Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Where's A Good Place To Get A Brazilian In Ottawa

E bravo Babbo Natale!!

This year Santa Claus brought me a beautiful gift in advance, compared to the norm!
few weeks ago I was contacted by Katie, who asked me to buy some of my creations for sale in his shop ... Well this morning in the stationery Katia, in Latin, will be on sale a few little things made by me ...
addition to the happiness of the economic side of the issue, there is also a great satisfaction to have been selected among the many creative populate the web .. In short, they know satisfaction!!

Here are the things che Katia ha scelto per il suo negozio...

Coccinella designed by Country Momo

Parure Flowers celeste

Parure Moon rosa

Parure Flowers giallo-oro

Bracciale cuore viola
Bracciale luna rosa
Bracciale fiore giallo
Bracciale farfalla celeste
Parure Funny cuore viola
Parure Funny fiori celesti
Parure Funny farfalle rosa
Parure Funny lune argento

Vi informo anche che da qualche giorno blog with my creations has moved ... profile as well .. find me here ...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Milena Velba Office Pic

the ONLUS - 1

passed Halloween, All Saints past, past Ognimmorti, November is still one of the most agonizing months of the year. The air is so full of moisture in the room where there is a computer with which I write some mushrooms have sprung up. To be precise, a Boletus Edulis the mouse pad, and a Amanita phalloides the seat of my chair. The latter I was worried from the first moment that the noun the adjective, which is why - you'll understand - I was away for a while '.
And even now, when I sit down, I tend to do it with some understandable caution.

published since the last post, I had an explanation: the ONLUS.

As you know, the team is struggling for a long time in financial difficulties that have prevented its expansion and revival in style, with the acquisition of important players and the cut segments of unproductive or harmful.
Team On the other hand, it is rooted in the human community of Bagno Spina, è consapevole del suo dovere morale di gestire l’impatto del beach tennis a livello sociale, contemperando le esigenze dei giocatori scarsi (la gran parte degli affiliati) con quelle dei giocatori incapaci (un'agguerrita minoranza). 
In sostanza le esigenze dei Bozambo con quelle degli Zambo .
Troppo spesso in spiaggia si assisteva a scene patetiche dove i giocatori scarsi, adducendo le scuse più inverosimili, si negavano a quelli incapaci, che si avvicinavano speranzosi ai campi - con lo sguardo del bastardone abbandonato-, per avere la possibilità di fare anche solo pochi palleggi...

No, decisamente non si poteva keep going! In
beachtennisti most sensitive are taken particular dynamics of human solidarity, under which the conviction has grown that even individuals (beachtennisticamente speaking) less fortunate, could not be ignored or abandoned. Also in beach tennis, nobody can be left alone.
Thus was born the idea of \u200b\u200bfounding the NGO , which has been called - significantly - "You can play those less fortunate than you."

The egg of Columbus: on the one hand, it could solve economic problems team, allowing them to access - such as NPO - a succulent IRPEF shares of 5 per thousand, the other is mitigated discontent in the relationship between beachtennisti different (albeit tiny) stature.
We talked with the President who called the Treasurer, has requested clarification on what the term meant ONLUS. At the word "organization", the President began to smile, smile that has become guffaw when we pronounced the words "non-profit." Then when we closed the acronym with the words "social utility", the President howled decomposed alternately rolling to the ground and slamming his palms on the ground.
But then, but when he heard Treasurer that jingled like a cash register, while his eyes rolled in their sockets instead of eyes alternately displaying the symbols of the dollar and the euro area, became suddenly attentive, and from his mouth came out the following solemn words:
"Ok, do!"
Then the two hugged each other, giving themselves big pat on the shoulder and pointing crazy dance.
And while they went whispering to each other, we have seen snippets of phrases such as "boost mental and physical wellbeing of the affiliates," "turning the bathroom", "spa", "private", "massage", "reuse the stakes support network, "" lap dance "," Ukrainian "," Lido delle Nazioni "," bunga "and other things that we did not understand and which we failed to connect the hidden meanings. course those two have given us the impression of thinking really big!
Then I encountered some difficulties. The first of an economic nature, since it seems that with the recent law to establish the Government has severely reduced funds shares by 5 one thousand for the NPO.

Minister economy, during the usual control urology:
once again the prostate is fine! Or maybe it popped also a fungus in his chair, and sat lost in thought?

The second, purely practical, is the fact that - unfortunately - the essential component of a NPO are volunteers.
detail which proved not so insignificant ...

- 1. continues -

ps - Mario Monicelli decided to leave. Ok, more and more alone ...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Military Sand Rail For Sale

Finalmente Harry!!!!

Finally I find a little time to chat with you ... let me think a little '... what we never talk?
Well, after a brief and careful consideration I'd say it's time to talk about Harry!

Monday night I finally went to the cinema to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I .... Cinema ad hoc chosen from among those in the capital, little one, poco frequentato.. della serie è meglio ridurre a zero le probabilità di incontrare stormi di bimbetti urlanti che si lanciano popcorn durante il film... :)

Sono rimasta piuttosto soddisfatta!! Dopo la deludentissima strasposizione de L'ordine della fenice... e il deludente finale ristretto del Principe Mezzosangue... questo qui mi è andato a genio... 

Premettendo che io non ho voluto rileggere il libro prima di vedere il film, perchè penso che sia moooolto controproducente, vi lascio alcune osservazioni sparse...

La trama rispecchia quite true to the original, apart from the omission of small details that make the film slightly less rich, but do not remove a thread of interest to the plot ...

E 'was somewhat ignored the story of Dumbledore ... I hope to talk about it in the next movie, because it would really be omitted completely unforgivable mistake, at least for myself!

The atmosphere evoked by the book was very well reproduced by the music and landscapes that have replaced the school of Hogwarts in this first part ...

I liked very much the scatch semicomici slamming here and there ... relieves the tension and fun at the same time ...
Superlative faces of Ron, I'm dying!

I liked a bit 'less the fact that it was not explained why the sword of Gryffindor was no longer at Hogwarts ...
First you would give a sense Bellatrix's words, that while torture Hermione, cianfola something about his sword ... His? The sword of Gryffindor ... if I had not read the book I would have asked this question!
And then was an excuse to raise awareness of the situation in the school, as the boys are trying to oppose the Death Eaters and Snape ...
of what happens there, in this film, we know practically nothing! A little 'I missed Hogwarts!

At times I cried ... during the burial of Doby think I've just started to sob ...

I also liked the way they have decided to conclude the first part ... leaving the audience, at least those who have not read the book, with the right amount of suspense ...

And finally, I address myself personally to the protagonist: Dear Harry Potter ... you'll be the greatest wizard in history .. but as a dancer you really sucks! ; D

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I
Director: David Yates
USA, Great Britain 2010
* * Photos from the Web

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dunk Tank = Underwear

Una Birba di Pulcetta!!

This morning I was studying in the room, when at one point I heard a strange fart up from downstairs ... Mamy I call to ask if he knows something .. but she is cold and the smell did not even remotely heard ... And then, she says, are grandmothers out in the garden to enjoy the few rays of sun this morning, and there are only you and Pulcetta ...
Oh well ... back in the room but the smell explodes ... At one point I feel that ULRA mamy ... "Pulcettaaaa ... but what are you doing?"
go down the stairs covering my nose with the sleeve of her sweater ...
the room is empty, in the kitchen there are Mamy coughing from the smoke and Pulcetta who looks quizzically (the series, but you have to scream and cough, you might Sapé ??)...
"Mamy, which I'm smoking, Pulcetta, but have you done?"
"cooked the chumps Tattersall" (= pasta .. chumps in my zone for the kids is this simple equation!)
"but as you cooked the chumps? Mother stench ..."
I turn on the table lie the remains of those who were once colored wax ...
practically in two to three minutes for the Mamy took to bring some sweets she had done in the room and place them in a cupboard, Pulcetta has seen fit to prepare lunch ... took the colors (or pasta) put them in a drawer of a cardboard box in which bearer always plays ... covered with another tray, right in the microwave because it must cover all ... e poi ha spinto una sedia vicino al forno, l'ha aperto, c'ha messo dentro il tutto, ha chiuso.. ed ha caricato due minuti... 
Chiaramente i colori si sono fusi... in casa si è sparso un fumo e un tanfo ai limiti della sopportazione... e lui era li, sulla sedia ad aspettare che suonasse il forno al termine della cottura...    
 Ora, dico io...come dobbiamo fare noi con questa birba di Pulcetta???
Ne combina una al minuto, e ha solo quasi 20 mesi... non oso pensare tra poco cosa potrà succedere... Mon Dieu!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

How To Clean Sap Off Of Beads

(p) halloween

La notte di Halloween è appena passata. 
Il fatto che sia una festa di origine celtica già non mi dispone tanto benevolmente nei suoi confronti, però che ci sia della gente che per tutta la notte se ne va in giro travestita da mostro è una cosa che mi ha sempre fatto sorridere.
Poi mi fanno una grande tenerezza i bambini che suonano al campanello e urlano minacciosi al citofono: "Dolcetto o scherzetto?"

Mi piace pensare che possano essere quegli stessi piccoli mostri - che si manifestano finalmente nella loro reale forma demoniaca - che persecuted us for all the bloody weekend of the summer with their damned beach tennis tournament under 12/14/16, so I look out the window and welcomes the launch down (with some vehemence, I must say ) nougat, candy and various sweets. Of course, due for at least two years. So, to match the cupcake with the joke ... I like to imagine that the little children on their return home after impigozzati of crap, spend the rest of the night lying on the bathroom floor hugging the toilet, invoking the druids to take action to alleviate with their magic potions and fearful cataclysms intestinal bloating that they are smashed.

But this year, besides the traditional costumes like witches, ghosts, vampires and werewolves, the aficionados of this holiday have adopted a new and frightening disguise, alluding to a recent and unusual monstrous figure emerged from the horrific stories Summer collected from the sun on the coast of Spina.
It 's a very special living dead, and turned off by the vacant look of someone who has seen unspeakable atrocities, a be deprived of his willingness to walk half naked in his boxer ordinance, rackets in hand, arms and head hanging down dragging semisprofondati feet as if they were in the sand ...
E ' the zombies of beach tennis: the undead back from a game ONLUS !

in the foreground, a volunteer NGO
"Do play those less fortunate than you." You will notice that, now helpless, is slowly turning into zombies ...