Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How Important Is An Hdmi Receiver For Blu Ray

version 2 - version 1

were four.
as ugly as sin and evil as the poison. Around three in the morning were bothering a beautiful girl in a dark area of \u200b\u200bthe external avenues of Spina (you ask: And what were you doing at two in the night in a dark area of \u200b\u200bthe external avenues of Spina? And I answer: first was the three, and then you make a little 'your sprouts no, eh?) They had surrounded laughing, maybe they were drunk, and she was terrified.

I approached trying to calm them down, "Ok guys, now Shut up and go to sleep!" They tried to focus confused, with their eyes close in a low forehead, clouded by alcohol. And as soon as they are able to frame, I have been reckless with vehement anger against animal.
At first I limited to just dodge them, then putting into practice the sophisticated control techniques learned by studying in depth the films of Bud Spencer, with a series of clever moves I made sure that you knock out the one with the ' more.
fled towards the end house (Porto Garibaldi or Vaccolino, perhaps), whining and screaming threats against unrepeatable.
The girl, who was crouched on the sidewalk, I was now clinging to him like an octopus, hugging, kissing and repeating between her sobs: "Thanks ... thanks ..."
Then, suddenly, he squared exclaiming: " Hey, but what you are good at playing beach tennis! "
The girl was clearly upset.
"I've seen it many times to play Prey .... You were my favorite, watching you all ... "
never been in that bathroom for who knows who I had never exchanged, the voltage drop often plays tricks.
continued to cry, then laugh, and when I saw the look in his eyes lost the woman in love, I tried to detach myself.
know, has always been a bit 'of the problem we sex symbol: the girls will not stick and then you give up more.
I said, "Okay girl, it's all over, go home and try to forget ..." But she insisted: "No, no ... can not tell me this ... Oh, please, do not leave me! "
And while I whispered:" Come on, come on ... you're young, pretty, and you have a beautiful life ahead. Farewell ... and forget ", I was released from his embrace, I turned abruptly and I spataccato l’occhio sinistro contro un palo della luce di viale Raffaello.


Una piccola rettifica al post precedente.
Non siamo stati solo in tre a riuscire a cadere dalla bicicletta da fermi. Pare ce ne sia un quarto: eccolo.


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