imagine if the same principle were applied to petrol stations, namely, whether the spray gun does not fit in the fuel tank filler but had to rely on vague mouthpiece three times closer ...
The method that I use is this: dispensing drip with spasmodic abdominal contractions and contortions to avoid flooding. Among other things, is an exercise that, to do so consistently, you sculpt the abs to turtle like a bodybuilder. It works, but it is a punishment, also because we must be careful not to overfill the tube, otherwise when you close the cap is demonstrated experimentally, and so harmful, the law on the incompressibility of liquids.

And we get the cutest thing, the transportation and delivery of the tube to the clinic samples.

that morning you find yourself in the lobby of the surgery, in the midst of a group of individuals that wary look around with the air of conspirators, some of them wrapped in the cloak beneath which hides the Fantomas unclean bundle that includes the tube, ready to pull it out with a flourish.
must say that in these situations, the human imagination indulges itself: wherever it is placed the piece of plastic Sportina LIDL all'astuccio of pencils and son to clutch bag by Louis Vuitton, it is always wrapped and sealed in the most bizarre ways.
I saw tubes wrapped in Domopak, stop the toilet paper with tape, the paper towel secured with rubber bands, in parchment paper tied with string to roast in aluminum foil, paper Christmas gifts sheathed by a residue of socks network, in a plaid, in a Persian carpet in linen bandages soaked with essences resinous, like those of Egyptian mummies ...
And all further enclosed in a sealed freezer bag with intricate sailors knots. I
elegantly counts on the cap and then replace the tube in his cardboard box and stuck it upright in his shirt pocket. And 'dangerous, but when you have to take risks, I do not ever pull back.
And all this to have substantially only one clinically useful information:
"color: yellow" .
If we were to find the sand, does not depend on the kidneys is definitely that inhale weekly on the fields of Stop and Go

To illustrate another defining moment, that the blood sample in the office, I will simply show you some scenes which sum up situations that I witnessed in my many years of attendance at clinics. Those who had already seen, be patient.

Oh, by the way the results would be ready this morning.
But today is my birthday, so the hell with them I'm going to retire.
I'll think about Monday.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dog Only Pooing Mucous

version of Barney

often happens that when you go to the movies there comes a time when, by deleting the cartoons, eliminating the films you've seen, eliminating even the horror that is the only kind that just do not like ... You are organizing a cinemino with a friend and you are forced to choose the last and only film left, you do not know even in outline the plot, and that basically you do not even attract that much ... and understood well that in the end you find yourself to attend the screening of a film Aivoglia pretty interesting ... if it happens!

The last time it happened to me last week when, for the reasons stated above I went to see Barney's version , film from the novel by Richler (which, to be honest, did not even know its existence).

A film about life, the life of unruly crowds and Barney Panofvsky.
After the publication of a book by its number one enemy, Detective O'Hear, who accused him of being responsible for the disappearance of his best friend, Boogie, Barney decides to tell his version ... starting from their youth spent with Boogie between drugs, alcohol and women!
tells of his three marriages ... the first for alleged duty ... economic interest for the second ... and the third, with the one and only love of his life.

he tells of a day spent with Boogie, their quarrel, and his death as if it had never been able to rebuild its fortunes.

A fascinating character ... surly, angry, arrogant and politically incorrect at the earliest scenes in the film, Barney can at the same time to make people smile and move the viewer.
Especially at the end, when it was old and dall'Alzheimer and overwhelmed with guilt, he will find the explanation that he was looking for for years, just getting lost with a look towards the horizon ...

A wonderful love story, though very far from the traditional rules of romantic movies.
To mention the absolutely wonderful interpretation of Dustin Offman in the role of the father, Izzy Panofsky .

short, an unexpectedly good movie!
A questo punto non mi resta che leggere il libro da cui è stato tratto il film... ma questo sarà un altro post!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Fake Stretchers Do They Look Real?

Plastic bags au revoir!

L’inizio del 2011 ha segnato un importante passo in avanti per la salvaguardia del nostro pianeta... lo STOP assoluto alla produzione e commercializzazione delle buste di plastica!
Chiaramente, come ogni cambiamento che si rispetti, la notizia è stata immediatamente accompagnata da pareri discordanti!
Il mio è decisamente favorevole, per quanto concerne la sua importanza a livello ambientale... mentre è del tutto indifferente per quanto regards its impact on people's lives and their everyday life ... and this simply because for many years, my family, the consumption of plastic bags is reduced to three times a week we throw away the waste is not differentiable, just putting them in the appropriate trash bags (which of course we immediately proceeded to replace with fully biodegradable).

Plastic bags for my mom never liked ... and consequently we used daughters to bring in your bag always an alternative! Because let's face it ... alternatives, even more comfortable, There are many ...

First years are on the market reusable envelopes: buy them once and then just take them behind when you go to the grocery store! There are many models that, in addition to being reusable, they are also lockable ... in your bag take up little more than a regular wallet! Other larger and more spacious for spending big!
This is my personal arsenal of envelopes to the stock exchange, as I call it ..
... very comfortable and very useful!
Popular Among the criticisms I've heard some people comment that this solution will require people to buy bags for garbage ... ok! But a roll of bags (if not brand, but basically it goes in the garbage ...) costs far less of an equal number of supermarket shoppers, however, that are almost never given for free, especially not irrelevant, arrive home intact and not all riddled with the risk of having to clean the bucket every time!
And in any case in all the stores will continue to be sold in the biodegradable bags (a preposterous price) o quelle di carta (a prezzi ancora più improponibili)... 
Che poi per evitare di far soffocare la Terra sotto una coltre di plastica ci siano molti altri passi da fare, sono estremamente d'accordo... ma questo è un altro discorso!
Insomma, mi sembra che di alternative ce ne siano davvero molte, e allora, dico io, smettiamola di fare processi inutili per ogni singola cosa, e cominciamo a fare qualche piccolo ma serio passo per questo pianeta, qualcosa che sia più concreto delle parole buttate al vento!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can Cat Seizures Shorten Life


As we said a few weeks ago, on a different level there are true volunteers, the backbone of the NGO "You can play those less fortunate than you."
silent heroes belonging to the universe of solidarity, goodness, charity and selflessness, are those who, without any obligation, to exercise their activities for everyone, not just wives, sons or stragnocche.
kind and patient, instead of devoting themselves to the many leisure and recreational activities practiced on the beach, such as turkey girls, school spritz compulsive shopping or go to the market on the foreshore Taking care of people neglected, console desperate cases and always have a smile (sometimes a bit 'stupid) for all.

They are the true missionaries of beach tennis.

Here we show a gallery of honest men, saints and benefactors who by their shining example have inspired and continue to support the mission of the volunteers of the NGO.

Coppi and Bartali, characters symbol of how small gestures of help and solidarity towards the opponents can make the world better.

Mother Teresa, or service to the weaker, again from the bottom up as mixed doubles in .

Albert Schweitzer, benefactor, physician and missionary, or the attention and respect for all life, even if the racket seems to crush the tsetse flies that plagued the subtropics Africa.

Mahatma Gandhi, that pacifism and nonviolence: never impallinato anyone with a smash.
Papa Roncalli. Celebre il suo discorso che ancora ispira i volontari ONLUS: 
“Tornando a casa, troverete i bambini. Date una racchettata ai vostri bambini e dite: questa è la racchettata del Papa. E l’anno prossimo, mi raccomando, fate i vostri tornei under 12, 14 e 16 in un altro bagno, non più al bagno Spina, altrimenti ve ne arriverà un’altra!”


In attesa della prevedibile scomunica, vi anticipo che a breve sarà pubblicata la quarta ed ultima parte di questo tributo alla bontà beachtennistica, which reveals the terrible risks that the activity of volunteering involves.

- 3. continues -

Monday, January 17, 2011

Whats Good With Wearing Light Blue Swaets?


In attesa di leggere gli atti del caso Ruby, che i magistrati milanesi hanno ritenuto contenere “prove talmente evidenti” da richiedere il giudizio immediato, il mio punto di vista sul caso.
E’ un caso politico? Si. Lo ripeto da tempo. Un presidente del consiglio, uno statista non può non contestualizzare il suo stile di vita alle aspettative degli italiani. And the Italians, in general, are expected to be a statesman a sober lifestyle. Point.
And a court case? Ridiculous. I find the charges ridiculous and specious. Ridiculous and offensive to the taxpayers the wasted resources for the investigation. Let me explain. An Anti-Mafia Prosecutor Added
the Bocassini, working on the case. But not only. Delegate to the investigation by the mobile team of Milan and the SCO (Central Operational Service of the State Police), an organization founded in 1992 with ROS to investigate the phenomena of organized crime.
forgetful to remember that in 1998 the circular Napolitano (then Minister of Interior) prohibited the central institutions of the judicial police to investigate. And the bodies distrettuali (ROS, GICO, e sezioni criminalità organizzata della polizia di stato) ritornavano a dipendere dalle singole Procura. Il casus belli furono le indagini su Pacini Battaglia a Perugia e a Brescia, sul SISDE a Roma (in cui fu sfiorato l’allora Presidente della Repubblica Scalfaro).
Ma se il risultato di questa operazione è il loro impiego per un indagine su qualche mignottella di lusso, credo che come contribuente si possa avere da ridire.
L’accusa: concussione? Solo un comodo escamotage per intercettare. E’ infatti fuori discussione che non possa essere ritenuta concussiva un’intervento – certamente deprecabile sul piano politico – rivolto al Questore di Milano.
Allora perché not investigate the Quaestor of Milan and all the police officers who have joined in this request? For the graft would be ridiculous "injured parties". But as public officials were required to report the crime to the judiciary. This is undisputed.
Exploitation of prostitution? Let us assume that there is evidence (from what you do not know then) that there was sex.
Since when does the "customer" commits the crime of pimping?
But what proves that?
I stress: I do not defend Berlusconi. Indeed. That there was a show of force unjustified and, in some respects, illegitimate, compared to the hypothetical facts. So
is offered once again next to the speaker - and rightly so - of instrumental use of the justice due to political prejudice on the part of some judges. To offer to the international media another reason to "honor" and press for the resignation of Prime Minister. At the expense of other magistrates with sacrifice and personal exposure dealing with serious matters.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Do I Get A W2 For My Disability?

2011 to go ...

Ci siamo, l'anno nuovo è iniziato, tra brindisi, divertimenti e tanti buoni propositi! 
In questo periodo non riesco ad essere presente sui vostri, e sui miei, blog come vorrei! Un pochettino di tempo riuscirei anche a trovarlo.. il problema è che dopo aver passato la giornata davanti allo schermo del pc a scribacchiare, leggere articoli e lavorare alla tesi... nei momenti di pausa i miei occhi sentono l'urgente bisogno di riposarsi lontani dai pixel, e così va a finire che preferisco dedicarmi ad altro, and my head gets busy million ideas for posts that will probably never write!

I am not among those who, over a year, reckoning and throw down a budget ... But sometimes I even do it during the year, to make a stock.
Yesterday was one of those days. Mamy yesterday and I had to go out for shopping. Mamy yesterday came into the bathroom while I finished getting ready to see if I was ready. Mamy yesterday and I have joked in the bathroom before she came down. Yesterday, only a few moments later, I heard a thud and screams, I left the room, I looked out the steps and Mamy I saw lying on the ground with blood on his face.
Yesterday Mamy slipped while descending the stairs and fell with his face against the dining room table ...

Last night, after returning from the emergency department, after learning that after all has gone well and Mamy got away with a swollen knee, a black eye and a dozen points on the front, while I was alone in the room in my bed, I pulled my money ... January 9, 2011 ... 1 year, 9 months and 3 days after the earthquake of April 6, 2009 ... and with a scar which I'll probably have to learn to live with.
Why things are looking better, they are definitely more quiet since I came back to the village. I think less often about what was and what could be, to people that there are more, not what I said and that I wanted to say ... I have not kept constantly in mind the results of those cursed few moments .. But there is something inside me that keeps me tied to those moments ... Now I realize what I was calm and carefree before the earthquake, and how little I can now be ... and not to mention the panic attacks that I had in months, which are now a distant memory. I'm talking about a more subtle fear, constantly following me, making me think the worst for any silly ... because for a year, 9 months and three days in this part I have the fear of losing what I have ... I was terrified that something could happen to people I love, first and foremost my parents and my sister ... jump up at the slightest noise, almost waiting to happen at any moment the unpredictable ...
Then I will repeat that, that over time the scar will stop hurting ... I do not know if I believe the way down. The truth is that that night I stole a little piece of heart, the same that I sometimes still hurts.

said that the new year has begun, and this my dear will be a year of great designs! :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Limit Dog Size

best witches of the past 150 years

Ale, maximum results with minimum effort, happily recycle designs end up as the holidays, and who we have seen we have seen!

But who will never be the three figures that appear fluttering in the night sky? The three wise men would say no, the figures seem less peaceful, a little ' more sinister ...
Yet they are familiar figures, you'll swear you've seen before them, perhaps in reality, perhaps in a dream, or maybe a nightmare ... We will
something good? If it is true what I think, I would say not.
Especially the third one, skinny one with the hair blacks, that has the look of one who threatens to fill the boiler with coal as a locomotive.
Maybe because we were bad we have snubbed, we did not play enough, and there are now paying the consequences.
But do not worry, it is universally known that while the sweet hurt, coal is beneficial if the heat burns and eats it deflates.
So we can rest assured. And if it says on my racquet "carbon" , a good reason there must be ...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Vivitar 5x30 Binocular

No Song of my body I'm sorry if I call you slow

Song of my body slow

My mouth has kissed too
orders supermarket
Betting gone wrong
patients of a hospital.
My lips are open to his lips as expert

And for those who could not say I
subjunctives without fainting.
My teeth are agonists
Curse for dentists
appealing to the proud smile
of women, with a pretty face.
The language has made its gains with sentences
never too seen
non-repeating, except when
gave the order without control. The neck has made forays

proud of women without underwear
And he said yes, and also often faces
A thick plasterboard.
Shoulders led weights
absurd pains of love understood
Come antipasti di altri amori
Che ho visto splendere come colori.
Il petto è forte, sostiene tutto
è forza buona, senza costrutto
perché si spende senza richieste
per donne altere, donne da feste.
La pancia è otre da osteria
Benedizione per l’allegria.
Crescendo è stata coltivazione
Di sonni dolci, da panettone.
Il sesso è un sasso, cuore di panna
Per donne altere, è stata manna.
Per altre è stato solo un pretesto
Fuoco di notte, da spegnere presto.
Le gambe sono due querce in fiamme
Corrono poco, avanzano a spanne
Incedono lente come serpenti
A sangue freddo, cuori contenti.
I piedi sono pezzetti di re
Che sanno correre solo da te.
Da te che cerchi in altre persone
Le mie certezze, le cose buone.
E io lo so, me l’hai insegnato
Sono un progetto per il passato.
L’uomo perfetto, che tu amerai
Da ora, per sempre. Vissuto mai.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wilson Antennas Canada

disdain BATTISTA our contradictions. THOUGHT OF THE DAY

President Lula will leave a bad memory to the Italians with the case of former militant of the Pac (Armed Proletarians for Communism) Cesare Battisti. Unless
not want to believe that this is a mistaken identity and that the old Lula has confused with the eponymous hero of Italian irredentism, Lt. gold medal, Cesare Battisti and are looking for a little late in history to save his life. Then remind him that that would be worth Battisti has already been sentenced to death by the Austrians on July 12, 1916 and are dedicated to him many Italian streets and squares. But his
Cesare Battisti is something else.
Lula's decision must still be ratified by the Supreme Federal Tribunal (STF), whose 10 members are called to add their votes to those of the former President of Brazil.
But there is no question that the refusal of extradition, if finalized would be considered unlawful because the status of political refugee can not be granted to those who, beyond the ideological purposes of the armed struggle, was found guilty by a final court of crimes against the person.
And who is still the result of these crimes and we remember them every day is my friend Alberto Torregiani, forced for years on a wheelchair, from that February 16, 1979, when the CAP - the second judgments - for a robbery flow, the father killed under the eyes and wounded him seriously. The ITER

the story
Cesare Battisti, who was sentenced to life in prison for 4 murders, in 1988, once arrested in Brazil in 2007, where he had fled after the amendment of legislation on political refugees in France in 2004 , obtained from the Minister della Giustizia Tarso Gero, lo status di rifugiato politico e rimane detenuto nel carcere Papuda di Brasilia.
Il motivo del beneficio troverebbe fondamento nel Decreto 863/93 di ratifica del trattato bilaterale Italia-Brasile, che esclude all'art.3 l'estradizione quando si ha motivo di ritenere che l'estradato possa essere sottoposto a persecuzioni per motivi politici, razziali, religiosi. No comment.
Sul provvedimento del Ministro, la parola è passata a Lula ed al Supremo Tribunale Federale, il cui presidente è cambiato in questi giorni: a Mendez, favorevole all'estradizione, è succeduto Cesar Peluso. Normale avvicendamento biennale.
Il voto di Lula si potrebbe aggiungere ai 5 giudici su 10, favorevoli ad ospitare Battisti Brazilian prisons.
may be thus explained the inference that the second choice, also illegal, has fallen on the power to decide on the Supreme Federal Court.

On the real reasons that have led Lula to make a decision so unpopular in Italy and the Italians (about 6 million only in Sao Paulo), and so challenging for relations between our countries, it is By all accounts the most.
But I do not trust to the definition of the rumors. And therefore I do not think and do not want to believe that a person with a thickness of Lula from falling so much for friendship or low corruptions.
So why? The real reasons
are, in my opinion, the bad image that the justice of our country in the world.
In Italy it screams at the end of the rule of law and democracy. And
to protest, as well as Alberto Torregiani, who more than any other has the sacred duty, many ordinary citizens, students, intellectuals and politicians. A cross-complaint.
Especially the political majority.
That same majority that has often emphasized a Justice that does not work in Italy as elsewhere, can now claim that those who do not believe there is a sentence in Italian?
Those same opposition that helped to spread the image of Italy, such as Banana Republic, how can today expect someone overseas do not believe those who speak of summary trials?
remember that it was in Milan, on the basis of rumors, but never found those considered slander, judges have supported the view of entire corrupt Brazilian institutions. So, I wonder - what surprised us today?