Friday, September 24, 2010

If You Lose A Toenail Will It Grow Back

the tale end of the season injured - mutatis mutandis version 3

have been abducted by aliens.

Late at night, while I was trying to open the lock of the bicycle, suddenly I saw a green ray infiltrate under the cover of pine trees and grow in my direction. In no time I was sucked up, I fainted and when I wake up I was naked and motionless, lying on a metal plate and direct, I would know later, about a planet of a solar system lost between Cassiopeia and Andromeda.

The aliens treated me well. They wanted to know everything about me and life on Earth, and when I started to speak to them of beach tennis were immediately enthusiastic. I had to teach in a hurry the rudiments of the game. Unfortunately, their planet did not have the ideal characteristics for the playing beach tennis: besides the purple sand beaches and the sea of \u200b\u200bliquid methane, the gravitational force in this particular ball was clouded by mid the equivalent of about 14 tons , it is rather problematic trade.

I was then immediately transported to another planet, and there the conditions were perfect: deep sandy red hot, smelly sea, extortionate prices. Just as Spina. In fact, even better because, because of a curious deviation space-time due probably magnetic reversal of the poles, could dramatically advance the ball to smash in, wielding his racket like Jimi Hendrix could handle his trust Stratocaster .

They immediately demanded that I began to organize the tournament, which is where I threw myself headlong in spite of some problems in the implementation of the shirts, which were a frenzy of collars and cuffs due to the fact that my kidnappers had polyps have eight tentacles. But what made them skilful in the game: had to see how they play a straight bat passing rapidly from one tentacle to another!

aliens in action. Since using tentacles as arms and
who like legs, was developed an innovative multi-head:
the pantamaglietta (shorts if you slip out from under, T-shirt if you slip from above)

After a long period of time (I assume a number of years, and without apparently aged a day) and several seasons of beach tennis tournaments held throughout the galaxy, my friends have seen a bit alien to me 'sad, and I was asked if not try a little' homesick. I replied that yes, actually I wanted to review the house ...
"But you miss your wife?"
"No, not that I miss my wife , is that I'd like to review the Earth ..."
"Well, you're missing if you do not then you can stay here .... "insisted another.
"Ok guys, so yeah, okay, I very much miss my wife, and work, and under 12.14 and 16 tournaments "- mind, with a shamelessness of which still surprises me.

So, I loaded it on their ship and in the blink of an eye we were on the vertical pin.
After so long I was back home. Polypoid My friends were in tears, and as soon as we landed we are facing the door, waving their handkerchiefs with their tentacles.
It was at that moment, down the stairs, I turned down to take a last farewell, I stumbled in the step, I missed the railing and I slammed the door against the left eye of the flying saucer.


on earth had passed away just three milliseconds, and no one had noticed anything, except that I was bleeding from the eye and slumps to the ground like a slaughtered calf.

But the aliens have left us are still here among us. We observe. One of them is Paul, the octopus hit it that the results of football matches of the last World Cup in South Africa.

Another I found myself, last week at the restaurant "The Kingfishers": lying on a plate of hors d'oeuvres of cold water, tucked between a refuge and a prawn, greeted me wink wink.


In a little 'will publish the proceedings of the 2010 Tournament of Friendship Bath Plug: the "D-day , the day of the damned.
And it was at that fateful day occurred true accident summer ...


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