Monday, October 4, 2010

Skin Cancer That Looks Like A Pimple

back all! - Part sad

few days ago I had an MRI on his right knee.
hopping on the sand and paddle in his hand chasing a ball was just not a healthy pursuit, the suspect for some time but I could cause damage, no. Even if peering with the outcome of the deadly deductive skills of the surveyor, it seemed that in the end there was nothing particularly serious. Except, perhaps, but on a purely incidental, the pain you feel when you fold it up and articulate the disturbing cracking sound I hear when the draw. However
that the response was a positive experience. Indeed, I would say that for 36 € for all the advice. First
by the technician who gave me the exam. A girl: the Goddess of Radiology.

One of those that when you go into surgery and they look at you, you no longer need a doctor, to heal instantly. Better than going on a pilgrimage to Lourdes.
Seeing appear in the whiteness of her white coat I was pleasantly stunned, and when he asked me to lengthen the cards, in offering my fingers are intertwined, stumbling among themselves for the 'emotion.

Then he asked me if I had something magnetic on him, and I have a little 'refreshed, I have refrained from responding with difficulty, with the air of Humphrey Bogart: "Yeah, baby, the irresistible look with which I am a crazy women, but I can not help it, that's not me no one can take away!"
No time to giggle to myself to stop the hunt shows me the door of a cage in white perforated metal and glass, with a silky voice whispered: "Well, now take off your jeans and lay across the bed." And there
ho avuto un tuffo al cuore. Ho rivissuto quelle situazioni da commedia sexy all’italiana degli anni ‘70: mi aspettavo solo che sbucasse da una porta un medico con la faccia di Renzo Montagnani accompagnato da   Alvaro Vitali   che scoreggiava, vestito da infermiere.
Poi però, tanto per riportarmi alla realtà, la Dea Magnetica mi ha infilato sulla gamba un semicilindro che mi   ricordava tanto la montagnola con la galleria sotto cui passava il trenino elettrico con cui giocavo da bambino, mentre io - osservando con sgomento i calzini che avevo tenuto infilati ai piedi - maturavo piano piano l'imbarazzante consapevolezza di quanto I was ridiculous in his underwear lying on a bed of metal (as in some way already lived recently ).

And it began the examination. He looked like a video game, but we perceive only the sound.
For twenty minutes I distinctly felt, and repeated in rapid succession, the crackle of machine gun bursts, serious sounds of Tibetan bells, hypnotic rhythms of drums and wailing sirens shamans reporting of vessels immersed in fog but next to the landing.

But what in that moment I realized, and which later proved to be prophetic of what was happening elsewhere in those same moments, and that the scope of employment and my many others, was that the modulation of siren sound from the ship that I felt was exactly what I meant: "Full astern!"

- 1. continues -


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