Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Can Herpes Virus Stay Dormant For 15 Years

Dear Anonymous ...

premessa : oggi ho ricevuto questa lettera anonymous, better gloss on the opinion that the dear anonymous against police stations and law enforcement in general and that says a lot about a person who does not even have the courage to sign .....

no I do not do peace. I would not give me a little peace and put an end to this sad story here. I do not finish because every day since July 24 that I see my mother more and more alone and my son who grows up without a great grandfather who was my father. Why I pray every night before falling asleep to dream my father to feel his presence and still sleep peacefully. Do not stop because every day someone reminds me that person was and why I know he would have done much more than what I'm doing if I were in his place. It
my blog is biased because it is much easier to report and highlight the things that do not work than those who work in an industry where there are many things that do not fit.
And I thank you for giving me this opportunity to point out one thing once and for all qual'ora was not yet clear, mine is not a crusade against shooting them against the lovers of this sport. Mine is anger and disappointment at what has happened and should not happen simply because all the facilities where the incidents were successful and free from decaying plants of any authorization. And just a little high price - anonymously with this story that usability does not count. There is only one law and that is in force, if it is wrong or not is not up to me to decide. Enough for me that indeed would be enough, which is applied to prevent accidents simply because the polygons were closed to the public unsafe. The rest is idle chatter.
are people like you that hurt the tsn, knowledgeable and confident than those who think only to hide the dirt under the carpet rather than fix things well. What they call abuse and persecution controls of authorities.
finish answering the last part of your anonymous letter telling you that have not even an idea of \u200b\u200bwhy I do what I do and your claim sull'alzare mail qualifies you worse of having this anonymous letter written and mailed.
For the part about my father that there is already a preliminary hearing judge ruled that three people should be judged for what happened ... maybe you are just one target?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Eye Of Judgment Camera Mount Stand

the value of life ... Polygons

UITS For years, the federation is aware of the problem of feasibility. In these two years I've heard so many and of all colors and
even if a secular environment idea me la sono fatta .
Se di per se l'agibilità di un poligono non è sinonimo di sicurezza assoluta un impianto inagibile ma aperto denota sicuramente un fatto:
esso è gestito da IRRESPONSABILI , da persone NEGLIGENTI e stò maturando anche l'idea che non lo facciano nemmeno tanto incosapevolmente.
Insomma un tornaconto ci sarà se questi presidenti accettano il rischio di passare dei guai con gravi ripercussioni .
E' il 1995 quando viene emessa questa circolare UITS
che spiega ai presidenti delle sezioni che i poligoni inagibili non devono essere aperti al pubblico
Al punto 1 si dice che è noto che è il genio militare che rilascia le agibilità...NON L'ASL come volevano far passare qui a Pistoia , NON il sindaco come ci provano da altre parti.
Ma se l'UITS lo sa...perchè
fa finta di niente?....lo spiegheranno prima o poi...

e se negli anni non è mai stato fatto niente per ovviare the problem it took three people dead and some injured because someone (who is said to bring home different
wages of a worker in Bolzano for example) decides to do something .... bravo .. Edo Carlesi, Richard and Fernando Tarlati Toffolo and their families
.... thanks for the belated intervention for the valuable involvement Congratulations ... an efficiency that belies the South Tyrolean
What are the actions that the federation is putting in place? Training for the Chairmen of the sections ... and what is a course
to people who do not care about the directives of the military genius? That carefully avoid to report on the feasibility, ignoring
safety recommendations? In my opinion, are of little use if you do not change the mentality of these people. If they do not explain that life
worth more than a refund and a free box of bullets.
Well these people who understand that the first to lose (after the dead and the families of the victims) have them. They are the ones that go to court and
che devono spiegare cosa NON hanno fatto per evitare gli incidenti. Perché se si può spiegare perché si è passato ad un semaforo con il rosso acceso
ben difficilmente si può spiegare perché non si è semplicemente chiuso una porta di una linea di tiro perché inagibile. Non regge nessuna scusa
perché in fondo in fondo non lo dice il dottore di assumersi certe responsabilità.
E dopo i corsi di formazione? E dopo tanta attività propedeutica ecco la ciliegina sulla torta , ecco la dimostrazione that for these people
goers of the polygons of the TSN are just numbers and broken boxes when you are bad because the plant is old
decrepit and badly mantained here The insurance policy created specifically for the sections:

series we can not make viable plants and we can not manage to get them competent and responsible, then we do a better insurance rc for the plants and their leaders
... so at worst someone else pays .. .

ps: I would like to be clear that I do not want to do with all the apples and oranges, in the years I've known people responsible e coscenziose
che amano questo sport ma che hanno ben chiaro che la sicurezza delle persone che frequentano i loro impianti ha la precedenza su tutto il resto.
Vorrei che i primi ad esigere il rispetto di tutte le normative fossero i frequentatori degli impianti perchè sono loro per primi a rimetterci nel caso in cui succeda qualcosa...