Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dent Flute Affect Sound

all inside!

We were hoping for a sweet and gracious in October, but unfortunately we have quickly fallen autumn pesto.
not think I'm the only one who, waking in the morning last weekend and they stepped out of the finestra, abbia avuto l’impressione di trovarsi in Cornovaglia.
Dovendo comunque fare di necessità virtù, una parte del team ha ripreso – obtorto collo – l’attività indoor .
E per quest’anno ci sono alcune novità importanti. Innanzitutto non giochiamo più nello stesso posto dell’anno scorso.
I motivi sono misteriosi: forse nella vecchia sede le docce e gli spogliatoi erano troppo puliti e confortevoli, forse non c’era abbastanza caos nel traffico per arrivarci, forse il fondo sabbioso non era abbastanza duro e ricco di pregiate ghiaie, magari mancavano gli stimoli olfattivi generati dalle possenti esalazioni biologiche emanate non so se da un bagno o da una sepoltura etrusca non ancora profanata, in grado di scuoterti nei momenti di torpore atletico…
Secondo me chi ha deciso di cambiare la sede teatro delle nostre imprese agonistiche ci ha voluto proporre un percorso di   spartana sofferenza, per rimarcare che il beach tennis non è solo divertimento, ma anche sacrificio e dedizione.
Abbiamo lasciato una struttura "decente ma smorta" per una struttura "vivace ma con palesi criticità" (non volevo dire "indecente"…) 
Speriamo comunque che le cose possano migliorare nel futuro. Perché nell’ambiente si sentono voci, e corrono indiscrezioni...
I beninformati whisper that maybe next year will open a new and splendid location for the beach tennis: the Beach and Go .
And in 2012 another. It will be called Stop Planet inauguration will be held in December (think 21), coinciding with the end of one of the many cycles of the Mayan calendar.
Provided that there is a reversal of Earth's magnetic poles, the invasion of alien or the impact of the asteroid Apophis early with our planet.

However, the winter activities has begun.
document here, with some photos of the beginnings of the closed small group of seasoned followers, all (except for some debauched) wrapped in shirt proudly 's order .

the day of onset, all in uniform like schoolboys

the next week: we already noticed the first symptoms of svaccamento ...

The first left is the prototype player of the stubborn and generous (you will notice that the only sweat in the group);
the second is that the indomitable acrobat throws up all the balls (as revealed by the knees caked with sand);
the third is me, so I abstain from any comment;
the fifth is the "supreme pallettaro" we all know;
the sixth - one in gray - is the stand of Nosferatu;
the seventh is a well-known exponent of the Magliana gang, known as "er Slipper".
A record deserves the busty blonde seemingly innocuous-looking, you see the center of the photo.
costipatissima occurred in the field, because of a powerful cold, and every two hours of play has done nothing but that:
1) repeatedly blowing your nose;
2) impastrocchiare voluptuously snot the ball, turning it into a bomb bacteriological worthy of the best weapons of mass destruction;
3) throw it in the air for the service - PAAAFFF! - with a racket disperse the virus for the field.
Obviously any answer to his service did nothing but - PAAAFFF! - further spread the virus into the air, and so, PAAAFFF! in PAAAFFF!, the ball has done its dirty work by spreading a virus throttle in the rarefied atmosphere of the shed.
Luckily the first virus - the most aggressive - were quickly caught and killed by the raptors claws evanescent miasma of pestilential I do not know if emanating from a bathroom or a graveyard of zombies, located near the Field 1.
The virus survived, after a moment of dismay, they looked around, we have identified and we have aimed to accomplish their mission ammorbante, but fortunately we were playing so badly that, after a quick glance, they are gone horrified to infect clients of a nearby supermarket.

players, survivors of the attack bacteriological
celebrate the narrow escape

PS - Audience today this post because tomorrow will be released on a new book by Umberto Eco, "The cemetery of Prague," and did not want to get in competition ... Oh, but here's what it looks like a fetid exhalation that haunts us in the closed beach tennis courts, perhaps just one that was felt in the cemetery in Prague during the exhumation of remains of the Golem! Or maybe what comes out of my bag, the zipper opening up a week after having forgotten in the dirty socks ...

PPS - Once again the current took us by surprise and it bypasses: rumors say that the name of the new structure for beach tennis, the one that should open next year, not will be more Beach and Go : will be called instead - think of a po'- Bunga Bunga!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Make A Good Floating Aluminum Foil Boat

Easy Money ....

We always knew it, the voices and the admission there were now confirmed and there is written on paper (or pixel to pixel as used now) . If you are a president of the Chamber, a director or a shooting guard and it happens that someone will die in your polygon do not worry, you do not even need the liability insurance to pay so much because we think indirectly pants. to want to pull the rope we can say that the pay is or the victims themselves, with the taxes from the cones and then end up in the coffers UITS those polygons
affiliated to it .... That's regardless of the outcome of criminal proceedings, che comunque nel caso di omicidio colposo raramente causa problemi agli imputati che dopo 3 gradi di giudizio e decine di anni vedono quasi sempre mitigate se non prescritte le già lievi condanne (se ci saranno!) nemmeno nel portafoglio va ad incidere un incidente avvenuto sotto la propria responsabilità , basta che il consiglio direttivo , che nel caso specifico coincide quasi del tutto con gli imputati faccia approvare in una assemblea compiacente che tutte le spese legali le pagherà la sezione ed il gioco è fatto....
Cari presidenti e consiglieri fate una cosa ...mettetelo negli statuti ....cosi nemmeno l'assemblea avrete da convocare al prossimo incidente....

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Allergic Reaction To A Pedicure

the fox and the hare

10:10:10 As I mentioned about a year ago, this is a date to remember, the play will continue for a couple of years, then fat.
To celebrate, we went today to inaugurate the field plug winter beach tennis - kindly prepared by the bathing Entrepreneur the past 150 years, we thank you very much for the courtesy and attention.

The day was great, warm and sunny: the atmosphere was relaxed and we played with a certain serenity, without exaggerated agony and the desire to excel that has always marked all members of our team.

However, there are two pieces of news to give.
The first is that for this year's Golden the shovel will not be awarded. Because doing good ruling, no one has spoken, and even today the field has no acute conditions such that you can assign to great acclaim, so everything is back to 2011, when it is expected, however, a desperate fight.
The second is that my old partner in beach tennis has been "outing", declaring - at the end of exchange during a tight game - to "be as fast as a fox."
To which my lady, a woman of healthy and strong principles, he replied that according to popular tradition than one might believe to be "as fast as a hare," as characteristics of the fox was to be smart rather than fast. ..

my lady in action behind the swift fox

But after a compelling argument, neither has changed my mind.
So the outcome was surprising and sad that my partner is convinced that he was actually - beachtennisticamente - "veloce come una volpe e furbo come una lepre".
E in quel preciso istante io ho cominciato a capire tante, ma tante cose...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Availibility Of Ontario Custom Licence Plates

back all! - Last part

Nelle coppie di beachtennisti, generalmente chi ricopre il ruolo di Buana è quello dice al compagno ciò che deve o non deve fare.
Esempi tipici: stai avanti, sta indietro, copri al centro, copri il lungolinea, stai più a destra, stai più a sinistra, out, buona, chiudi, non forzare, salta, non saltare, inspira, espira, mia, tua.

Zambo è quello che ascolta con apparente attenzione tutto quello che Buana dice, ma poi (non si sa or whether out of spite for his real inability to understand or execute) does what the hell they want.
Typical examples: you're on, and he's back cover in the center, and it will cover the chestnuts with the racquet, cover lungolinea, and he asks "With what, with the sand?", Out, and he depleted to reach the ball, good, and he responds "If you like, eat it too!", breathe, and he exhales, breathes, and he sneezes, mine, and he takes you, you and he says "Excuse me, how did you say?!?"

Bozambo is but would not, could but will not, hesitate on the action taken, afraid to hesitate, however, is always in the wrong place.

We can outline the various possibilities of intersection of the roles found on the tennis beach tennis.

Buana - ZAMBIA
couple dangerous because usually Buana disregards orders and Zambia, and Zambia Scazzi Buana curses, in a downward spiral that usually does not lead to anything good.

typical torque-Buana Zambo. In this case, Buana
had drawn a circle on the sand around Zambo him: "You do not move from here "(true!)

E 'in general because a couple more balanced between the two takes the mutual competition, whose unexpected outcome is that Bozambo not grow and regress Buana . Nell'involversi situations tend to play the roles reversed: if one speaks conjugating the verbs in the infinitive, the other exchange consonants. And vice versa.

E ' a pair ambiguous, capable of phenomenal performance as the sidereal crap. More often the latter.

couple that it is often without backbone: indications ineffective, inappropriate executions, inability to correct errors, persistent recurrence of the same, the general lack of motivation. Often drown their frustrations in spritz.

E 'a pair to be avoided for the sake of beach tennis in general and of all humanity.

Buana - Buan
couple that can not last: after stunning each other with mutual information exactly the opposite of each other, the two were killed in bats during the first few games.


E ora mettetevi alla prova.
Per scaldarvi cercate di identificare chi ricopre i ruoli di Buana, Bozambo e Zambo nelle seguenti celebri coppie:
(per esempio: Robinson = Buana, Venerdì = Zambo)
Stanlio e Ollio, Gianni e Pinotto, Mandrake e Lothar, Clouseau e Kato, Wilcoyote e Bip Bip, i fratelli De Rege, Fred e Barney, Batman e Robin, Pippo e Topolino, Graziani e Pulici, Berlusconi e Bossi, Franchi e Ingrassia.

Sempre più difficile!
Identificate i ruoli tra i soggetti raffigurati nelle seguenti immagini fotografiche.
We give you some tips for example:

Buana who disguises himself as Zambo

Zambo disguised Buana ;

undoubtedly two Zambo!

Now it's up to you! Have fun.

this is pretty easy ...

even this is not particularly difficult ...

but here things start to get complicated ...

and from here on are really hard!

... and end up with a photo a bit ' fuori tema, ma nella quale l'attribuzione dei ruoli tra chi sia Buana e chi Zambo mi pare assolutamente indiscutibile. 

Non me ne vogliano gli amici beachtennisti che non si ritrovano raffigurati nelle foto qui pubblicate: a furor di popolo tutti loro (me compreso) sono stati trionfalmente identificati come Zambo!  

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Husaband Quotes New Baby

back all! - Part

E difatti, nelle alte sfere dell'ente in cui ho il privilegio di lavorare, si stava consumando l'ultimo atto della tanto temuta riorganizzazione. 
Complici la crisi, la congiuntura e quanto disposto da q.p.p.d.m. di Brunetta (Acronym for that phrase aggettivante leave decipher the intelligence of the reader), after years of empowerment of individuals and training aimed at enhancing professionalism, define skills, enhance efficiency, effectiveness, assertiveness, proactivity, ability to work in teams, roles and responsibilities Patapim patapam and, in addition to slamming exhausting to achieve goals useless if not even harmful, the new ruling class, without a historical memory, ignorant and / or indifferent to the peculiar specificity of existing human and professional but obviously with powerful technologies able to read and interpret the reality under analysis,

has taken steps to redesign the organizational structure of offices and services based on a simple but always effective hierarchical structure, which can be synthesized and summarized in the following schedule:

With some variations designed for structures with features of particular importance or criticality:

Hence, the 'you should walk around in these days in offices, do not be surprised if it felt strange dialogues.

Always at the service of citizens and the community, we provide a brief but comprehensive guide we hope to translate and interpret.

Guanda Buana is, Zambo Vare.
(When you decide what to do, let me know that I organize.)

Zambo damburi londani goes down. Now back in tukuls Zambo.
(The phone rings, better get back to my office.)

Buana, not in endrare voresda malededda! Voresda Biena sbiridi of evil. If endrare Buana, Buana morire.
(Fossi in te, aspetterei dieci minuti prima di entrare in bagno…)

Grande balloddoliere di Buana essere roddo. Ora Zambo brendere damburo e ghiamare sdregone.
(Ti si è impallato il computer. Mando subito una mail al CED.)

Buana, sole essere aldo in gielo: ora Zambo meddere esbloradore in bendola.
(E’ già l’una: vado a mangiare qualcosa.)

Buana sbaggare nogi di goggo gon vorza di zebù.
(Il capo è un cornuto rompicoglioni.)

Buana, Zambia have Baura: Zambo now goes down biu drums voresda
... (I just fear that the Internet connection has been dropped ...)

Buana, Brega sbiridi not wake up in the jungle if sbiridi angry , sbiridi invilare their bamboo in your bongo.
(I avoid doing these things, then you likely to put him there.)


But even in beach tennis (which always turns out as mirror actually larger) can be found something like this ...

- 2. continues -

Monday, October 4, 2010

Skin Cancer That Looks Like A Pimple

back all! - Part sad

few days ago I had an MRI on his right knee.
hopping on the sand and paddle in his hand chasing a ball was just not a healthy pursuit, the suspect for some time but I could cause damage, no. Even if peering with the outcome of the deadly deductive skills of the surveyor, it seemed that in the end there was nothing particularly serious. Except, perhaps, but on a purely incidental, the pain you feel when you fold it up and articulate the disturbing cracking sound I hear when the draw. However
that the response was a positive experience. Indeed, I would say that for 36 € for all the advice. First
by the technician who gave me the exam. A girl: the Goddess of Radiology.

One of those that when you go into surgery and they look at you, you no longer need a doctor, to heal instantly. Better than going on a pilgrimage to Lourdes.
Seeing appear in the whiteness of her white coat I was pleasantly stunned, and when he asked me to lengthen the cards, in offering my fingers are intertwined, stumbling among themselves for the 'emotion.

Then he asked me if I had something magnetic on him, and I have a little 'refreshed, I have refrained from responding with difficulty, with the air of Humphrey Bogart: "Yeah, baby, the irresistible look with which I am a crazy women, but I can not help it, that's not me no one can take away!"
No time to giggle to myself to stop the hunt shows me the door of a cage in white perforated metal and glass, with a silky voice whispered: "Well, now take off your jeans and lay across the bed." And there
ho avuto un tuffo al cuore. Ho rivissuto quelle situazioni da commedia sexy all’italiana degli anni ‘70: mi aspettavo solo che sbucasse da una porta un medico con la faccia di Renzo Montagnani accompagnato da   Alvaro Vitali   che scoreggiava, vestito da infermiere.
Poi però, tanto per riportarmi alla realtà, la Dea Magnetica mi ha infilato sulla gamba un semicilindro che mi   ricordava tanto la montagnola con la galleria sotto cui passava il trenino elettrico con cui giocavo da bambino, mentre io - osservando con sgomento i calzini che avevo tenuto infilati ai piedi - maturavo piano piano l'imbarazzante consapevolezza di quanto I was ridiculous in his underwear lying on a bed of metal (as in some way already lived recently ).

And it began the examination. He looked like a video game, but we perceive only the sound.
For twenty minutes I distinctly felt, and repeated in rapid succession, the crackle of machine gun bursts, serious sounds of Tibetan bells, hypnotic rhythms of drums and wailing sirens shamans reporting of vessels immersed in fog but next to the landing.

But what in that moment I realized, and which later proved to be prophetic of what was happening elsewhere in those same moments, and that the scope of employment and my many others, was that the modulation of siren sound from the ship that I felt was exactly what I meant: "Full astern!"

- 1. continues -

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Decorative Scroll Works

Time - Frosinone - Abducted shooting

Il Tempo - Frosinone - Sequestrato il poligono di tiro