Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Husaband Quotes New Baby

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E difatti, nelle alte sfere dell'ente in cui ho il privilegio di lavorare, si stava consumando l'ultimo atto della tanto temuta riorganizzazione. 
Complici la crisi, la congiuntura e quanto disposto da q.p.p.d.m. di Brunetta (Acronym for that phrase aggettivante leave decipher the intelligence of the reader), after years of empowerment of individuals and training aimed at enhancing professionalism, define skills, enhance efficiency, effectiveness, assertiveness, proactivity, ability to work in teams, roles and responsibilities Patapim patapam and, in addition to slamming exhausting to achieve goals useless if not even harmful, the new ruling class, without a historical memory, ignorant and / or indifferent to the peculiar specificity of existing human and professional but obviously with powerful technologies able to read and interpret the reality under analysis,

has taken steps to redesign the organizational structure of offices and services based on a simple but always effective hierarchical structure, which can be synthesized and summarized in the following schedule:

With some variations designed for structures with features of particular importance or criticality:

Hence, the 'you should walk around in these days in offices, do not be surprised if it felt strange dialogues.

Always at the service of citizens and the community, we provide a brief but comprehensive guide we hope to translate and interpret.

Guanda Buana is, Zambo Vare.
(When you decide what to do, let me know that I organize.)

Zambo damburi londani goes down. Now back in tukuls Zambo.
(The phone rings, better get back to my office.)

Buana, not in endrare voresda malededda! Voresda Biena sbiridi of evil. If endrare Buana, Buana morire.
(Fossi in te, aspetterei dieci minuti prima di entrare in bagno…)

Grande balloddoliere di Buana essere roddo. Ora Zambo brendere damburo e ghiamare sdregone.
(Ti si è impallato il computer. Mando subito una mail al CED.)

Buana, sole essere aldo in gielo: ora Zambo meddere esbloradore in bendola.
(E’ già l’una: vado a mangiare qualcosa.)

Buana sbaggare nogi di goggo gon vorza di zebù.
(Il capo è un cornuto rompicoglioni.)

Buana, Zambia have Baura: Zambo now goes down biu drums voresda
... (I just fear that the Internet connection has been dropped ...)

Buana, Brega sbiridi not wake up in the jungle if sbiridi angry , sbiridi invilare their bamboo in your bongo.
(I avoid doing these things, then you likely to put him there.)


But even in beach tennis (which always turns out as mirror actually larger) can be found something like this ...

- 2. continues -


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