Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dent Flute Affect Sound

all inside!

We were hoping for a sweet and gracious in October, but unfortunately we have quickly fallen autumn pesto.
not think I'm the only one who, waking in the morning last weekend and they stepped out of the finestra, abbia avuto l’impressione di trovarsi in Cornovaglia.
Dovendo comunque fare di necessità virtù, una parte del team ha ripreso – obtorto collo – l’attività indoor .
E per quest’anno ci sono alcune novità importanti. Innanzitutto non giochiamo più nello stesso posto dell’anno scorso.
I motivi sono misteriosi: forse nella vecchia sede le docce e gli spogliatoi erano troppo puliti e confortevoli, forse non c’era abbastanza caos nel traffico per arrivarci, forse il fondo sabbioso non era abbastanza duro e ricco di pregiate ghiaie, magari mancavano gli stimoli olfattivi generati dalle possenti esalazioni biologiche emanate non so se da un bagno o da una sepoltura etrusca non ancora profanata, in grado di scuoterti nei momenti di torpore atletico…
Secondo me chi ha deciso di cambiare la sede teatro delle nostre imprese agonistiche ci ha voluto proporre un percorso di   spartana sofferenza, per rimarcare che il beach tennis non è solo divertimento, ma anche sacrificio e dedizione.
Abbiamo lasciato una struttura "decente ma smorta" per una struttura "vivace ma con palesi criticità" (non volevo dire "indecente"…) 
Speriamo comunque che le cose possano migliorare nel futuro. Perché nell’ambiente si sentono voci, e corrono indiscrezioni...
I beninformati whisper that maybe next year will open a new and splendid location for the beach tennis: the Beach and Go .
And in 2012 another. It will be called Stop Planet inauguration will be held in December (think 21), coinciding with the end of one of the many cycles of the Mayan calendar.
Provided that there is a reversal of Earth's magnetic poles, the invasion of alien or the impact of the asteroid Apophis early with our planet.

However, the winter activities has begun.
document here, with some photos of the beginnings of the closed small group of seasoned followers, all (except for some debauched) wrapped in shirt proudly 's order .

the day of onset, all in uniform like schoolboys

the next week: we already noticed the first symptoms of svaccamento ...

The first left is the prototype player of the stubborn and generous (you will notice that the only sweat in the group);
the second is that the indomitable acrobat throws up all the balls (as revealed by the knees caked with sand);
the third is me, so I abstain from any comment;
the fifth is the "supreme pallettaro" we all know;
the sixth - one in gray - is the stand of Nosferatu;
the seventh is a well-known exponent of the Magliana gang, known as "er Slipper".
A record deserves the busty blonde seemingly innocuous-looking, you see the center of the photo.
costipatissima occurred in the field, because of a powerful cold, and every two hours of play has done nothing but that:
1) repeatedly blowing your nose;
2) impastrocchiare voluptuously snot the ball, turning it into a bomb bacteriological worthy of the best weapons of mass destruction;
3) throw it in the air for the service - PAAAFFF! - with a racket disperse the virus for the field.
Obviously any answer to his service did nothing but - PAAAFFF! - further spread the virus into the air, and so, PAAAFFF! in PAAAFFF!, the ball has done its dirty work by spreading a virus throttle in the rarefied atmosphere of the shed.
Luckily the first virus - the most aggressive - were quickly caught and killed by the raptors claws evanescent miasma of pestilential I do not know if emanating from a bathroom or a graveyard of zombies, located near the Field 1.
The virus survived, after a moment of dismay, they looked around, we have identified and we have aimed to accomplish their mission ammorbante, but fortunately we were playing so badly that, after a quick glance, they are gone horrified to infect clients of a nearby supermarket.

players, survivors of the attack bacteriological
celebrate the narrow escape

PS - Audience today this post because tomorrow will be released on a new book by Umberto Eco, "The cemetery of Prague," and did not want to get in competition ... Oh, but here's what it looks like a fetid exhalation that haunts us in the closed beach tennis courts, perhaps just one that was felt in the cemetery in Prague during the exhumation of remains of the Golem! Or maybe what comes out of my bag, the zipper opening up a week after having forgotten in the dirty socks ...

PPS - Once again the current took us by surprise and it bypasses: rumors say that the name of the new structure for beach tennis, the one that should open next year, not will be more Beach and Go : will be called instead - think of a po'- Bunga Bunga!


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