Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Where's A Good Place To Get A Brazilian In Ottawa

E bravo Babbo Natale!!

This year Santa Claus brought me a beautiful gift in advance, compared to the norm!
few weeks ago I was contacted by Katie, who asked me to buy some of my creations for sale in his shop ... Well this morning in the stationery Katia, in Latin, will be on sale a few little things made by me ...
addition to the happiness of the economic side of the issue, there is also a great satisfaction to have been selected among the many creative populate the web .. In short, they know satisfaction!!

Here are the things che Katia ha scelto per il suo negozio...

Coccinella designed by Country Momo

Parure Flowers celeste

Parure Moon rosa

Parure Flowers giallo-oro

Bracciale cuore viola
Bracciale luna rosa
Bracciale fiore giallo
Bracciale farfalla celeste
Parure Funny cuore viola
Parure Funny fiori celesti
Parure Funny farfalle rosa
Parure Funny lune argento

Vi informo anche che da qualche giorno blog with my creations has moved ... profile as well .. find me here ...


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