Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cartridges For Campinggaz S200

August, my blog will not I Know ...

After so long, not only hard to remember how to turn on the computer, but my fingers stumble on the keyboard so so awkward that I can rattle off the monitor only gibberish rich k, xew thrown there in bulk. But now, to leave over, it continued: order and discipline, in addition to a surplus of work for the spelling checker.


the evening of the first day of vacation, after moving the contents of half the house of Ferrara in the plug, I and my lady decided to go to make us eat the mosquitoes in a pizzeria Outdoor and met them a merry bunch, which is also part of one of the deserters disappeared bath Crab that, seeing me, asked me: "So, when it che aggiorniamo il blog?” Tergiverso, spiegando che sono in ferie, che il portatile è stato requisito da mia moglie e che le vacanze mi forniranno di sicuro gli stimoli e le idee necessarie per pubblicare nuove cose.

Il giorno dopo, mattinata appena decente e pomeriggio di pioggia. Per cui: pulizie generali.

Avevo appena finito di spiegare ad un gruppo di ragni, impugnando l’aspirapolvere turbociclonico acceso a manetta, il concetto filosofico del “trovarsi nel posto sbagliato al momento sbagliato”, che un’automobile si ferma davanti al cancello di casa. Era una delle “tre migliori giocatrici degli ultimi 150 anni” . Dopo i saluti Rite, I threw out: "I had a look at the blog ... are fighting the weak, eh!"
Indeed beat a bit 'the weak, and the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuing to fight for a little' time . In the end I was on vacation, and still almost expected that, compared to my publications on the blog, at least for once the demand exceeds supply.

But now, after we rest & we are ready to tell the glittering event this August, women, knights, arms and loves, single combat, blood and sand, beer and sausages, and tragic accidents miraculous healings, the "D-day, all - maybe a bit ' bulk - in the next post.

published since these two images, I have been requested by some of the group "Damn," I hope for their use, if not noble, at least for non exasperatingly disgraceful.
The first is an image that was printed on T-shirts, which is a bit 'the epitome of a way of thinking about the beach tennis.

But we must make a preliminary technique. In the language of comics, the "kinetic line" is the part that refers to a movement designed to create a sense of dynamism in a static image. You will notice that the only line in the existing kinetic design is, slight, under the ball tossed from player to the left. For the rest everything is still, still. This is because our beach tennis privileges appearance than competitive, compared to the power of grace and beauty than the speed you play not to win but to participate. Even so, for how we play, is not that there is a great hope of winning.

The second image, which is a draft created after the first design was covertly accused of sexism (the lack of players, but we know that we are fundamentally beachtennisti of ... misogynists) not only reaffirms our attention to the aesthetic of the game, but transmutes it into pure contemplation.
On the other hand:
- that the team is composed primarily of individuals contemplative is evident, just look at how we look, real estate, the bizarre parables of lobs that bypass or padded damped trajectories that we can not reach;
- che il team sia composto prevalentemente da esteti è cosa universalmente nota,   un segno distintivo che non ha bisogno di essere continuamente ricordato…

due esteti del   Team.
Quando Magellano, esplorando   la Terra del Fuoco, vide per 
la prima volta i pinguini patagonici, li descrisse esattamente così


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