Friday, October 16, 2009

Congratulating A New Baby

and nodes come home to roost .... Always

Yesterday the preliminary hearing of the trial for the burning of grass that case, after the death of Edo Carlesi arms of the polygon.
Here is the news story today.

What can I say? At the time of the accident the president of the section stated: " Manfredo Candia, president of the Prato" National Dart board "for eight years, says:" We had a regular authorization for all departments of the polygon. The firing points were all approved and monitored at intervals by the Army Corps of Engineers, commissioned by the Ministry of Defense. " one of two things or did not even know what he was saying or he knew it and then it is not an accident announced!

Excellent defense of the President's statements .... accident never happened before (perhaps you forgot to Lastra a Signa shortly before or do in Milan? Maybe you read my blog before declaring incorrect things), then how can you say that the plant was safe because there had never been an accident? But speeches do? E since there is nothing to appeal in view of the dramatic situation faced by these plants do better than to blame one person who has nothing to do (not charged) and that could only be another victim .. . the security guard, forced by law to be there, which, according to defense lawyer Finokki would spread the fire trying to turn it off ......


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