Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fake Ontario Drivers License

From earthquakes, tsunamis and nuclear risk ..

After almost two years I just hear the word "earthquake" moment by moment to relive those damn 37 seconds that destroyed L'Aquila and crippled its population ... after almost two years I can still see the walls of my house swing, the closet to get a few inches from my face and then come back to beat violently against the wall, the stairs move under my feet as I try to exit the building, furniture crashing to the ground and fly their content from anywhere, such as in a vortex ... after almost two years are still far from forgetting that terrible night and maybe that's why I can not watch the news these days ... I do not want to see the city destroyed, the bill victims of rising constantly hour after hour, the bloody images that are shown on loop all day, all in the news, at all hours ...
am torn between the desire to know, to know what really happened and the terror of plunging back into the vortex of apathy and fear from which I am painfully beginning to come out ... and which, looking at those images can be disastrous, even a little ashamed '.

On the other hand there is the curiosity, to a country that has managed to dominate nature much more than they have done all the others, to a country that can to come out virtually unscathed from shock greater than 7 degrees, when Aquila was destroyed by a shock of just 6.4 ...
to a population that has managed to surprise with a composure and lucidity tragedy of unimaginable proportions ...
Have you tried to think that if it were not for the tsunami, from which, unfortunately, I believe that no country will ever be able to protect themselves, Japan would have been damaged due to minimum a shock of 9 degrees?
I would say that we should learn from these people, but it is pure utopia ... we should imparare innanzitutto ad utilizzare il cervello in modo diverso, a non puntare sempre ad essere più furbi degli altri, a non fregare alla prima opportunità... a noi mancano le basi, l'ABC, è questo il problema... ai nostri costruttori, alla maggior parte almeno, non interessa di portarsi all'avanguardia sui sistemi antisismici.. perchè se si può utilizzare cemento scadente e la metà del ferro necessario, per risparmiare e guadagnare di più, noi lo facciamo e chissenefrega se un giorno un terremoto butta tutto giù..
Questa è la triste realtà. 

Al Terremoto e allo tsunami, poi, si è aggiunto anche il rischio contamination of nuclear ... topic to which I am particularly sensitive ... maybe because I'm part of the generation of Chernobyl, and particularly that segment of the population at a distance of miles and time on your skin has experienced the consequences of the disaster that struck the city in 1986 ... Ukraine
Exactly I was 18 when I started to feel the first symptoms .. I was sick, visibly lost weight, slept little, I passed by moments of acute moments of nervousness semidepressione ... it did not take my order to realize something was wrong and after nearly a year of research, analysis and tests of all kinds, remember how it was today pronounced the final verdict by the time my doctor ... "We can now say for sure, you have the Alzheimer's Stocavolo ( sorry ... I can boast of having a disease unpronounceable name! ) ... is a disease with which you must learn to live, there is a cure, is a chronic disease, but we will try to keep it under control and will get there and your generation, the generation of Chernobyl, has seen an exponential increase of cases of autoimmune diseases like this, you have been hit, your spite, one of the most striking contamination that humanity can remember. "
And so here I am today, at age 27, with the metabolism always made his despite that I take 8 tablets daily, weekly analysis and monthly checks, to reflect on the greatest tragedy that has struck the world in the last few years to think about those people who lost everything and those most likely to have lost much of its health, one of the most precious things we have ...
A reflect the fact that, despite the illness and the earthquake lived on my skin, and I still can not claim to be successful, a privileged, in some way. Because the earthquake can kill, and I was lucky enough to tell ... because rediazioni maim heavily, and I, even addicted to drugs, I am doing life than normal.
must always be ahead in extreme situations to see how effectively we are lucky? I think not, you just learn to appreciate the little things that we face every day, and hope in the future and destiny, or something bigger, for someone like me, believe that love exists.

And so between reflection and the other turn off the TV, turn on the stereo and let myself be carried away by the music ...
Good Sunday!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cover Letter For Culinary Arts

Fotini from the Fair ...

Here I am ... I show you the photino subject to the Fair in Rome ... was a great experience, and a nice day! It 'nice to see the market that slowly comes up in the morning ... tables surrounded by so many hard-working ants that very slowly turn them into a riot of colors and objects created by so much passion and creativity!
The thing I like most of the markets is the contact with people, with those who stop to look and make you the compliments, then embarrass me to death, with the other creative things around you, with those who pass and throw them a look, with those who make odd requests and those that are three thousand questions ...
I was very very happy to have received some requests from people I met on the Internet, which have come on purpose to see me and meet me in person! Thank you very much!

I decorate for my banchettino, this time I chose the lilac, flowers, butterflies ... and two fairies to watch over my creations!
How about the result?

Unfortunately the camera was empty and had not taken the backup batteries, so I was able to photograph only my banquet, and even completely!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Software Exception C 0000005

Nuggets of wisdom ...

"... diamonds that is born from nothing,
the flowers come from manure ..."

(F. De Andrè)

Good start to the week!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Does Costochondritis Cause Shortness Of Breath

Third edition of the Craft Fair in ROME TO WOMEN!

Tomorrow I will find the third edition of the Women's Fair of Rome, in Val di Sangro, quartiere Monte Sacro - Valli!!!

Con me le mie creazioni e tante tante novità!!!
Vi Aspetto!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why Is A 12 On Alabama Helmet

Latitanza cosmic

Saaalve a tutti!!
Vi ricordate ancora di me??
Purtroppo sono entrata in un periodo di latitanza cosmica, vorrei scrivervi tante cose, recensirvi i libri che leggo e i film che ho visto al cinema, parlarvi della bellissima serata passata con family e amici per festeggiare il mio comply, della tesi che avanza, delle mie nuove creazioni, della Fiera dell'artigianato al femminile alla quale parteciperò domenica prossima, delle torte che mi commissioned, the pulcetta that grows and becomes every day more pleasant, the weird people I meet, the deeds and misdeeds of my life ... but unfortunately I can not find the time ... I am writing this semipost with the laptop on the legs, connected to the flight to update the look while Sister ending to prepare for going to the pool ...
Friday I have a major revision to the thesis, and on Sunday a craft fair in Rome ... next week I hope to be a bit more this ... and then I'll have things to tell you!

you soon my friends ... :)