Saturday, August 29, 2009

Anyone Having Gastric Sleeve Soon


When a loved and important to you is taken away without any explanation is difficult to blame and resign themselves to fate, as if nothing had happened. He is stunned by the events and you are catapulted into a world that most only read the newspapers. Then the bureaucracy, the Italian justice system which is certainly not of the best lawyers and experts, a whirlwind of choices and decisions which may not always be prepared. There You can not believe it's just the case to you so bad.
In the months following the accident I suspect, from what I have been unable to find the answers that I wanted to be alone. It 'difficult for an outsider (I realize that it is for whoever calls himself an expert) to properly assess the amount of information that you receive, you think you can analyze the facts rationally, but it is not easy. Then

court documents, the fears and questions on stamped paper just to know a date so that made everything seem to rise up barriers between people until the day before erano o dei perfetti sconosciuti o degli amici da sempre. Tutti contro tutti ognuno alla ricerca della propria verità basta che sia quella che si vuol sentire e che ci fa comodo.
Mio padre odiava queste cose. Per lui una stretta di mano era un contratto , un amicizia un vincolo di sangue e non voglio deluderlo.
Inizialmente il blog era nato per raccogliere le notizie inerenti all'incidente , per informare gli interessati su quali sono i rischi nel frequentare impianti non in regola e pericolosi ma forse col tempo e con il crescere della rabbia per l'assenza di risposte , il sentirsi abbandonati da tutti , le "voci " e l'assenza di dialogo l'hanno trasformato I did not mean a thing.
few months there will be a preliminary hearing of the accident. I would like to peacefully that day so as I said in the first few days after the accident. I wish it was an opportunity to find the answers that I miss and wish I could look serenely who, if you will, will take responsibility for what happened.


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