Saturday, November 27, 2010

Military Sand Rail For Sale

Finalmente Harry!!!!

Finally I find a little time to chat with you ... let me think a little '... what we never talk?
Well, after a brief and careful consideration I'd say it's time to talk about Harry!

Monday night I finally went to the cinema to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I .... Cinema ad hoc chosen from among those in the capital, little one, poco frequentato.. della serie è meglio ridurre a zero le probabilità di incontrare stormi di bimbetti urlanti che si lanciano popcorn durante il film... :)

Sono rimasta piuttosto soddisfatta!! Dopo la deludentissima strasposizione de L'ordine della fenice... e il deludente finale ristretto del Principe Mezzosangue... questo qui mi è andato a genio... 

Premettendo che io non ho voluto rileggere il libro prima di vedere il film, perchè penso che sia moooolto controproducente, vi lascio alcune osservazioni sparse...

La trama rispecchia quite true to the original, apart from the omission of small details that make the film slightly less rich, but do not remove a thread of interest to the plot ...

E 'was somewhat ignored the story of Dumbledore ... I hope to talk about it in the next movie, because it would really be omitted completely unforgivable mistake, at least for myself!

The atmosphere evoked by the book was very well reproduced by the music and landscapes that have replaced the school of Hogwarts in this first part ...

I liked very much the scatch semicomici slamming here and there ... relieves the tension and fun at the same time ...
Superlative faces of Ron, I'm dying!

I liked a bit 'less the fact that it was not explained why the sword of Gryffindor was no longer at Hogwarts ...
First you would give a sense Bellatrix's words, that while torture Hermione, cianfola something about his sword ... His? The sword of Gryffindor ... if I had not read the book I would have asked this question!
And then was an excuse to raise awareness of the situation in the school, as the boys are trying to oppose the Death Eaters and Snape ...
of what happens there, in this film, we know practically nothing! A little 'I missed Hogwarts!

At times I cried ... during the burial of Doby think I've just started to sob ...

I also liked the way they have decided to conclude the first part ... leaving the audience, at least those who have not read the book, with the right amount of suspense ...

And finally, I address myself personally to the protagonist: Dear Harry Potter ... you'll be the greatest wizard in history .. but as a dancer you really sucks! ; D

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I
Director: David Yates
USA, Great Britain 2010
* * Photos from the Web


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