Saturday, September 18, 2010

Teeth Whitening Phuket Laser Cost

players injured shovel

Siamo ormai alla stretta finale.

La selezione è stata durissima, ma la cerchia allocation of candidates of the "Golden Badile 2010", which will award the coveted trophy of beach tennis player of the Bath and surrounding areas most foul Spina year, is now well defined.

By late summer, a few are still contenders for the opportunity to try to assert nell'agguerrito group of finalists, and the fight promises to be furious over the past weekend.

While we show the competitors in the race, we recall below the particular specialty at the base of the assessments that have allowed the selection.

un candidato escluso perchè difficilmente valutabile: 
in questa stagione fortunatamente ha giocato troppo poco 

la badilata
Qualsiasi colpo portato alla pallina che, per la sua peculiarità, abbia ricevuto l’approvazione dai vertici della Coldiretti. E’ un colpo portato con rara potenza e pervicace determinazione, ma sbagliato per tempo, forza, direzione ed intensità. E’ per antonomasia   il missed shot to 360 degrees: the perfect missed shot.

technical study. How can the beach tennis player to be sure that he threw a shovel? Simple: if there's a dog in the neighborhood, barking out of solidarity.

the sbadilata
As the shovel, but - if possible - more.

technical study. How can the beach tennis player to be sure that he pulled a sbadilata? Simple: if there is a dog nearby, howling in sympathy.

the first candidate: already understand that the expression
does not understand what is happening around
sometimes happens that a shovel to the opponent responds with an incongruous riveted, which then follows a sbadilata and so on, and often the exchange continued for some time despite the playmates you sgolino, invoking the of beach tennis and tear his hair in an attempt to stop the horrible sequence.

technical study. How can beachtennista be sure have done a correct sequence of sbadilate and shovel? Simple: if there's a dog in the neighborhood, not only approaches the player whining happy, but asks the pedigree, the number of microchips that have entered (unbeknownst to him) under the skin, and even if he has already made the vaccine against distemper.
the service tends to infinity
Any service where the trajectory the ball, parallel to the ground, it meets only the infinite, respecting what is stated in the fifth postulate of Euclid. In reality, no service has ever succeeded in so sbadilato; services are, however, been reported that dug craters in the beach of flying from one hand, and other Marina di Ravenna.

the second candidate when the service charge,
with the power and agility of a combine harvester

the side Sutomore
In this shot the ball, struck with the extreme edge of the racket, broken down the side shoots playmate, or if necessary the unsuspecting viewer, or a player in the field next, or a Senegalese peddler of way, etc.. etc.).

shock absorption fiappa
This is not so nice, but this is an attempt of the ball that remains desperately short on this side of the net.

service to howitzer
E 'service Spizzo up, whose dizzying parable sowing terror among the gulls and hang gliders.

the service on tape
It 's the service that the ball after incinerated the ear of your companion impacting the ear flap to the two hundred per hour, hits the net and bounces miserably in their field .

the third candidate: You will notice the extreme concentration,
which will be completely useless for the purpose of the game

lungolinea off the
stroke that requires natural talent arising from the particular shape of the joints of the radius and ulna at the elbow and wrist, respectively, and determining the chronic mismatch of the coup 5-10 sexagesimal degrees outward from the desired trajectory.

the "macarena"
shot already mentioned in an old post: andatevelo see clicking here.

the lob out of place
Stroke improvident born player's inability to correctly assess the effect of the wind. Causes short lobs whose consequent smash drill usually the innocent partner, or long lob that transported by trade winds, depositing the ball in the exotic places of immense beauty, but normally located outside the field of play .

the fourth candidate: so accustomed to the use of the shovel
here seems to have dug the grave alone

call incongruous
particular player's ability to call to his companion, anxiously committed to chasing a ball directly at the edges of the field, "Out!" the ball inside and "Good!" the ball out.

the "smash trash"
He says the term itself means any unsuccessful dunk attempt, worthy only to be thrown in the garbage.

ingroppata the self-destructive fratricidal
generous in an attempt to hit a ball in the manifest destiny of the competence of the partner, the ingroppatore overwhelms and crushes it like a hamburger, then wrong obviously riveted.

the "I never thought of making a mistake!"
Also called the "Really I was there." Any shot where the racket , while hail bold with safety, will not impact the ball, giving the impression that it passes through the mysterious, almost dematerialized form.

the fifth candidate: his legendary
unnecessary dives into the sand

skipping Ranon
clumsy attempt to hit the ball jumping but the wrong time, the manner, place and apparently also the declination.

the beautiful statue
ability of a player to remain immobile on a ball directly to him unquestionably. On the other hand, as Altan said in an old cartoon that would affect the inertia of some left-wing parties in organizing an alternative, why stand still when you can stand still?

riveted the generous
player's ability to argue a ball despite the repeated warnings of Comrade that is vented in an attempt to make him understand how it is doomed not only to the outside of the playing field, but also by the administrative boundaries of the municipality of Comacchio.

the sixth candidate: behind the apparent calm hides
the character of the extermination

the mallet involuntary
capacity player beaten with the bat next to his companion, in an attempt to intervene on a ball midway between the two. While Mazzola - cautiously - trying to retreat, the infamous beating wildly at random, causing injury to the partner comparable to the systematic beatings of some South American dictatorships. After Mazzola, while his teammate is dying on the ground, the mallet is often the courage to ask, with ostentatious nonchalance: "I Do not mica hurt, right?"


when two candidates for the "Golden shovel" play in pairs,
may constitute a real threat to public safety

here, probably with a Sutomore side have
just pulverized the girl with the purple bikini,
on the sideline in the previous photo
(and on closer examination, was nominated to be the No. 6!)

My children, is more difficult to win the "Golden shovel" than the Master Turquoise!

... And because it's raining today (government thief), rather than bask in idleness scratching, you may identify other candidates to your preferences, identify and propose other specialties in which you think should excel Fouled players in short, get busy and if you like, let then live in the comments or where the hell you want.


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