Friday, October 2, 2009

How Much To Fill Up A Jeep Cherokee

E vai , ancora incidenti...poi uno deve far finta di niente

PONTECORVO - It hurts to hand with the gun while pulling the polygon
Friday, October 2, 2009

PONTECORVO - It 's been wounded with a gunshot to his hand while training in the shooting range via Sant'Edra to Pontecorvo.E' happened an agent employed by the Traffic Police of subsection A1 of Cassino. The incident occurred yesterday morning at around ten. The 40-year old policeman was putting the shooting when, following a trivial slip, fell in on itself, while still holding the weapon in the hands of an order, and accidentally started a wounding blow to his left hand. The Director of the polygon immediately alerted the rescue. The ambulance,
arrived and proceeded to carry the wounded to hospital, "Pasquale Del Prete" of Pontecorvo. The doctors found a slight wound. In fact the policeman was immediately treated and discharged. In the afternoon, the entire area has been subject to seizure by men delll'Arma of the Society, led by Captain Pierfrancesco Di Carlo.


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What, him right. Certainly not to the wounded police officer but to all others involved. Serves him right if it's true what they say and read around. Shooting free dell'agibilità (exemption issued by the mayor? Thank goodness it was not a nuclear power plant ...) Licensing of the Range group? (Source concentric ) And who knows what else. Even in 3rd world these things happen. Who is right? It becomes president of the Chamber, which will now have to explain a lot of things and does not go around saying he did not know. Is well within the Range, which allow you to shoot in plant unsafe to take our responsibility for what may happen. Is good for shooters, who will have to go and shoot somewhere else with higher costs for non-existent services ... so probably they will shoot another free dell'agibilità tsn.
Why are you all right? Why just is not acceptable after all the deaths and accidents operate a facility aware of the lack of Agiba. In many I say, as if to excuse, which is not the practicability of which is safety. True ... but in the meantime if the polygon unsafe are closed, as they should be, no one would end up in court to explain, perhaps falsely, that everything was on track to be honest ... and then imagine if you can trust an institution and its Presidents are unable to straighten the paper and bureaucracy and consciously accept the possibility that someone will leave the pens ... Tiro a segno Nazionale di Pontecorvo were happy that there are other notices of investigation against some of the president and shoot .... tsn PONTECORVO ... a TSN MODEL: