Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Miami Gay Cruising Areas

Trial postponed

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Furniture Narrow Room

Polygons and safety

And my dear anonymous see that we must always be careful what you say ... What you said of the police headquarters ? Oh yeah abusers, by incompetent officials who think those who think about training to our security? Oh well, my dear Anonymous shooting friend ... maybe you're right but you know when you know who you have to do is maybe better, "abuse" of controls that let it go because it seems to me that in addition to good training these sections of shooting sign are completely inadequate, both in facilities and managed at least approximate well as providing weapons to those who so "good" are not your .... Or when you wrote the anonymous letter did not know that is not the first time this has happened what happened a few days ago to TSN Candela ?

Mah ... I think the police, which, fortunately, we have developed a hopefully definitive piece would do well to "abuse" because most of these sections are sieves from all points of view .. .

I sincerely hope that all, repeat all, take steps to ensure that each facility will be verified in the actual securities that can offer these armories in the interests of those who leaves or their armi in deposito.

Recuperate 11 pistole e 22mila cartucce
rubate in un poligono e destinate ai clan

Erano destinate ai clan armi e munizioni recuperate dalla polizia: 11 pistole (di vari calibri e una ad aria compressa) e oltre 22.000 cartucce rubate in un poligono di tiro privato a Candela

They were intended, according to police, crime Bari arms and ammunition recovered in an operation by officers of the organized crime section of the flying squad of Bari: weapons and ammunition - 11 guns (of various sizes and to compressed air) and more than 22,000 cartridges - had largely been stolen three days ago, the site of a shooting at a private candlelight, in the Apennine dauno.

guns and cartridges were recovered by officers on a car stopped for checks as part of an operation intended: on board there were three people who were arrested. The car was stolen from Sannicandro (Bari) on 4 February. People Masellis arrested were James, 33 years, with little previous convictions for drugs, Masellis Pasquale, 31, and Francesco Calamorea, 21, all of Bitonto (Bari). They are accused of receiving and delivery and possession of weapons common gun (illegal because it deprived of a number) and ammunition.

The police operation was completed in the Holy Spirit, a coastal town north of Bari The three young men were monitored for some time as part of crime investigation. At the time of the attempted escape on foot but were quickly blocked. Investigators believe they were going to surrender or hide weapons and ammunition for Bari clan. It is uncertain whether siano stati loro gli autori del furto al poligono.

"Anche a seguito di fatti di sangue - ha spiegato il dirigente della squadra Mobile di Bari, Fausto Lamparelli parlando con i giornalisti - abbiamo intensificato le attività investigative su gruppi della criminalità organizzata di Bari e su chi li rifornisce. Avevamo posto l'attenzione sui tre giovani da qualche giorno. Erano in possesso di armi che dovevano piazzare ai clan cittadini. Quello compiuto è un sequestro molto importante perché toglie la disponibilità di un vero e proprio arsenale alla criminalità barese".