Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Scuba Regulator Comparisons

a quiet weekend of fear

Arrive early to the bathroom and I notice with dismay that the weekend has been planned, in cahoots with Turquoise and for the umpteenth time, all beach tennis tournament imaginable.
First Tournament "under" (under 12, under 14 and under 16), and for two days in a row.
Now I do not understand why you should play in the same place for two consecutive days a tournament the same, perhaps to validate the saying that if err is human, to persevere is diabolical. Or maybe someone will report to the operator of the bath that his namesake, long ago, he said "Let the little children come to me" (Matthew 19:14), and he has done some get carried away by the spirit of emulation ...
And then followed the men's doubles, women's doubles, mixed doubles, two gay men (of both sexes and is the only tournament where you can not complain if the opponent repeatedly Sutomore lines and tape net, because to ask him the epithet canon would be quite superfluous), double extraterrestrials (only for residents of Milky Way, with the exception of the protean entity from planetary system of Alpha Centauri, which had real difficulties in challenging the bat), mixed doubles in historical costume (against Vikings assiro-babilonesi, visigoti contro giacobini, centurioni romani contro lanzichenecchi ecc. ecc.) e doppio ventriloqui (in questo singolare doppio il giocatore impugna la racchetta con una mano, mentre con l'altra manovra il pupazzo che, muovendo la mascella, chiama il punteggio del game : “Quaranta a quindici!).

Ian Solo e Chewbecca, appena sbarcati dal Millenium Falcon, chiedono di potersi iscrivere al torneo

Rockefeller and the raven Provolino participating in the double ventriloquist

definitely did not miss anything done.

Result: Can not play.
that in the meantime had occurred behind me another team member, who was also stunned by the finding that he was to start yet another tournament, I realize the soft motion of utter disappointment that I feel from his lips: "AC DU Marun"

But unfortunately it is too late, and this time we can not make us nothing, however, quickly convene a briefing operating to devise counter-measures to the prevent the carrying out of the next scheduled tournaments.

We decided to start implementing a technique of warfare called the "signs scattered": Modify the traffic signs are directed would-be competitors to other destinations.
Nottetempo phony signs are installed on the nodes critical roads, which if well positioned direct the flow in the middle half of the salt marshes of Comacchio and the other half in the veins of the wetland Bellocchio.
Both areas have been previously repopulated with the alligator swamp.
For those who are unable to reach the bath plug, which are thought to be only children or teenagers, just watch for signs and moving generally in cycling, the further phase of the plan provides for the false listing of distribution of free ice cream, offered to all children under 16 years Bath Jamaica.
And taking advantage of the confusion created by the exodus to the Jamaica, a first commando team capture the tournament organizers, immobilize them and gagged with duct tape wrapping them in a closed car and throw the key to security in sea. Simultaneously, the second commando axle bites the gazebo inflatable cuts them into pieces and distributes shreds the street outside the EU who will use them, along with billboards, such as support bases for their wares.
Then, for added peace of mind, will rub salt on the portion of beach where there were those unclean catafalque, a bit 'as the Romans did to Carthage.
In the end, and general clean up all the fields to play as if nothing had happened.

Ah, I forgot, the plumes.

Those will be used as banderillas - or worse, because we will not make extra holes on the skin - on anyone who dared to present themselves to protest.

Then the day has evolved unique .. . But to tell you I will have to obtain a release from my wife, or flab!


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