Friday, October 8, 2010

Availibility Of Ontario Custom Licence Plates

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Nelle coppie di beachtennisti, generalmente chi ricopre il ruolo di Buana è quello dice al compagno ciò che deve o non deve fare.
Esempi tipici: stai avanti, sta indietro, copri al centro, copri il lungolinea, stai più a destra, stai più a sinistra, out, buona, chiudi, non forzare, salta, non saltare, inspira, espira, mia, tua.

Zambo è quello che ascolta con apparente attenzione tutto quello che Buana dice, ma poi (non si sa or whether out of spite for his real inability to understand or execute) does what the hell they want.
Typical examples: you're on, and he's back cover in the center, and it will cover the chestnuts with the racquet, cover lungolinea, and he asks "With what, with the sand?", Out, and he depleted to reach the ball, good, and he responds "If you like, eat it too!", breathe, and he exhales, breathes, and he sneezes, mine, and he takes you, you and he says "Excuse me, how did you say?!?"

Bozambo is but would not, could but will not, hesitate on the action taken, afraid to hesitate, however, is always in the wrong place.

We can outline the various possibilities of intersection of the roles found on the tennis beach tennis.

Buana - ZAMBIA
couple dangerous because usually Buana disregards orders and Zambia, and Zambia Scazzi Buana curses, in a downward spiral that usually does not lead to anything good.

typical torque-Buana Zambo. In this case, Buana
had drawn a circle on the sand around Zambo him: "You do not move from here "(true!)

E 'in general because a couple more balanced between the two takes the mutual competition, whose unexpected outcome is that Bozambo not grow and regress Buana . Nell'involversi situations tend to play the roles reversed: if one speaks conjugating the verbs in the infinitive, the other exchange consonants. And vice versa.

E ' a pair ambiguous, capable of phenomenal performance as the sidereal crap. More often the latter.

couple that it is often without backbone: indications ineffective, inappropriate executions, inability to correct errors, persistent recurrence of the same, the general lack of motivation. Often drown their frustrations in spritz.

E 'a pair to be avoided for the sake of beach tennis in general and of all humanity.

Buana - Buan
couple that can not last: after stunning each other with mutual information exactly the opposite of each other, the two were killed in bats during the first few games.


E ora mettetevi alla prova.
Per scaldarvi cercate di identificare chi ricopre i ruoli di Buana, Bozambo e Zambo nelle seguenti celebri coppie:
(per esempio: Robinson = Buana, Venerdì = Zambo)
Stanlio e Ollio, Gianni e Pinotto, Mandrake e Lothar, Clouseau e Kato, Wilcoyote e Bip Bip, i fratelli De Rege, Fred e Barney, Batman e Robin, Pippo e Topolino, Graziani e Pulici, Berlusconi e Bossi, Franchi e Ingrassia.

Sempre più difficile!
Identificate i ruoli tra i soggetti raffigurati nelle seguenti immagini fotografiche.
We give you some tips for example:

Buana who disguises himself as Zambo

Zambo disguised Buana ;

undoubtedly two Zambo!

Now it's up to you! Have fun.

this is pretty easy ...

even this is not particularly difficult ...

but here things start to get complicated ...

and from here on are really hard!

... and end up with a photo a bit ' fuori tema, ma nella quale l'attribuzione dei ruoli tra chi sia Buana e chi Zambo mi pare assolutamente indiscutibile. 

Non me ne vogliano gli amici beachtennisti che non si ritrovano raffigurati nelle foto qui pubblicate: a furor di popolo tutti loro (me compreso) sono stati trionfalmente identificati come Zambo!  


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