Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cheese Making Suppliestoronto


hectic day.

Homes in Monte Carlo that you do not know the owner, you do not know the tenant, no, no ... that comes to mind, in comparison, Lido di Spina there are some real estate agencies decidedly more serious.

And then in-laws, Caribbean ministers, parallel services, buffaloes, files.
E Marcegaglia attacking: "Now the government is acting"
and replication Bossi: "It's easy to talk!"
Marcegaglia And that raises: "Just you, that you speak only with gestures."
is the son of Bossi: "Easy to talk about?!? Not really, I for instance ... "(said through his spokesman, of course).


the language of signs , also used in beach tennis

But on this swamp of muck, stands crystal clear voice of our Premier, designed to stop the game to the massacre:
"These days, the image of himself that the policy is a disaster, it is much worse the theater of all time, the theater of the talk, the insults, the lies. Outside this theater, our government instead, the 'government of doing,' he continued working in silence on concrete things, in the interest of all Italians. "

facts, not jerking off!

But it should be!

Certainly one of the parties as above, these things can well afford to tell her.

Anche se più che il governo del fare sembra il governo di tutte quelle altre penitenze che si facevano nei giochi da bambini: del dire (generalmente baggianate, ma anche insinuazioni, denigrazioni, bordate di affermazioni pronte per essere fraintese e raffiche di stronzate pronte per essere smentite), del baciare (escort e compiacenti massaggiatrici dei vari beauty center nel migliore dei casi, amici degli amici e uomini d'onore nel peggiore), della lettera (attività di dossieraggio e furibonde campagne di stampa orchestrate contro gli antagonisti politici) e – inevitabilmente tra un po’, e purtroppo trascinando tutto il Paese - Will the .

But returning to the matter of Monaco, I really beyond me. But according to you, beyond the papers, I noticed, of deeds, and as vacation homes at the end are all very similar, is so complicated to determine whether or not they have an owner? Or if it is, perhaps inadvertently?

For me it's simple enough to observe behaviors.

That certainly is your home if:

- when you get to rest over the weekend starts off Ramazzano Mountains of pine needles;
- earlier in the season you care to brush off the courtyard, shutters, windows, grates etc.. damn yellow pollen that irritates your eyes and your nose will swell like a clown;
- you care to pay the ICI, spitting venom against the City because then they wasted the money elsewhere;
- general cleaning at the time of start of the season, you are forced reluctantly to vacuum those spiders that lurk in the corners of the ceiling, to let him know that you are the boss, not them;
- you give up to participate assemblies to the condominium which are held normally the day before or the day after August, and put up the canonical tirade about how high are the cost of maintaining a bank account;
- before letting you sure to close water, gas, turn off the heater and unplug the antenna cable tv, but then - back in town - marinated in doubt for not having locked the front door;
- when you crush a mosquito on the wall now splashing in the bathroom , grab a sponge and you rush frantically to wipe the stain of blood in the pathetic attempt to delete it;
- you can just barely a shadow of a speck moisture on the plaster, you rush to the first Bricocenter and spend hundreds of euro in products that will prove ineffective on time;
- will overshadow noting that after you've dislocated my shoulder to prune the hedge to a perfect level, the day after the Your two neighbors cut their side of a half a meter high, the other half a meter lower;
- whenever you are passing within a radius of thirty miles from home, you stretch to open wide doors and windows to let the walls breathe;
- spend hours observing the habits of ants devour you in the dark wood, to be able to plan the best plan of extermination.

But maybe I flatter myself, Fini is a politician and politicians do not do these things, they always find someone else that makes for them: parents, friends, servants, associates compliant.

They enjoy themselves and nothing else, by golly, have something else to think!



The house is no doubt your even if, as we did last Sunday - painful epilogue at the end of the season - parts of the city with the painful prospect of spending the day sbaraccare at all, empty the pantry, defrost the fridge, to undo the bed, emptying the closet, making huge fagottoni linen, towels, bathrobes, sheets, curtains, tea towels etc.. etc.. etc..

Unless you then be surprised by a wonderful, warm and sunny Sunday in late summer, swimsuit and T-shirt and so on, on the beach for the latest racket with friends (and the last furious battles to win the "Badile Gold 2010 ").

Why, if the house is important, even more importantly, everything we wheel around.
And to hell with everything else.

Friday, September 24, 2010

If You Lose A Toenail Will It Grow Back

the tale end of the season injured - mutatis mutandis version 3

have been abducted by aliens.

Late at night, while I was trying to open the lock of the bicycle, suddenly I saw a green ray infiltrate under the cover of pine trees and grow in my direction. In no time I was sucked up, I fainted and when I wake up I was naked and motionless, lying on a metal plate and direct, I would know later, about a planet of a solar system lost between Cassiopeia and Andromeda.

The aliens treated me well. They wanted to know everything about me and life on Earth, and when I started to speak to them of beach tennis were immediately enthusiastic. I had to teach in a hurry the rudiments of the game. Unfortunately, their planet did not have the ideal characteristics for the playing beach tennis: besides the purple sand beaches and the sea of \u200b\u200bliquid methane, the gravitational force in this particular ball was clouded by mid the equivalent of about 14 tons , it is rather problematic trade.

I was then immediately transported to another planet, and there the conditions were perfect: deep sandy red hot, smelly sea, extortionate prices. Just as Spina. In fact, even better because, because of a curious deviation space-time due probably magnetic reversal of the poles, could dramatically advance the ball to smash in, wielding his racket like Jimi Hendrix could handle his trust Stratocaster .

They immediately demanded that I began to organize the tournament, which is where I threw myself headlong in spite of some problems in the implementation of the shirts, which were a frenzy of collars and cuffs due to the fact that my kidnappers had polyps have eight tentacles. But what made them skilful in the game: had to see how they play a straight bat passing rapidly from one tentacle to another!

aliens in action. Since using tentacles as arms and
who like legs, was developed an innovative multi-head:
the pantamaglietta (shorts if you slip out from under, T-shirt if you slip from above)

After a long period of time (I assume a number of years, and without apparently aged a day) and several seasons of beach tennis tournaments held throughout the galaxy, my friends have seen a bit alien to me 'sad, and I was asked if not try a little' homesick. I replied that yes, actually I wanted to review the house ...
"But you miss your wife?"
"No, not that I miss my wife , is that I'd like to review the Earth ..."
"Well, you're missing if you do not then you can stay here .... "insisted another.
"Ok guys, so yeah, okay, I very much miss my wife, and work, and under 12.14 and 16 tournaments "- mind, with a shamelessness of which still surprises me.

So, I loaded it on their ship and in the blink of an eye we were on the vertical pin.
After so long I was back home. Polypoid My friends were in tears, and as soon as we landed we are facing the door, waving their handkerchiefs with their tentacles.
It was at that moment, down the stairs, I turned down to take a last farewell, I stumbled in the step, I missed the railing and I slammed the door against the left eye of the flying saucer.


on earth had passed away just three milliseconds, and no one had noticed anything, except that I was bleeding from the eye and slumps to the ground like a slaughtered calf.

But the aliens have left us are still here among us. We observe. One of them is Paul, the octopus hit it that the results of football matches of the last World Cup in South Africa.

Another I found myself, last week at the restaurant "The Kingfishers": lying on a plate of hors d'oeuvres of cold water, tucked between a refuge and a prawn, greeted me wink wink.


In a little 'will publish the proceedings of the 2010 Tournament of Friendship Bath Plug: the "D-day , the day of the damned.
And it was at that fateful day occurred true accident summer ...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dimensions Of A Pinewood Derby Block Of Wood

I publish something, but the news there is pressing and can not be avoided. Then change in the race.


The well-known former referee Byron Moreno of Ecuador, the protagonist of the elimination of Italy from the World Cup Korea 2002, was arrested at the airport John F. New York Kennedy surprised because with six kilos of heroin hidden in his underwear.
If he tried to impress the hostess at the check-in, maybe have a bit exaggerated. What she was wearing, dressing of Tafazzi? And what the hell he hoped to brag?
Since then the hostess had already for some time that if the giggling among themselves, putting his hands before his eyes with his fingers spread potergli to peek in the midst of the best gambe,   e continuando a bisbigliare: "Oh, my God!", forse il buon Moreno avrebbe dovuto assumere un comportamento un po' più circospetto.

Pensate che quest'estate una cosa del genere è successa anche a me.
Giocando a beach tennis io non mi tuffo mai, ma un pomeriggio, impegnato in un doppio misto , sono inciampato goffamente, ho perso l'equilibrio, mi sono schiantato sulla spiaggia e mi sono rialzato con sei chili di sabbia dentro ai boxer.
Beh, non ci crederete, ma le ragazze non si sono accorte di niente.
Probabile che i sei chili si fossero distribuiti male.

Ma anche in questi giorni le mie mutande sono teatro di avvenimenti simili.
Per faccende di ufficio e di lavoro che, per evitarvi la noia, non starò qui a precisare, dentro ai miei slip si sta attualmente svolgendo una popolare manifestazione: il "Ferrara Ballons Festival".
O almeno una piccola parte di essa: la magia di un paio di mongolfiere che si gonfiano senza librarsi nell'aria.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Teeth Whitening Phuket Laser Cost

players injured shovel

Siamo ormai alla stretta finale.

La selezione è stata durissima, ma la cerchia allocation of candidates of the "Golden Badile 2010", which will award the coveted trophy of beach tennis player of the Bath and surrounding areas most foul Spina year, is now well defined.

By late summer, a few are still contenders for the opportunity to try to assert nell'agguerrito group of finalists, and the fight promises to be furious over the past weekend.

While we show the competitors in the race, we recall below the particular specialty at the base of the assessments that have allowed the selection.

un candidato escluso perchè difficilmente valutabile: 
in questa stagione fortunatamente ha giocato troppo poco 

la badilata
Qualsiasi colpo portato alla pallina che, per la sua peculiarità, abbia ricevuto l’approvazione dai vertici della Coldiretti. E’ un colpo portato con rara potenza e pervicace determinazione, ma sbagliato per tempo, forza, direzione ed intensità. E’ per antonomasia   il missed shot to 360 degrees: the perfect missed shot.

technical study. How can the beach tennis player to be sure that he threw a shovel? Simple: if there's a dog in the neighborhood, barking out of solidarity.

the sbadilata
As the shovel, but - if possible - more.

technical study. How can the beach tennis player to be sure that he pulled a sbadilata? Simple: if there is a dog nearby, howling in sympathy.

the first candidate: already understand that the expression
does not understand what is happening around
sometimes happens that a shovel to the opponent responds with an incongruous riveted, which then follows a sbadilata and so on, and often the exchange continued for some time despite the playmates you sgolino, invoking the of beach tennis and tear his hair in an attempt to stop the horrible sequence.

technical study. How can beachtennista be sure have done a correct sequence of sbadilate and shovel? Simple: if there's a dog in the neighborhood, not only approaches the player whining happy, but asks the pedigree, the number of microchips that have entered (unbeknownst to him) under the skin, and even if he has already made the vaccine against distemper.
the service tends to infinity
Any service where the trajectory the ball, parallel to the ground, it meets only the infinite, respecting what is stated in the fifth postulate of Euclid. In reality, no service has ever succeeded in so sbadilato; services are, however, been reported that dug craters in the beach of flying from one hand, and other Marina di Ravenna.

the second candidate when the service charge,
with the power and agility of a combine harvester

the side Sutomore
In this shot the ball, struck with the extreme edge of the racket, broken down the side shoots playmate, or if necessary the unsuspecting viewer, or a player in the field next, or a Senegalese peddler of way, etc.. etc.).

shock absorption fiappa
This is not so nice, but this is an attempt of the ball that remains desperately short on this side of the net.

service to howitzer
E 'service Spizzo up, whose dizzying parable sowing terror among the gulls and hang gliders.

the service on tape
It 's the service that the ball after incinerated the ear of your companion impacting the ear flap to the two hundred per hour, hits the net and bounces miserably in their field .

the third candidate: You will notice the extreme concentration,
which will be completely useless for the purpose of the game

lungolinea off the
stroke that requires natural talent arising from the particular shape of the joints of the radius and ulna at the elbow and wrist, respectively, and determining the chronic mismatch of the coup 5-10 sexagesimal degrees outward from the desired trajectory.

the "macarena"
shot already mentioned in an old post: andatevelo see clicking here.

the lob out of place
Stroke improvident born player's inability to correctly assess the effect of the wind. Causes short lobs whose consequent smash drill usually the innocent partner, or long lob that transported by trade winds, depositing the ball in the exotic places of immense beauty, but normally located outside the field of play .

the fourth candidate: so accustomed to the use of the shovel
here seems to have dug the grave alone

call incongruous
particular player's ability to call to his companion, anxiously committed to chasing a ball directly at the edges of the field, "Out!" the ball inside and "Good!" the ball out.

the "smash trash"
He says the term itself means any unsuccessful dunk attempt, worthy only to be thrown in the garbage.

ingroppata the self-destructive fratricidal
generous in an attempt to hit a ball in the manifest destiny of the competence of the partner, the ingroppatore overwhelms and crushes it like a hamburger, then wrong obviously riveted.

the "I never thought of making a mistake!"
Also called the "Really I was there." Any shot where the racket , while hail bold with safety, will not impact the ball, giving the impression that it passes through the mysterious, almost dematerialized form.

the fifth candidate: his legendary
unnecessary dives into the sand

skipping Ranon
clumsy attempt to hit the ball jumping but the wrong time, the manner, place and apparently also the declination.

the beautiful statue
ability of a player to remain immobile on a ball directly to him unquestionably. On the other hand, as Altan said in an old cartoon that would affect the inertia of some left-wing parties in organizing an alternative, why stand still when you can stand still?

riveted the generous
player's ability to argue a ball despite the repeated warnings of Comrade that is vented in an attempt to make him understand how it is doomed not only to the outside of the playing field, but also by the administrative boundaries of the municipality of Comacchio.

the sixth candidate: behind the apparent calm hides
the character of the extermination

the mallet involuntary
capacity player beaten with the bat next to his companion, in an attempt to intervene on a ball midway between the two. While Mazzola - cautiously - trying to retreat, the infamous beating wildly at random, causing injury to the partner comparable to the systematic beatings of some South American dictatorships. After Mazzola, while his teammate is dying on the ground, the mallet is often the courage to ask, with ostentatious nonchalance: "I Do not mica hurt, right?"


when two candidates for the "Golden shovel" play in pairs,
may constitute a real threat to public safety

here, probably with a Sutomore side have
just pulverized the girl with the purple bikini,
on the sideline in the previous photo
(and on closer examination, was nominated to be the No. 6!)

My children, is more difficult to win the "Golden shovel" than the Master Turquoise!

... And because it's raining today (government thief), rather than bask in idleness scratching, you may identify other candidates to your preferences, identify and propose other specialties in which you think should excel Fouled players in short, get busy and if you like, let then live in the comments or where the hell you want.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pneumonitis Pneumonia Difference

the story - the story of the injured

I was sitting under the balcony of the house and plug the gun racket was misguided attempt to replace the grip, when suddenly I feel that the gate opens and I enter the two courtyard, dressed as gauchos , both with a rose between his teeth, locked in a tango - I think - of Carlos Gardel.

lunfardo greet me in and, after performing a perfect ocho adelante , come home, grab my wife, if the load on his shoulder and run away like hell in the direction of the Lido of Este.
not understand at first, then realized: Oh my God, the two Argentines who met on Facebook!
that Facebook would bring bad luck I suspected for some time, but you could get this, no!
I lean out of the gate, and already in the distance I see two shady characters on them and my wife screams and kicks Olivia like Popeye when she is kidnapped by Bluto.
I immediately organize to pursue them. I go in the room, I pull the shirt out of the drawer jogging, take a pair of shorts, check that the colors are well matched, socks, shoes, cuff, look in the mirror and realize that maybe I'm getting better the yellow shirt . Then better than blacks and gray socks that I also change my shorts. Then I try a gray cuff, but there is: okay, I'll put a band.
I look in the mirror and I look like an Albanian just landed from a rubber boat from the port of Vlora.
I remember all the combinations of clothing, while we are also wearing stopwatch and MP3 player, so I take this opportunity to do some 'training, and rapid delivery to the chase.
the curve Harold realized that I have not closed the door. I go back, I close, I put the keys now you know where , I am going to leave but the phone rings.
My mother. I lose ten minutes to explain that I'm fine, I eat, the sun is shining, the sea sucks etc..: Mom is still Mom. Finally, the division and now the screams of my wife feel very far away, but do not despair.
After the bridge of the first Logonovo individual tracks: two cans of beef expired in 1939. I'm on the right track. At ice cream making Italy one of the roses that I held tight in his mouth, and a hundred meters after stumbling into a bandoneon. Then I see a CD of Astor Piazzola. And a piece of asado a bombilla for mate and a premolar (hey, the kidnapped ... you are defending). We are heading to Porto Garibaldi. Encouraged
, after having a look inside the library The Oaks and the window of Alice Sport, the division of a large career to boarding the ferry on portocanale.
The screams of my wife are getting closer, and I see a cloud of dust down the avenue.
finally reaches them boarding the ferry. They are in front of me, but between we are three people in line. My wife, gagged with a bandana and tied to bellemeglio with a lasso, I launched one peremptory look, as if to say: "What are you waiting, come here, quickly." He spread his arms as if to say that I have in front of people, not I jump on him, a little 'patience and education, by golly!
Meanwhile watch the two South Americans, agitated, rising on the ferry with their backpack on his shoulder screaming, shouting to the driver to set sail: two forms of blood, skinned cats as road, bruised, swollen, stunned by the cries, one without a mustache and one balding, with tufts of dyed hair strewn everywhere. Two scrap, but apparently still determined.
When it's my turn, I get on the ferry, I approach the ticket and realized with dismay that I have no money. Twenty cents separate me from my beloved wife, but unfortunately I have to get off. She strikes me with a look and see uscirle a wisp of smoke from the ears while I understand the gestures that mica can not pay the ferry ticket, be patient and find a solution.
And while I'm there that I evaluate whether it is better to go home, recover and return to this twenty cents or ferry to go to Porto Garibaldi making the rounds on the deck of Romea (go to swim is not talked about, if I want to drink some hydrocarbons, I rather quaff a can kerosene), one of the two desperados leans over the edge of the boat, and after swirl over the heads of bolas, lashes out at me.
I can barely dodge the first two balls, but the third strikes me in the left eye.
I fall with a crash on the platform in a pool of blood.

When I recover, it's too late, and sadly I'm going back home, thinking about my loved one who finds himself lost in a vast and hostile land, perhaps in a hacienda in the middle of the pampas .
But do not despair, it can not end like this. As soon as I finish le ferie e mi sarò ripreso, mi organizzo per bene, magari telefono a Genova per sapere quando salpa il primo piroscafo per Buenos Aires e setaccerò l’Argentina da cima a fondo, finché non l’avrò ritrovata.

Anche se, secondo me, me la rimanderanno indietro prima .


Due cose.
La  prima è che confido nel sense of humor degli amici argentini: capiranno che scherzo, e sapranno perdonarmi.
La seconda è che oggi compie gli anni l'amministratore delegato del Team , nonchè mio storico socio di beach tennis. Auguri da parte mia and - I feel I can say - all friends of the Bath Plug and bathrooms nearby. It also quietly
turn the candles on the cake: the firefighters I have already early warning me.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How Important Is An Hdmi Receiver For Blu Ray

version 2 - version 1

were four.
as ugly as sin and evil as the poison. Around three in the morning were bothering a beautiful girl in a dark area of \u200b\u200bthe external avenues of Spina (you ask: And what were you doing at two in the night in a dark area of \u200b\u200bthe external avenues of Spina? And I answer: first was the three, and then you make a little 'your sprouts no, eh?) They had surrounded laughing, maybe they were drunk, and she was terrified.

I approached trying to calm them down, "Ok guys, now Shut up and go to sleep!" They tried to focus confused, with their eyes close in a low forehead, clouded by alcohol. And as soon as they are able to frame, I have been reckless with vehement anger against animal.
At first I limited to just dodge them, then putting into practice the sophisticated control techniques learned by studying in depth the films of Bud Spencer, with a series of clever moves I made sure that you knock out the one with the ' more.
fled towards the end house (Porto Garibaldi or Vaccolino, perhaps), whining and screaming threats against unrepeatable.
The girl, who was crouched on the sidewalk, I was now clinging to him like an octopus, hugging, kissing and repeating between her sobs: "Thanks ... thanks ..."
Then, suddenly, he squared exclaiming: " Hey, but what you are good at playing beach tennis! "
The girl was clearly upset.
"I've seen it many times to play Prey .... You were my favorite, watching you all ... "
never been in that bathroom for who knows who I had never exchanged, the voltage drop often plays tricks.
continued to cry, then laugh, and when I saw the look in his eyes lost the woman in love, I tried to detach myself.
know, has always been a bit 'of the problem we sex symbol: the girls will not stick and then you give up more.
I said, "Okay girl, it's all over, go home and try to forget ..." But she insisted: "No, no ... can not tell me this ... Oh, please, do not leave me! "
And while I whispered:" Come on, come on ... you're young, pretty, and you have a beautiful life ahead. Farewell ... and forget ", I was released from his embrace, I turned abruptly and I spataccato l’occhio sinistro contro un palo della luce di viale Raffaello.


Una piccola rettifica al post precedente.
Non siamo stati solo in tre a riuscire a cadere dalla bicicletta da fermi. Pare ce ne sia un quarto: eccolo.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Katrina Kraven And Mandingo

injuries Midsummer

Un ferragosto costellato di infortuni.
Il primo è capitato a me. Uscito da una cena a casa di amici del Team, sono rocambolescamente riuscito a cadere in bici da fermo. Sembra facile, ma provateci.
Solo in tre, al mondo, siamo riusciti to do: I, Goofy and the inspector Clouseau.

the other two genes capable of so much company;
but their characters are pure fantasy ...

Basically I was riding the bike, next to the curb when it is detached from the taillight bracket bought by the Chinese, my wife has picked up from the ground and stretched it to me, I have to wriggle throw it in your bag under the seat, the front wheel of the bike was turned 90 degrees and I, with the hand-occupied cursed and twisted like a lantern snake, I blatantly missed the support of the foot on the curb and fell crashing to the pavement like a pear.
And I'm still not so old. Think about what will happen in a few years ...
the end then, nothing serious, just a scratch below the eyebrow, even though I bled like a fresh out of a virgin of Nuremberg.
Well, I honestly just was not sober, I drank a little bit, but this is not the fact, since then the bike I was able to return home.
also facilitated by the fact that Spina - famously designed by urbanity drunk - there is a straight line, and that just guess the right way the first corner then the others are saying.
However, if the first corner the wrong, then it is a massacre: your path is transformed into a gory video game where there is a crash every ten seconds, after which you appear before our eyes the word " Game over! "

portrait of the architect who designed the city plan
of Lido di Spina

When I got home, the lights of the mirror revealed to me in the bathroom la cruda realtà.
Avevo un’ammaccatura sullo zigomo sinistro, sangue che sgorgava copioso dal sopracciglio ed un inquietante versamento sulla palpebra, che assomigliava ad una velatura di ombretto, inizialmente rosa, poi fucsia, violetto ed infine verdino. 
Molto pulp .
Se la metà destra del viso era la mia solita (e quindi di una bellezza imbarazzante), quella di sinistra era un curioso mix tra il volto di un pugile suonato e quello di una drag queen mal truccata.


Il giorno dopo, fin dal primo mattino mentre salivo in auto per tornare a Ferrara a recuperare un paio di occhiali di ricambio - visto che gli altri were gleefully smashed - and even for several days, has been a continuous justify what happened to all those who face exclaimed: "ARRRGHH! But what you did ?!?", looking at me with the expression of one who encounters Elephant man or Quasimodo of Notre Dame de Paris , and then my wife with a painful expression of solidarity pity.
umpteenth report on the sad occurrence I broke a bit 'bales, and then slowly I began to floral history, to make it more interesting, set in more exotic contexts ...

A bit' of patience and I will know.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Authentic Chinese Curry Recipe

small disadvantages of early holiday

early August. Just get
umbrella, everything had already been decided. The treacherous managing director had already arranged everything, and I was the crucial fourth group. No time to put the towel on the bed, no time to spread a little 'cream: pull out the paddle from the bag and I go back to the field.
I realized that, in the hot summer morning, dark clouds were gathering horizon.
Match, revenge, beautiful, couple exchange, new game, revenge, beautiful, fast pass a couple of hours, after which return to the umbrella, but sensing something abnormal.

Despite the outside temperature was well above the thirty degrees, under my umbrella the thermometer was -18.
garrulous I approached the bed of my wife, sensing that something was wrong in the thin layer of frost. Instinctively, I wondered why the raiders had filed the archaeological funerary mask of Tutankhamun - stolen from the Egyptian Museum of Cairo - under my umbrella, but immediately I realized that what I saw was not the death mask of Tutankhamun. ..

It was just my wife.
He had a nose so long that came to Logonovo.
With the voice of the possessed girl from the film "The Exorcist", tells me: "Do not take it anymore: I'm going home."
collects all his stuff is going to be undeterred and marched on the catwalk.
The chase trying to flatter, but I cling to a backpack to be dragged like the Indians of western that was hit by a bullet, but is thrown from the horse gets caught in the reins. Arrived at the bike rack, I look at it from pushing on the pedals of a cyclist Graziella as wingman to flight (see "Boogie" by Paolo Conte, whose board of listen to anything at all).
I just have to go back to collect my poor things, briefly explain the situation to the bystanders who pretended not to have noticed a regrettable incident, and I'm going home meditating on how to get by.
All in all could have been worse, after two hours spent to beg forgiveness crawling like a worm, we finally understood.
time mopping the trickle of blood across the courtyard, drank in the gully pots in front of the house, we were ready to return to the beach.
What then was not even so much blood.
Only I had left everything from his nose.
I had always told my doctor that I have weak capillaries.


I take this opportunity for two things: The first
: Congratulations on your birthday to my lady, hoping to soften a bit old age '.
Second, my lady, hard worker, he posted on Facebook the long-awaited photos of the D-day, the tournament bath plug August. Who would not be able to view them, you do live in the comments, or whatever you prefer: we will provide all the necessary information.