Sunday, October 10, 2010

Allergic Reaction To A Pedicure

the fox and the hare

10:10:10 As I mentioned about a year ago, this is a date to remember, the play will continue for a couple of years, then fat.
To celebrate, we went today to inaugurate the field plug winter beach tennis - kindly prepared by the bathing Entrepreneur the past 150 years, we thank you very much for the courtesy and attention.

The day was great, warm and sunny: the atmosphere was relaxed and we played with a certain serenity, without exaggerated agony and the desire to excel that has always marked all members of our team.

However, there are two pieces of news to give.
The first is that for this year's Golden the shovel will not be awarded. Because doing good ruling, no one has spoken, and even today the field has no acute conditions such that you can assign to great acclaim, so everything is back to 2011, when it is expected, however, a desperate fight.
The second is that my old partner in beach tennis has been "outing", declaring - at the end of exchange during a tight game - to "be as fast as a fox."
To which my lady, a woman of healthy and strong principles, he replied that according to popular tradition than one might believe to be "as fast as a hare," as characteristics of the fox was to be smart rather than fast. ..

my lady in action behind the swift fox

But after a compelling argument, neither has changed my mind.
So the outcome was surprising and sad that my partner is convinced that he was actually - beachtennisticamente - "veloce come una volpe e furbo come una lepre".
E in quel preciso istante io ho cominciato a capire tante, ma tante cose...


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