Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cheese Making Suppliestoronto


hectic day.

Homes in Monte Carlo that you do not know the owner, you do not know the tenant, no, no ... that comes to mind, in comparison, Lido di Spina there are some real estate agencies decidedly more serious.

And then in-laws, Caribbean ministers, parallel services, buffaloes, files.
E Marcegaglia attacking: "Now the government is acting"
and replication Bossi: "It's easy to talk!"
Marcegaglia And that raises: "Just you, that you speak only with gestures."
is the son of Bossi: "Easy to talk about?!? Not really, I for instance ... "(said through his spokesman, of course).


the language of signs , also used in beach tennis

But on this swamp of muck, stands crystal clear voice of our Premier, designed to stop the game to the massacre:
"These days, the image of himself that the policy is a disaster, it is much worse the theater of all time, the theater of the talk, the insults, the lies. Outside this theater, our government instead, the 'government of doing,' he continued working in silence on concrete things, in the interest of all Italians. "

facts, not jerking off!

But it should be!

Certainly one of the parties as above, these things can well afford to tell her.

Anche se più che il governo del fare sembra il governo di tutte quelle altre penitenze che si facevano nei giochi da bambini: del dire (generalmente baggianate, ma anche insinuazioni, denigrazioni, bordate di affermazioni pronte per essere fraintese e raffiche di stronzate pronte per essere smentite), del baciare (escort e compiacenti massaggiatrici dei vari beauty center nel migliore dei casi, amici degli amici e uomini d'onore nel peggiore), della lettera (attività di dossieraggio e furibonde campagne di stampa orchestrate contro gli antagonisti politici) e – inevitabilmente tra un po’, e purtroppo trascinando tutto il Paese - Will the .

But returning to the matter of Monaco, I really beyond me. But according to you, beyond the papers, I noticed, of deeds, and as vacation homes at the end are all very similar, is so complicated to determine whether or not they have an owner? Or if it is, perhaps inadvertently?

For me it's simple enough to observe behaviors.

That certainly is your home if:

- when you get to rest over the weekend starts off Ramazzano Mountains of pine needles;
- earlier in the season you care to brush off the courtyard, shutters, windows, grates etc.. damn yellow pollen that irritates your eyes and your nose will swell like a clown;
- you care to pay the ICI, spitting venom against the City because then they wasted the money elsewhere;
- general cleaning at the time of start of the season, you are forced reluctantly to vacuum those spiders that lurk in the corners of the ceiling, to let him know that you are the boss, not them;
- you give up to participate assemblies to the condominium which are held normally the day before or the day after August, and put up the canonical tirade about how high are the cost of maintaining a bank account;
- before letting you sure to close water, gas, turn off the heater and unplug the antenna cable tv, but then - back in town - marinated in doubt for not having locked the front door;
- when you crush a mosquito on the wall now splashing in the bathroom , grab a sponge and you rush frantically to wipe the stain of blood in the pathetic attempt to delete it;
- you can just barely a shadow of a speck moisture on the plaster, you rush to the first Bricocenter and spend hundreds of euro in products that will prove ineffective on time;
- will overshadow noting that after you've dislocated my shoulder to prune the hedge to a perfect level, the day after the Your two neighbors cut their side of a half a meter high, the other half a meter lower;
- whenever you are passing within a radius of thirty miles from home, you stretch to open wide doors and windows to let the walls breathe;
- spend hours observing the habits of ants devour you in the dark wood, to be able to plan the best plan of extermination.

But maybe I flatter myself, Fini is a politician and politicians do not do these things, they always find someone else that makes for them: parents, friends, servants, associates compliant.

They enjoy themselves and nothing else, by golly, have something else to think!



The house is no doubt your even if, as we did last Sunday - painful epilogue at the end of the season - parts of the city with the painful prospect of spending the day sbaraccare at all, empty the pantry, defrost the fridge, to undo the bed, emptying the closet, making huge fagottoni linen, towels, bathrobes, sheets, curtains, tea towels etc.. etc.. etc..

Unless you then be surprised by a wonderful, warm and sunny Sunday in late summer, swimsuit and T-shirt and so on, on the beach for the latest racket with friends (and the last furious battles to win the "Badile Gold 2010 ").

Why, if the house is important, even more importantly, everything we wheel around.
And to hell with everything else.


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